Just the former President

That's the joke.
Mad Ben Stiller GIF

Yep, went totally over my head.

I understand and mean no offense, but he should probably stop reading stuff on the Internet then if he is that thin-skinned. Does he call out LGBTQ hate and other forms of bigotry on here? Because I can guarantee you other posters have LGBTQ family members. If he is as selective in his outrage as I assume he probably is, then I am not going to worry about it too much.

Again, I mean no offense to actual special needs people. Not only that, but I was clearly mimicking cons who refer to liberals as that. The other one was a movie quote.

He can get over it.
Have some respect for your fellow posters. I am not one of the right wing or left wing crazies that starts arguments with one another on here. I figured you were around here long enough to know this is an issue I have.

Yes, this is my one issue. Call it selective, IDGAF. It’s my issue. The R-Word in any form is not acceptable. Do you use it irl? Would you say it in front on me and my son? Would you repeat it in front of me after you were told it’s offensive?

Using it in any form is not ok. Your 2 justifications for using it doesn’t make it ok. It’s not funny or edgy.

Be better.
Have some respect for your fellow posters. I am not one of the right wing or left wing crazies that starts arguments with one another on here. I figured you were around here long enough to know this is an issue I have.

Yes, this is my one issue. Call it selective, IDGAF. It’s my issue. The R-Word in any form is not acceptable. Do you use it irl? Would you say it in front on me and my son? Would you repeat it in front of me after you were told it’s offensive?

Using it in any form is not ok. Your 2 justifications for using it doesn’t make it ok. It’s not funny or edgy.

Be better.
Honestly, I don’t use it IRL. It’s slipped out from time to time, but it’s not something I say very often. Never toward anyone with actual intellectual disabilities.

I understand where you’re coming from now. I will consider what you have shared with me from now on before I post something. FWIW, I do apologize for offending you.
Honestly, I don’t use it IRL. It’s slipped out from time to time, but it’s not something I say very often. Never toward anyone with actual intellectual disabilities.

I understand where you’re coming from now. I will consider what you have shared with me from now on before I post something. FWIW, I do apologize for offending you.
I appreciate the response and apologize for my curt replies previously. I honestly thought you have been around here long enough to know I tend to call people out on this issue.
Use your words. Don’t post angry. What are you 14?

The FBI is showing up at homes because the posters are online on FB and other social media cites promising or threatening death to certain groups of people. You think you get a pass for that conduct?

And as far as Google, which case are you talking about? Because this ought to be good.
Wait, the FBI is enforcing the law? I thought Trumpers backed the blue? Or is it just certain "blue" they back?
There were Gaza/hamas sympathizers dangling a bloody severed Joe head. Can't blaim Trump for that. Outside of the libs on this board, nobody likes Joe or will admit to it anyway.
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