Kim Reynolds seeks federal funding to ease Iowa's critical shortage of doctors

That isnt a thing. No other ‘rights’ are at risk.

I'd also not call the killing of an unborn life a right. It is not.

The abortion issue certainly affects ob gyn docs practice choice. I do not see it affecting physicians in other specialties at all nor have I heard of it.
You’re not looking at right. Any doctor who believes in pro-choice and the government staying out of personal decisions will not want to be in a state that is MAGA. Just like regular people will stay away from MAGA states like Iowa. If I’m a general doctor, I don’t want to be restricted for anything that could benefit my patients.
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A full third of Iowa counties don't have a single OBGYN doctor. You know how messed up that is?

A full third of Iowa counties don't have the population base to support the presence of a full time OBGYN,.. Citizens in remote parts of rural and western states like Iowa will always find it necessary to travel for access to professional services,.. Not messed up.
You’re not looking at right. Any doctor who believes in pro-choice and the government staying out of personal decisions will not want to be in a state that is MAGA. Just like regular people will stay away from MAGA states like Iowa. If I’m a general doctor, I don’t want to be restricted for anything that could benefit my patients.
You're delusional.

Without giving away my credentials, I have direct knowledge in regard to the hiring and firing of physicians. Been to dozens interviews over decades. Not one time did the topic even get brought up or suggested that the choice issue is a barrier. We have had no trouble hiring for our group. Zero. And the candidates we have lost to other groups we lose to other hospital groups in Iowa.

You don't know what you are talking about. I concede that OB Gyn docs likely have issues recruiting rabidly pro-choice docs to Iowa. Not a surprise. Unfortunate yes. There are anti-abortion OB Gyns out there though and pro-choice docs that know there are work arounds with an hour away.

In my area in Iowa, contrary to all the leftists on here, there is plenty to attract people. I have direct knowledge of a few docs that have moved from other states to join out group. Colorado, Arizona etc...
A full third of Iowa counties don't have the population base to support the presence of a full time OBGYN,.. Citizens in remote parts of rural and western states like Iowa will always find it necessary to travel for access to professional services,.. Not messed up.
You are ignoring that the situation is getting worse and the reasons for it.