Just lost our best chance at Gold

It sounds like you are correct. Bad juju there for sure.

FWIW, I am a contractor and often we have to submit our bids by a very specific time of the day for them to be considered. One minute late is TOO FREAKING LATE in our world too and that spells "No bid". I have lost at least one job that way years ago...guess what...that never happened again, because we took responsibility for our mistake.

It sucks, big time, but it is on him. well, maybe on his coaches too.
Did you have to wait 4 years until you could bid on another project? I agree with your point but the olympic qualifer is a unique and rare tournament and difficult to compare to everyday life. I guess i would hope common sense would prevail when he makes weight one minute after the weigh ins closed. Strange he was allowed to weigh in if they were closed. I agree with someone who said let him wrestle and arbitrate after. If he wins and you can just qualify 2nd place if that is the final decision. Just an unfortunate situation
This weight has been rotating mediocrity in the US for over a decade.
Why do we think that is, just circumstance? Jamill Kelly’s surprise Olympic silver is like the only success I can remember us having at this weight. And I guess Bill Zadick’s world title out of nowhere too. But both of those felt like unrepeatable aberrations.
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Why do we think that is, just circumstance? Jamill Kelly’s surprise Olympic silver is like the only success I can remember us having at this weight. And I guess Bill Zadick’s world title out of nowhere too. But both of those felt like unrepeatable aberrations.
One reason is I think it’s the deepest weight internationally. There are 15 legit medal threats at this weight. You can’t say that about any other weight.
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One reason is I think it’s the deepest weight internationally. There are 15 legit medal threats at this weight. You can’t say that about any other weight.
True, but you'd expect competitiveness across weights to even out over time, and as you've mentioned we have been mediocre at the weight for what seems like 2 decades.
This weight has been rotating mediocrity in the US for over a decade.
I also think recently we've had guys dominate the spot domestically who aren't great style match ups internationally in Metcalf and Zain. Steiber had success, but down a weight and wasn't the same up at 65. Molinaro was pretty good in 2016 almost beating Chamizo for bronze. Best performance since Zadick, but other than that it's been a lot of 0-1/1-1 performances. Hoping JO gets by McKenna because I think he's the better bet, though the best would have been Yianni.
I don't know how many people weighed in today, but a lot. Only 1 apparently didn't manage to get it done in time, while already there. Actions have consequences, sometimes really big ones. This is one of those times.

I feel terrible for the guy, absolutely I do, but he's an adult. Grab a mirror if you're looking to place blame I would say, from the outside looking in.
A mirror and a watch.
Just saying the conspiracy thing is probably bs. KJ told him weigh ins were at 8. They ended at 8. He showed up a few minutes before 8 half a lb over, which wouldn't be a problem normally if he had the full hour. It took him 15 to lose it, but it was way too late.
Smooth move by KJ.
That’s the rules man, I didn’t make them.
Making weight on time is wrestling 101. It’s the equivalent of allowing a td that occurred after the buzzer.
I don't know which thing is more inexcusable. Cox's reason for not making weight on time, or your decision to use that horrible analogy.
Lol Snyder definitely isn’t going to be arguing for that.

this is embarrassing. This wouldn’t happen in any other country where they took wrestling seriously. Russia is a joke but you can bet your ass they’re going to get their best six guys on the team.
Honestly this this seems like a day late bsd April fools joke. Wtf
Huh?? You actually think that Russia, with its 2,000 gold medals in wrestling, is a joke?! (though confusingly you then say that they will "get their best guys on the team").

What's laughable is the USA Wrestling system of choosing an Olympic/World team. How about the national coaching staff chooses who they KNOW are the best at each weight, with the best chance of winning a medal? Hands down that's how it should happen, rather than risking that the top wrestler at a weight risk injury, upset or an off-day at a trial tournament.
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Lol Snyder definitely isn’t going to be arguing for that.

this is embarrassing. This wouldn’t happen in any other country where they took wrestling seriously. Russia is a joke but you can bet your ass they’re going to get their best six guys on the team.
Honestly this this seems like a day late bsd April fools joke. Wtf
Actually... if it were Russia, Snyder would have been awarded the spot, and J’Den and his coaches (and probably trainers too) would have ended up in a landfill for embarrassing the country by not knowing what time weigh-ins were.
Actually... if it were Russia, Snyder would have been awarded the spot, and J’Den and his coaches (and probably trainers too) would have ended up in a landfill for embarrassing the country by not knowing what time weigh-ins were.
And in America the coach that doesn’t know what time weigh ins are at has one of the top freestyle coaching jobs in the country.
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And in America the coach that doesn’t know what time weigh ins are at has one of the top freestyle coaching jobs in the country.
KJ showed some integrity at ISU with things like the Long situation but was clearly inept in most of the wrestling related duties and here you have it.
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Yes there is. They could very easily make the argument that he wouldn’t have made weight. If he would have stepped on the scale on time, he would have been over. However, he had extra time to lose weight that others were not afforded.
Have you guys ever wrestled before?
I hate rule followers.
Why are trials so early? Any reason they aren’t done next month?
Because USA Wrestling is beholden to NBC sports preference. I wish I was kidding.

With good governance, USA wrestling would have a final x to determine the winners and draw more attention to the sport. But they signed their soul away so every 4 years we get a crappy feed that doesn’t even show the best matches on TV.
Just saying the conspiracy thing is probably bs. KJ told him weigh ins were at 8. They ended at 8. He showed up a few minutes before 8 half a lb over, which wouldn't be a problem normally if he had the full hour. It took him 15 to lose it, but it was way too late.
It is astounding that for this to happen it took at least two people to not know the schedule. One said the wrong time, and the other never bothered to check the schedule himself just to be sure. And, he still showed up over weight. We do not select an Olympic Team. We have a level playing field with clear procedures and rules. The playing field is not fair or level if concessions are made for one who is treated "special." USA Wrestling did not screw up or cause Cox to be late (the moronic heart example for instance-that would be a USA Wrestling delay due to extenuating circumstances). Cox was a contender for a Gold but he screwed up. It is a shame. However, you can't give special treatment to an athlete to undo their stupid behavior, regardless of their resume'. The best person to win Gold in Tokyo at 97kg is the guy who wins the tournament bst of 3 finals. That is how we do it here in the USA.
If it was Metcalf that did this in 2012 or 2016, whiners would still be whiners. Yet, the actual results from 2012 and 2016 are clear.... Metcalf seems like a lock. He dominated his weight for World Teams leading up to the trials. Yet Frayer wins, and Molinaro wins. You can't take away someone else's opportunity because you deem another to be the better prospect, especially when the screw up is 100% on them or their camp. This isn't Iran or Russia. Even so, saying he is the best chance of gold is ridiculous to use as a means to bolster your argument. The guy and his coach did not know when weigh-ins were. who knows what disaster happens in Tokyo? The dope didn't know the scoring rules in 2016 either. Give it up Mizzou fans. You're defending the indefensible. One appeal/lawsuit by Team Cox, is ok, but not the 12 more that follow if they make special considerations for a star? Laws, rules, etc. they are only meaningful and complied with when it suits your emotional perspective on it?
Glad to realize who the Gestapo would be 80 years ago.
And F-you, for bringing in NAZI references on this. That's your m.o.? Hear something you disagree with and your response is to call someone a racist or NAZI? That is absolutely shameful. -- It also demonstrates an inability to articulate a valid response.
Simply stating the rules and procedures are there for a reason and are equal for all participants may upset you, but jeez..
USA Wrestling did not screw up or cause Cox to be late (the moronic heart example for instance-that would be a USA Wrestling delay due to extenuating circumstances).
Sounds like the argument is going to be that Kevin Jackson, a USA Wrestling coach, gave him incorrect information (i.e., interfered). Can easily make the argument that it is a USA Wrestling screw up.
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Huh?? You actually think that Russia, with its 2,000 gold medals in wrestling, is a joke?! (though confusingly you then say that they will "get their best guys on the team").

What's laughable is the USA Wrestling system of choosing an Olympic/World team. How about the national coaching staff chooses who they KNOW are the best at each weight, with the best chance of winning a medal? Hands down that's how it should happen, rather than risking that the top wrestler at a weight risk injury, upset or an off-day at a trial tournament.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week.
I wanted to see the Snyde/Cox matches as much as anyone else, he missed weigh in. He’s out, that’s how it works! Maintaining integrity within our own rules is Important, how the other teams pick their guys is not. They all have to make weight at the games!
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That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week.
I don't doubt it, but I don't read his drivel, but you apparently don't read your shit either, cause you're a definite canidate for dumbest shit of the day club, every day. You and Morley will be on the Dbag/Ignore list soon. This cat is done playing with his food.
Most of these things aren't nearly as black and white as you are saying, and even further they aren't remedied in a black and white manner.

You are suggesting that all statutes, contractual provisions, policies, etc. are analyzed with no consideration given to scope, circumstances, precedent and more. That isn't close to true in most everything. You can read endless court cases where contracts and statutes, and violations of both, are not treated as black and white violations. Some of that is precedent, but some of that also arises out of concepts like reasonableness, good faith, etc. And of course nothing is a precedent until it is at some point first applied as a precedent.

Further, you are also suggesting that a remedy provided is the sole remedy used in all situations and that it should be used in all situations.

I mean look, say I am a business owner and I have a contract with a customer. The contract provides that if the customer doesn't pay an invoice within 5 days of the date due, then I can terminate the contract. Are you suggesting that all businesses should terminate a customer contract every time a customer is 6 days late paying an invoice? Just because you have a sole remedy for a violation doesn't mean you should exercise it.

Team USA is trying to field a competition whereby they want to select the best team in a fair competition. Could they not decide that disqualifying someone who is at the arena and weighs in a couple minutes late, while technically the remedy for violating the rule, is draconian given the lack of advantage gained by Cox? Of course the could, and imo to a point they'd be reasonable to do so.

This. The people saying the world is black and white and "deal with it, bc life isn't fair" are hypocritically delusional.
Ok I'll play - one last time. Let's say you allow someone to pay late. Then that fact is made known to the other 100 plus businesses you have contracts with. They all say, why do I have to pay on time? I am going to be late too - I mean it's OK for that one business, why not mine? Now one after another starts to pay late. What do you do as the owner? Fight with each (ie. pay lawyers) and every one over a precedent you allowed to be set (ie. broken rule) or do what you are legally allowed to do and enforce the contract the one time? You may have to deal with that one business in court, but the other 99 will pay on time. We live in the United States - not Russia or Iran, where the government can get involved and say what is going to happen. You really want that? Because it won't stop at the development of a better wrestling team so our egos can be stoked.

This isn't how the real world works. Delusional.
I want the best too, it’s unfortunate that one of those guys didn’t make weight. It is an important part of the sport.

He made the weight, did he not? Just not on time. Absolutely no advantage gained by weighing in late. This is a trials tournament anyway where the entire ****ing point is to ensure the best American represents each weight at the olympics. If y'all wanna cry about unfairness, maybe cry that wrestlers can get byes to the best of three finals.
23 most not get many messages as he hits ignore on almost all. Well he says he does. I know he wont get this one because he hit ignore 2 years ago on me :)
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He made the weight, did he not? Just not on time. Absolutely no advantage gained by weighing in late. This is a trials tournament anyway where the entire ****ing point is to ensure the best American represents each weight at the olympics. If y'all wanna cry about unfairness, maybe cry that wrestlers can get byes to the best of three finals.
No he didn’t. He was over during the allotted weigh in time. He did not make weight this is a silly argument.
I am disappointed Cox wasn't prepared. I think Cox is better than the Snyder we have seen. But let's be honest, Snyder will be a better wrestler training with NLWC (feels dirty typing this) because they have some of the best upper weights to train with. Their room is better than tOSU, so maybe Kyle would have won. At this level, there is no excuse to not make weight, that is on J'Den and his team. How do you let a 4 year opportunity slip by on the most basic rule of wrestling. You never know what the next 4 years can do to your body/mindset/family, make the most of every chance and they blew it.
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Huh?? You actually think that Russia, with its 2,000 gold medals in wrestling, is a joke?! (though confusingly you then say that they will "get their best guys on the team").

What's laughable is the USA Wrestling system of choosing an Olympic/World team. How about the national coaching staff chooses who they KNOW are the best at each weight, with the best chance of winning a medal? Hands down that's how it should happen, rather than risking that the top wrestler at a weight risk injury, upset or an off-day at a trial tournament.
As a country? Yes Russia is pretty laughable. No I don’t think there wrestling is a joke. I just said they would make sure their best guys got to wrestle no matter if he was a minute late or a month late.
As a country? Yes Russia is pretty laughable. No I don’t think there wrestling is a joke. I just said they would make sure their best guys got to wrestle no matter if he was a minute late or a month late.
I kinda think a national governing body has a duty to create a system where truly the best of the best qualify so that we have the strongest team possible. I think you can do that while still running a fair system.

As I wrote above, one of the problems in the USA is that we structure our "trials" as a way to create media hype and generate money. That leads us to having a situation where a clear top guy can have an off day or an injury or be 10 minutes late weighing in and he's done. It's really a suboptimal way to pick a team.

A great example of this was Michael Johnson in the 2000 Olympics. In 1996 he won gold medals in the 200m and 400m sprints, obliterating the competition. In 2000, at the Olympic trials, he easily won the 400m and qualified, but suffered a hamstring injury while running the 200m final and pulled up lame, thus missing the team in the 200. At the Olympics he went on to win the 400m, while the winner of the 200m ran a time that was like three-quarters of a second slower than Johnson's winning time in 1996, an eternity in the 200m. Now, not saying Johnson would have run a 19.32 again, but we 100% left a guy off the team who at a minimum would have medaled and likely would have won gold, all because of the way we run the olympic trials in this country.

Is that fair? Is that optimal? I personally think it's pretty ridiculous, and would be far more in favor of some type of points system where you have to do well over multiple events rather than just win one of them.
I'm guessing KJ is just taking the sword for Cox's bad decision making, but lets pretend he isn't... why the hell does this dude still have anything to do with coaching? Being a great wrestler doesn't make you a great or good coach.

USA Freestyle head coach = one of, if not the worst era of USA wrestling
ISU head coach = I mean they are still digging out of that hole.
USA Developmental/J'den Cox's personal coach = can't figure out weigh in time when literally everyone else did

Or we can put the blame on the grown adult who wasn't going to his first wrestling tournament, and should have taken the extra 30 secs to look up the schedule of events. But I know putting the blame on everyone but the actual appropriate individuals isn't exactly what we do anymore. So carry on with rooting for Iran and Russia I guess.

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