Just got laid off

Small division 8 subcontractor. Doors and Hardware, Glass and Glazing. I worked in glass and glazing with one of the owners. Basically was a combination of a CAD Tech/Project Admin/Estimator.

Oddly enough the owner advised me that I should look outside of glass and glazing because he doesn't think business is that good right now. I'm not sure how true that is though, he stopped quoting a lot of jobs.

That said there arn't a ton of places to go either. He set me up on an interview with a much larger competitor (If you could call it that as we only competed on the largest jobs for us which for that company were probably small jobs) and that didn't work out. He said he tried to get other companies to interview me but none bit.

Nearest other company in the industry is like an hour away via interstate. I may try and see if they have any openings, but I don't particularly want to drive an hour to work and back every day if I can avoid it.
How old are you? I would look into the trades. I went through my apprenticeship with dudes in their 50’s so it’s never too late. You’ll get free education and paid on the job training.
So I went ahead and canceled my live TV subscription and one of my streaming services that we watch the least and saved myself about $100 a month. Not a big deal as I was thinking about dropping them anyway. Live TV anymore I only use for live sports, so it felt like a heavy price to pay for just that.

I filed online for unemployment which sucked but what was worse was going through a massive rigamaroll just to confirm my ID for direct deposit. I could have put it off for later but felt motivated to do something.

Plan on working on LinkedIn tomorrow and searching for a few jobs.

It is going to be really weird not going to work tomorrow.
Sorry to hear, it's a really crappy feeling. Went through it about 18 months ago. Little different in that got paid for two months after then a severance check so had a little cushion. LinkedIn helped in seeing what was out there but what really helped me was networking more than anything. I let a previous manager know i was looking who in turn passed that on to others i used to work with but didn't keep in touch with. Thanks to that it led to a job offer a month or so later. So any contacts you have, put the word out you're looking.
So I went ahead and canceled my live TV subscription and one of my streaming services that we watch the least and saved myself about $100 a month. Not a big deal as I was thinking about dropping them anyway. Live TV anymore I only use for live sports, so it felt like a heavy price to pay for just that.

I filed online for unemployment which sucked but what was worse was going through a massive rigamaroll just to confirm my ID for direct deposit. I could have put it off for later but felt motivated to do something.

Plan on working on LinkedIn tomorrow and searching for a few jobs.

It is going to be really weird not going to work tomorrow.
Go for a walk or run to burn off anxiety over the situation. It won't take a ton of time, but getting your blood flowing moving towards something better as action you need. This will be an adventure and framing things to keep pessimism at bay needs to be habit for awhile.
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Would prefer a similar role to what I had before if I can get it.
First of all, sorry to hear Hoosier. You are one of the good dudes here so I genuinely feel for ya. I was in that same boat 2 years ago at this time and found myself a pretty nice gig after being laid off. Took me about 2 months.

One tip I will give is to try to take some time each day to go for a walk or get some exercise. I was so glued in to the job search that I almost drove myself crazy. Secondly, take a deep breath and know you will find something and it will all work out long term.

My wife works in HR and has worked in semi related industries to what you are looking at. If you are interested, she could take a look at your resume and give some feedback. If so, feel free to PM me.

Sounds like you realize this but that RV industry in Elkhart might be your best bet. Otherwise the construction industry or flooring might be good bets for estimators/ project managers. Your skill set is very transferrable to many things so that is the good news! Get your LinkedIn profile up to date
So I went ahead and canceled my live TV subscription and one of my streaming services that we watch the least and saved myself about $100 a month. Not a big deal as I was thinking about dropping them anyway. Live TV anymore I only use for live sports, so it felt like a heavy price to pay for just that.

I filed online for unemployment which sucked but what was worse was going through a massive rigamaroll just to confirm my ID for direct deposit. I could have put it off for later but felt motivated to do something.

Plan on working on LinkedIn tomorrow and searching for a few jobs.

It is going to be really weird not going to work tomorrow.
Sorry you're dealing with this, Hoosier. Your mileage may vary, but my advice is to take at least a bit of time to focus on yourself and reflect on what you really want in your life moving forward. Maybe that's a couple of days, couple of weeks, or more, depending on financial constraints obviously. Take at least a few days before plunging right back into job search/grind mode full speed ahead. Do something with the kids that work hasn't allowed you to do for a while. Read something good you've been wanting to or work in a project that you've been putting off. Stay active, as others have said. Pray/meditate. You obviously can't do this long term, but allocating at least a few days, or whatever for finances allows, to this will be beneficial. Your head will be clearer.

I've been in a similar situation, and taking some time to focus on other priorities in my life gave me some good perspective about what was most important to me and how I wanted to spend the limited time I have here. A lot of that was probably more subconscious while my brain was taking a break from the normal work stress, but it proved really helpful when I got back into the job search and work grind.

There is a great chance that this will turn out to be a blessing in disguise for you. We all can get complacent or anxious about making big changes, but I believe God sometimes gives us this type of a push off the edge to realize the greater things we are meant to do. You seem like a genuinely good dude; I am sure you'll come out better for this in the long run.
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Boss had mentioned he might send some free Lance work my way but didn't give any information on what he would pay me for it or anything. He has my number so I guess if he needs something he will let me know.

I am actually not in Iowa, I live just outside of South Bend, IN. I have very little connection to Iowa other than trips there as a kid to see my aunt and my mom raised me watching the Hawkeyes. That aunt has since passed.

I have been on the U of I campus twice. Once to see my cousin graduate in Carver Hawkeye arena and once to go to a game. I've been to 2 hawkeye games in my life. Once when Drew Tate was the QB and they traveled to IU to play. The other I think Vandenberg was the QB and they played Tennessee Tech. That game got delayed in the middle of the game due to weather.

Honestly that was probably the last time I was in Iowa.
My son and his family live in Kouts, south of Valpo. The job market there never has been as robust as it's been here in Nebraska. I love to visit the area. Hope you get it figured out soon, it's pretty unsettling to be in that position.
So my company was closing which I knew but my boss just told me he's laying me off and paying me for this week and the next. Said he couldn't afford to keep paying people while shutting down and gave me a letter of recommendation. Also got a letter about being laid off so I could apply for unemployment.

I was given the impression that I had months left when he told me he was closing up to retire. Didn't really give a good answer IMO as to why everything moved up so fast.

The previous interview he set me up didn't come through so I'm officially unemployed once I leave work for the day.
Sorry Hoosier. Prayers.
You must not be paying attention. I’m a goddamn genius and everything I say is the smartest thing ever said of all time ever. FOREVER.
Jerry Seinfeld Agree GIF
It was really weird this morning not going to work. Got up at 7:30 which is kind of sleeping in for me because I'm usually up at 6 for work. I didn't sleep that well. Showered and helped my wife with the kids a bit. Paid some bills, updated a Linkedin profile. . . I think I actually have 2 at this point, my previous one was unused and is locked. We are trying to verify it and open it up so as to not confuse people. I did that and I guess they will get back to me in a day or 2.

I saved about a dozen jobs to apply for once I get the linkedin thing situated.

I'm hoping that these employers are able/willing to teach me some of the stuff to go along with my base of skills.

I feel like I should be doing more but I'm unsure what to do.
Do you have relationships with clients you used to service at your last company? They might be interested in adding someone with your industry experience. I have seen that happen many times to positive ends.
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Do you have relationships with clients you used to service at your last company? They might be interested in adding someone with your industry experience. I have seen that happen many times to positive ends.

I mean the local clients would probably know my name from previous professional communications and would certainly have heard of my employer. One of the better prospects I saved was a GC looking for project manager. I'm not sure if I could do that as I didn't even fully manage the projects for a sub, but I suppose I could let them determine that.