Kamala Bamala

Correct. Kamala, not Trump.
Wrong aborting babies is not a right. Supreme Court said States can rule over this issue. If Harris tries to mess around with that... Well really that's all shes got ...the one issue so let's let her have that one and she can go out there and crash and burn
The majority of people disagree with you.
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To quote Alan Greenspan, there appears to be a fair amount of "irrational exuberance" about Kamala Harris. Her main qualification seems to be that she is neither Trump nor Biden. It remains to be seen whether she can effectively campaign and set forth a vision for our country and its place in the world. She could not articulate that vision 4 years ago.

She may beat Trump, but there is nothing which makes a Harris victory a forgone conclusion.
Not everyone is a woke snowflake like you, whether loose legs Lucy can get an abortion or not isn't at the top of their voting preference list. People have families to feed and bills to pay.
Gonna make a huge bowl of popcorn, and watch the MAGAs squirm during the next few weeks. THIS will be fun.
I'm sure Kamala will win. Don't think she will be a good president, though. Hopefully the Republicans can actually put forth a good candidate to defeat her in '28.

How black men vote will be key, IMO. Not sure how they would feel about a black woman as president. If they stay home or switch to Trump, it could be a close election. If not, Kamala wins easily.

I'm not voting for either Trump or Harris, so as far as I'm concerned we are hosed either way.
Ya it really would be a surprise if Trump wins and the Dems would really have to blow it for it to happen. There was one candidate Trump could beat and he was forced out. Harris prolly gets to 350 EC Votes.
Ya it really would be a surprise if Trump wins and the Dems would really have to blow it for it to happen. There was one candidate Trump could beat and he was forced out. Harris prolly gets to 350 EC Votes.
Not sure I can see that. What states do you see flipping?