Division? LOL.
Aside from that the part about schools is fake news. Please post a link to a reputable outlet that confirms this story.
The admin is targeting criminal aliens. These aren't hardworking taxpaying immigrants. They have, often repeatedly, violated the countries laws. If these people have kids, there may be instances where the kids need to be taken care of or accounted for when a parent gets swept up in this. Some illegals are being caught up in this if they are in the company of a target. Simple.
Look this isn't hard. I have immigrants in my family tree. Come here legally. As Usha Vance's parents did. As my great grandparents did. Undergo a background check. Wait your turn. Make your case if you'd like to come in in an expedited way.
The country needs to put more resources into legal immigration. Shorten wait times. Extend visas to those that are working hard and staying out of trouble.
For the life of me I cannot understand how any of you are for people simply crossing our border illegally, knowingly, flaunting our laws in turn and then are upset when they get repatriated to their home countries after being caught.