Just the former President

The threats and incitement to violence will increase as the pressure is ramped up against him. We should expect this behavior from a cornered and confronted narcissist. It will escalate; Republican officials will remain silent or obfuscate. It is predictable.
The threats and incitement to violence will increase as the pressure is ramped up against him. We should expect this behavior from a cornered and confronted narcissist. It will escalate; Republican officials will remain silent or obfuscate. It is predictable.
The closer he is to hearing a cell door clink behind him as he walks in the more desperate he will get. He simply doesn't care who is hurt or killed, or what long term damage is done to our nation. The only thing Trump cares about is Trump. If he'd agree to go into relative seclusion like Nixon did, Biden should consider pardoning him. But, Trump would never go away. His ego can't accept a world in which he isn't the center of attention
Yes, D list actress and GOP nominee for President. Totally samesies.

We learned from the best on here. Both sides are equally bad


Did you condemn this?
Now that your question has been answered.
Yes. Most people did. She was interviewed by the Secret Service and completely canceled in all regards. Lost everything and had to move in with her mom and was under constant attacks and threats on social media. Trump should be canceled as well.
Do you condemn Trump and his post? Come on Ryan, you can do it.

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