Kamala Bamala

Making Republiklans shit in their pants mamala.

It's fun to see the usual 6 MAGATS meltdown in the last day. Why you so worried bro? You got Johnny Hillbilly as your veep, Joe Felon Syphilis as your leader and Kid Rock trying to resuscitate his career 20 years past due.
I'm not sure you get to call anyone out for melting down after you're epic one that stretched a few weeks.
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I think she's gonna win.

Who will now be energized to vote in the fall?

* Women, esp. those who believe in reproductive rights
* Young people who wanted a younger candidate
* Independents who remember Trump's chaotic 4 years in office
I think this solidifies those states that looked like they were wavering in the polls…which led trump to get cocky and pick Vance for VP.

The last 24 hours of shot adrenaline into the race for Democrats and it’s quite clear Republicans weren’t anticipating Biden’s announcement, or at least the timing of it; most seem to have no idea what to say.

Question I have now is whether or not she learned from the mistakes she made in ‘20 when she didn’t make it to the caucuses. If she did, I agree with you that she wins. If she did not, it will be a nail biter.
This exactly. If she brings in Shapiro I think that guarantees PA. I think Michigan will follow as well. While Kamala might not be the most liked you can already see the momentum building as Sleepy Joe had lost all momentum and had disenfranchised so many young voters.
So you think Michigan is going to go for Shapiro......................the JEWISH PA Gov.?

You guys crack me up.
So you think Michigan is going to go for Shapiro......................the JEWISH PA Gov.?

You guys crack me up.
Arab American population of Michigan is smaller than the MSM has portrayed. Largely in and around the Dearborn area. And not all are Muslim.
Many of the Lebanese and Syrians are Christians as is the group of Iraqis locally known as Chaldeans, who are Catholics.
So not all of one faith or heritage. Michigan has far more African Americans who would be likely to vote for Kamala.
Making Republiklans shit in their pants mamala.

It's fun to see the usual 6 MAGATS meltdown in the last day. Why you so worried bro? You got Johnny Hillbilly as your veep, Joe Felon Syphilis as your leader and Kid Rock trying to resuscitate his career 20 years past due.

Why? They have succeeded in life at an exalted level being who they are- persons of Indian heritage.
I read recently that your cultural group in America are just under 2% of the population yet you are dominant in highly educated professions. No one is on welfare, you’re more successful than any group, you’re wealthier and by the way you are funnier, blend in personality wise and oh yeah everyone says if you want the best cardiologists go to an Indian doctor.
Damn. Why wouldn’t anyone want to be you?
He has his own standard for people of Indian heritage. I argued with him that Biden, even though he made a stupid insensitive comment about Indian Americans many years ago, had appointed a VP with Indian Heritage. GOHOX said that since Kamala calls herself a Black American (which she is) that she is no longer claiming being an Indian American (which she also is).
By the way GOHOX, the kid in the back row right is still my best friend today, he’s Larry Doby Jr…..just a bit of trivia.
If you aren’t old enough to know who his dad is, look him up.
I was honored to accompany him and his family to Washington when his dad received the Congressional Gold Medal.

I’m truly sorry and it sickens me you feel the way you do, but i can assure you it doesn’t apply to me
Totally believable.
I don't think she's a different person now than she was in 2020. I doubt she thinks she made any mistakes. 2020 was more about booty gig and Bernie Sanders both kicking everybody's butt and all of a sudden they just stopped everything and threw Joe Biden in there. Out of nowhere. Sort of like how they stopped everything and tossed him out again. "They", probably meaning Obama, but also the higher-ups. Now she's going to get tossed under the bus ...kammy will. If they can toss Joe Biden around...
Why? They have succeeded in life at an exalted level being who they are- persons of Indian heritage.
I read recently that your cultural group in America are just under 2% of the population yet you are dominant in highly educated professions. No one is on welfare, you’re more successful than any group, you’re wealthier and by the way you are funnier, blend in personality wise and oh yeah everyone says if you want the best cardiologists go to an Indian doctor.
Damn. Why wouldn’t anyone want to be you?
Chris Rock knows why.
I don't think she's a different person now than she was in 2020. I doubt she thinks she made any mistakes. 2020 was more about booty gig and Bernie Sanders both kicking everybody's butt and all of a sudden they just stopped everything and threw Joe Biden in there. Out of nowhere. Sort of like how they stopped everything and tossed him out again. "They", probably meaning Obama, but also the higher-ups. Now she's going to get tossed under the bus ...kammy will. If they can toss Joe Biden around...
Jesus you say the absolute craziest shit. You’re truly an insane person.
She is a slight upgrade from JB as she actually has a pulse. She is seen as repulsive and stupid by most of the country so it is going to be a very tough sell to move the needle. We do know however that she will now be the media darling.
Edit: She is not seen as repulsive and stupid....She IS repulsive and stupid!
Making Republiklans shit in their pants mamala.

It's fun to see the usual 6 MAGATS meltdown in the last day. Why you so worried bro? You got Johnny Hillbilly as your veep, Joe Felon Syphilis as your leader and Kid Rock trying to resuscitate his career 20 years past due.
Kid rock has had a career? Besides playing himself in "Joe Dirt"?
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She's shredding Trump in her first speech since Joe stepped away. Just shredding him over his criminal record and incompetence.
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She's killin it in Wilmington now. Trump's gotta be shaking in his shoes now. If not, reality will soon be catching up to him and the MAGA elite. Regarding her speaking - James Carville suggested earlier today she keep the drive and reduce the outward energy about 20 percent to look better on stage. Looks like she got that message. Great job.
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So you think Michigan is going to go for Shapiro......................the JEWISH PA Gov.?

You guys crack me up.
I guess we need to add the Jews to the list of folks you don't like.
Trump called you a sucker and a loser for serving in the military for 20 years. And, yet, here you are licking his loafers.
He has his own standard for people of Indian heritage. I argued with him that Biden, even though he made a stupid insensitive comment about Indian Americans many years ago, had appointed a VP with Indian Heritage. GOHOX said that since Kamala calls herself a Black American (which she is) that she is no longer claiming being an Indian American (which she also is).
The mixed heritage stuff is interesting. I’m Irish. I wonder what would have happened if I’d married a nice Italian boy.