Kamala for President

Who did you think was popular that she was running against in the 2020 primaries? It was pretty split up and up until South Carolina, Bernie looked like he was going to take it.

You’re right, no other democrats to run against. Which means all eyes on her. Hopefully she’s up to the task.
Bernie, Warren, Bloomburg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Gabbard all won delegates in the 2020 Democratic primary in that order. I've seen people touting Buttigieg and Klobuchar as possible ticket replacements while no one mentions the three that had more support in the 2020 Democratic primaries. The fact is party primaries and the general election are totally different kinds of races.
Bernie, Warren, Bloomburg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Gabbard all won delegates in the 2020 Democratic primary in that order. I've seen people touting Buttigieg and Klobuchar as possible ticket replacements while no one mentions the three that had more support in the 2020 Democratic primaries. The fact is party primaries and the general election are totally different kinds of races.

You’re right, she had a lot less spotlight. What makes you think she will do better with all the focus on her? She was 1/2 of the Biden team, and the approval rating was well below water. If you think she has good ideas, it’s too bad Joe didn’t listen to her sooner.
You’re right, she had a lot less spotlight. What makes you think she will do better with all the focus on her? She was 1/2 of the Biden team, and the approval rating was well below water. If you think she has good ideas, it’s too bad Joe didn’t listen to her sooner.
I think she'll do better because the alternative is Trump. She's not going to pull MAGAs away from Trump, but given the alternative between the two I think independents would choose the candidate that actually knows what they are talking about. I think she'd attract more black voters. At the very least her candidacy might get some of those that are considering sitting out the election off the couch.
I think she'll do better because the alternative is Trump. She's not going to pull MAGAs away from Trump, but given the alternative between the two I think independents would choose the candidate that actually knows what they are talking about. I think she'd attract more black voters. At the very least her candidacy might get some of those that are considering sitting out the election off the couch.

I assume she will get a lot of those people that were planning on sitting out to come vote. I’m actually all for it, I just don’t think we can have Biden be the leader of the country. Also, if he isn’t fit to run he really shouldn’t be in office now. It’s that simple to me. His cabinet should discuss his removal. The 25th amendment should be invoked.
I assume she will get a lot of those people that were planning on sitting out to come vote. I’m actually all for it, I just don’t think we can have Biden be the leader of the country. Also, if he isn’t fit to run he really shouldn’t be in office now. It’s that simple to me. His cabinet should discuss his removal. The 25th amendment should be invoked.
If it was Harris vs Trump where would your vote go?
I assume she will get a lot of those people that were planning on sitting out to come vote. I’m actually all for it, I just don’t think we can have Biden be the leader of the country. Also, if he isn’t fit to run he really shouldn’t be in office now. It’s that simple to me. His cabinet should discuss his removal. The 25th amendment should be invoked.
Harris would not even make my list, but if she is the choice, I hope she does well. We really need a win.
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Based on what I know now, I would reluctantly and unhappily vote for her, yes.
She wouldn't be my first choice either, but I think if the Democrats replace Biden it has to be Harris otherwise we are going to alienate a segment of voters Democrats count on. Chances are one of the more "popular" replacement picks would end up as her VP choice.
She wouldn't be my first choice either, but I think if the Democrats replace Biden it has to be Harris otherwise we are going to alienate a segment of voters Democrats count on. Chances are one of the more "popular" replacement picks would end up as her VP choice.
I think that’s correct.

Unfortunately, I do think Trump beats Harris though because she’ll just alienate a whole different group of Biden 2020 voters.
She wouldn't be my first choice either, but I think if the Democrats replace Biden it has to be Harris otherwise we are going to alienate a segment of voters Democrats count on. Chances are one of the more "popular" replacement picks would end up as her VP choice.
she has been portrayed as scatter brained but likely is not and she can be made to appear presidential. debate against trump will be a problem but she could hold him to a draw if she sticks to hammering him on his controversial points. She will take a boatload of under the belt hits there but the (small) chance that nastiness gets women rally for her (though trump somehow seems to have mesmerized women as well.)
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You don’t speak it? Fait accompli means done deal
I learned something new today, thanks. I know Harris as a replacement is not a done deal. I was just giving my opinion of what I think would happen if she is not part of a replacement ticket. I think the stakes are too high to drop the current black female VP for a male or white female replacement. You obviously disagree.
Care to share which election prompted you to get involved and why?

Sure, 2020 was the one. Trump did much better than I thought he would, which is why I didn’t vote for him in 2016. That said I wasn’t a fan of how COVID was handled. His first three years were very good.

I didn’t think Biden was all there then, and his comment about not being black if you vote for Trump pissed me off. I feel like the Democratic Party has only paid attention to blacks during elections. Also, if you listen to what some of them say, they act like blacks are incapable of being just as successful as whites. The condescension is irritating.
Sure, 2020 was the one. Trump did much better than I thought he would, which is why I didn’t vote for him in 2016. That said I wasn’t a fan of how COVID was handled. His first three years were very good.

I didn’t think Biden was all there then, and his comment about not being black if you vote for Trump pissed me off. I feel like the Democratic Party has only paid attention to blacks during elections. Also, if you listen to what some of them say, they act like blacks are incapable of being just as successful as whites. The condescension is irritating.
You don't find any of the Trump comments/actions irritating or condescending as black man? Look at my African American, black jobs, they like me because I have legal struggles like them, love sneakers, etc.
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You don't find any of the Trump comments/actions irritating or condescending as black man? Look at my African American, black jobs, they like me because I have legal struggles like them, love sneakers, etc.

Or that he started his career getting sued for housing discrimination by having his employees mark the applications of black applicants so they would be denied. Anyone who thinks Trump and most Rs give a shit about black people beyond getting some to vote for them is delusional
You don't find any of the Trump comments/actions irritating or condescending as black man? Look at my African American, black jobs, they like me because I have legal struggles like them, love sneakers, etc.

Look at my African American…..I’m no, although I wish he would’ve said look at my “black supporter”. I didn’t get upset about that.

Black jobs……absolutely not. See, I’m not just black, my mother is white so I’ve seen both sides and completely get that the overwhelming majority of the better jobs in this country are help primarily by white people, which leaves the rest for the majority of minorities. That’s not to say that blacks can’t have good jobs, scratch that careers… I have attorneys, pharmacists, military pilots in my family that are black. I completely understood where he was coming from. If you don’t, go down to the southside of Chicago and ask those folks about the illegals moving in. They aren’t taking jobs, but they are taking government resources that those people used to enjoy.

I personally haven’t heard Trump say “They like me because of the legal struggles” but I have heard other people say that, which I think is wrong and you’re stereotyping people. Do I think lots of blacks have gotten shafted by the criminal justice system in this country, ABSOLUTELY. I do think black folks are intelligent enough to see if Trump is getting a taste of that, sure. Most probably won’t identify with that, but some may.

Since we are talking about this particular issue, another thing Biden said was “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”. I think that was in Iowa but I can’t really remember. Plus looking at some of the historical shit Biden has said over the years…..nah. He’s from Delaware and I doubt he’s had a lot of interactions with blacks. Dude tries to be everything to everybody. I just don’t buy it.

I know Trump looks down on people, he’s a smug condescending prick. I just don’t think it’s because black people are black, I think it’s because he was born with a silver spoon and the rest of us weren’t.
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Look at my African American…..I’m no, although I wish he would’ve said look at my “black supporter”. I didn’t get upset about that.

Black jobs……absolutely not. See, I’m not just black, my mother is white so I’ve seen both sides and completely get that the overwhelming majority of the better jobs in this country are help primarily by white people, which leaves the rest for the majority of minorities. That’s not to say that blacks can’t have good jobs, scratch that careers… I have attorneys, pharmacists, military pilots in my family that are black. I completely understood where he was coming from. If you don’t, go down to the southside of Chicago and ask those folks about the illegals moving in. They aren’t taking jobs, but they are taking government resources that those people used to enjoy.

I personally haven’t heard Trump say “They like me because of the legal struggles” but I have heard other people say that, which I think is wrong and you’re stereotyping people. Do I think lots of blacks have gotten shafted by the criminal justice system in this country, ABSOLUTELY. I do think black folks are intelligent enough to see if Trump is getting a taste of that, sure. Most probably won’t identify with that, but some may.

Since we are talking about this particular issue, another thing Biden said was “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”. I think that was in Iowa but I can’t really remember. Plus looking at some of the historical shit Biden has said over the years…..nah. He’s from Delaware and I doubt he’s had a lot of interactions with blacks. Dude tries to be everything to everybody. I just don’t buy it.

I know Trump looks down on people, he’s a smug condescending prick. I just don’t think it’s because black people are black, I think it’s because he was born with a silver spoon and the rest of us weren’t.

Trump would piss all over you in a second if it meant he couldn’t get ahead. He’d likely kind of enjoy it. He’d definitely boast about it later at the country club - but it would just be locker room stuff like that pussy grabbing thang. But by all means, vote for him. I’m sure he’ll make you think he’s stopped some culture war thingy that you’re worked up about.
Trump would piss all over you in a second if it meant he couldn’t get ahead. He’d likely kind of enjoy it. He’d definitely boast about it later at the country club - but it would just be locker room stuff like that pussy grabbing thang. But by all means, vote for him. I’m sure he’ll make you think he’s stopped some culture war thingy that you’re worked up about.

Out of everything you’ve read on these boards over the past week, you think I’m worked up?

Nah, bro. I’m watching this car accident happen in real time. I’m seeing something I didn’t think I ever would…. Different factions of the Democratic Party eat themselves. It’s kind of a popcorn.gif moment.

I know Trump could give two shits less about me. He doesn’t even try to hide it, the others those are the ones that are nice to your face and laugh behind your backs.
Out of everything you’ve read on these boards over the past week, you think I’m worked up?

Nah, bro. I’m watching this car accident happen in real time. I’m seeing something I didn’t think I ever would…. Different factions of the Democratic Party eat themselves. It’s kind of a popcorn.gif moment.

I know Trump could give two shits less about me. He doesn’t even try to hide it, the others those are the ones that are nice to your face and laugh behind your backs.

I guess it’s nice you’ve found peace in your rationalization.
I guess it’s nice you’ve found peace in your rationalization.

It’s kind of easy, look at the board. You have people that have been dyed in the wool republicans or democrats since the 70’s or 80’s.

I wouldn’t say I have any more knowledge than anyone else, however I’m pretty skeptical of everyone. That’s why I didn’t vote for Trump in 16. That’s why he wasn’t my pick during the primary process.

I believe nearly all of them are phoney.

Classy and mostly peaceful nothing like that horror on Jan 6 when the police officer killed and unarmed ex military mother

Has anyone else noticed that they don’t even use the full staircase for Biden anymore? They use a shorter staircase that comes from underneath AF1.