Kaleb Johnson

Recall all the praise in Moulton's direction before game 1. Lester talked about him being able/willing to make certain plays work that they want to use. Was that an indirect way of say that KJ wasn't learning them? KJ was being sent a message last week. Hopefully he tightens up his game and approach.
Who is Adam Johnson? I wouldn’t bag on players when you don’t even know their name. It’s Adam Robinson from Lincoln that got hit late in a game vs MSU with Iowa up big, got concussed and was never the same after that.

Regarding KJ, he likes to play on and off the field. Needs to put his emphasis on the football field and not playing the field.
Dude is a college kid, I sure as hell hope he's getting some play off the field.
Who is Adam Johnson? I wouldn’t bag on players when you don’t even know their name. It’s Adam Robinson from Lincoln that got hit late in a game vs MSU with Iowa up big, got concussed and was never the same after that.

Regarding KJ, he likes to play on and off the field. Needs to put his emphasis on the football field and not playing the field.
Robinson really did change mentally after that. Getting into some weird stuff from what I recall. Wasn't there some video or something he recorded?

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