Kirk Press Conference

How many times did replays show receivers getting open but Stanley didn’t see them because of how quickly he goes through his progression?

IS-M, Brandon Smith, and Nick Easley are at least an average Big Ten receiving corps (and become even bigger threats when Hockenson and Fant attract as much attention as they do). IMO, most of our passing struggles fall on Stanley who just doesn’t look comfortable in the pocket at all right now
Stanley isn’t Aaron Rodgers or anything but I doubt even Aaron Rodgers would do that well with these WRs. With the possible exception of B Smith, they are physically over matched as a group and can’t catch that well. They do all right only when Fant and Hockenson are out there to draw attention.
To address multiple issues raised in this thread:

Brandon Smith was out with concussion protocol.

Hockensen has the best hands of a TE I've ever seen, is a very good blocker, and never takes a play off.

Most of our other WRs are white dudes, so if one of our black WRs is out, then he will be replaced by a white dude.

Ferentz doesn't pick and choose who he likes by color, but by behavior: he sat Stanzi in 2nd half of the 2008 Pitt game when he didn't obey orders at end of 1st half, Trey Stross was in the doghouse for a time, DJK had issues with behavior, Adam Robinson had issues, but so did Brandon Wegher. Drew Tate was sat down for a series or two once for behavior as well. It ain't a race thing. Someday we'll know what this is all about for Noah Fant.

When it comes to KF, it's all about being there for the team, putting forth maximal effort, listening to the coaches, and minimizing distractions. If you do that, you play. If you don't, then you don't. I agree that we should've targeted Fant for end zone fades and more, but I would bet there is a justifiable reason why the other option was chosen, too. It's a mess with no easy answer.
Stanley isn’t Aaron Rodgers or anything but I doubt even Aaron Rodgers would do that well with these WRs. With the possible exception of B Smith, they are physically over matched as a group and can’t catch that well. They do all right only when Fant and Hockenson are out there to draw attention.

This. People don't understand how hard it is to play QB when your receivers can't get separation. I think Stanley has struggled with his accuracy and touch at times this year but we need better receivers. Doesn't matter how good your QB is, if the receivers can't get open Tom Brady would look sub par.
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Ya, here's a what Ferentz really wanted to say

Well Fant's a fine tight end, BUT ...
1) Gotta be honest with you folks, can't always trust Noah in key situations (ex: Dropped ball against Northawestern in OT last year, not ready to play on goal-line interception against PSU this year, dropped balls this year).

2) Didn't really like da way he handled da drama with his family on twitter, and referred to the Iowa coaching staff as "pretty good".

3) He really seems to be more focused on his post-hawkeye NFL career.

4) I'll go with a blue-collar, hard working TJ Hockensen anyday. Iowa type of player, know I can count on him. :)

Ya, you ought to worry more about your thug ankle biter getting ejected for being a pussy bitch and hidung behind da refs after he started somethin he couldn't finish. Dat guy would have ripped off his head and crapped down his neck if da refs hadn't saved him.
Receivers have been fine this year. The last four games he has countless missed throws to open receivers and check downs when there was a receiver that was open. I think he is more concerned with pressure in his face because he can’t throw at all if his feet are moving and any pressure causes him to give up in the play.
Yes. The problem is Nate's accuracy and decision-making. He is missing open throws, takes too long to throw to a briefly-open receiver, but also takes too long to decide to run, so in effect he's opting for "safe" high % throws to guys like Easley, or the RB. It's a head thing at this point. And I don't think it's fixable in a month.
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How many times did replays show receivers getting open but Stanley didn’t see them because of how quickly he goes through his progression?

IS-M, Brandon Smith, and Nick Easley are at least an average Big Ten receiving corps (and become even bigger threats when Hockenson and Fant attract as much attention as they do). IMO, most of our passing struggles fall on Stanley who just doesn’t look comfortable in the pocket at all right now

Yep. Stanley is either physically or mentally not well right now. Or both.

Coaches need to see that, and give Stanley a rest; and Mansell a shot.
Wow. “11 players out there we can only have 1 TE”? Fant out there would have made 12 players?

These were very odd and out of character responses. WTH is going on with Kirk?

He knows the press and fans aren’t this stupid. It makes me wonder of he’s phoning it in and maybe thinking about retirement soon.

Can only have one TE? So they are breaking some kind of rule in 2 TE sets? Wow! They should have gotten the NCAA death penalty in 13 against OSU when they used three of them.
Wow. “11 players out there we can only have 1 TE”? Fant out there would have made 12 players?

These were very odd and out of character responses. WTH is going on with Kirk?

He knows the press and fans aren’t this stupid. It makes me wonder of he’s phoning it in and maybe thinking about retirement soon.

12 personnel, meaning 1 RB and 2 TE. Not 12 players. Some fans are apparently this stupid.

That being said, what a shit interview full of deflection and condescension.
In most 3 receiver sets TJ, Fant, and Smith should be on the field. And MUST be on the field on crucial throwing downs.
It appears to me that Fant is misplaced. I know he is a terrific tight end but with Hockenson playing so well, Fant should be a wide receiver. He has more foot speed than Easley, more reach, and much agility so why not. One of his weaknesses is blocking on the end from an on rushing tackle. Make Hockenson your blocking end (tight end) use a tackle to secure the other side and free Fant up to run patterns instead of 9 out of 10 times straight down the field or an occasional slant. See what he can do in an open field. Besides it would free up Smith a bit more.
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It’s a negative all around... hopefully Someone leaks the info out. Kirk deserves the questions bc it’s finger to his team by not playing him. If it’s medical I understand.... if it’s a grudge then Kirk needs to be wiser just like he expects his seniors to be after four years.
I personally know someone who is an intern on the team as a part of his management degree. He's friends with several of the players. The players can't talk to reporters about certain things, but that doesn't mean they won't tell close friends. This friend has told me. I have to paraphrase in order to protect the players - using exact quotes could reveal who said it because of when and where they heard it.

Someone in a particular role on the team feels personally attacked whenever he or she is questioned. When this person hears anything less than favorable, this person goes into a rage and as a result, the first unfortunate person who does anything less than perfect that frustrates this person, gets an unfair punishment far too severe for something that could be fixed by a simple pulling aside and going over some stuff.

I would say what this person's real personality is off-camera, but then it would basically be the same thing as calling them out by name, so I won't.

But I have never heard anything even close to resembling racism on the team. It doesn't do any good, and hurts the reputation of Iowa, and possibly even the fans. That is a serious charge. Without irrefutable proof of something that serious, stfu.
When he said they’re playing the best guys to help them win games is when he lost me and showed that he is completely delusional. So not playing a NFL TE is your best chance to win. Lol, ok Kirk. Please retire.
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I've been saying this for years. I am not sure I would say Ferentz is outwardly racist. I do, however, think that he doesn't relate well with flash and personalities to a lot of the blue chip black athletes. DJK is a perfect example of that. He'd rather have lesser athletes that are easy to keep in line and work hard in practice.
Remember Coach Ferentz had a tough time dealing with the long haired son of a country songwriter for multiple years. It took CJ hinting to possibly transfering for him to get a fair shake out of Coach Ferentz. CJ was flamboyant while Jake was the "union card" holder. I remember all we heard was how close CJ was, if he could just play more conservative and get rid of the gunslinger mentality. The locker room divide went so far as to see D. Willies bolt.
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To address multiple issues raised in this thread:

Brandon Smith was out with concussion protocol.

Hockensen has the best hands of a TE I've ever seen, is a very good blocker, and never takes a play off.

Most of our other WRs are white dudes, so if one of our black WRs is out, then he will be replaced by a white dude.

Ferentz doesn't pick and choose who he likes by color, but by behavior: he sat Stanzi in 2nd half of the 2008 Pitt game when he didn't obey orders at end of 1st half, Trey Stross was in the doghouse for a time, DJK had issues with behavior, Adam Robinson had issues, but so did Brandon Wegher. Drew Tate was sat down for a series or two once for behavior as well. It ain't a race thing. Someday we'll know what this is all about for Noah Fant.

When it comes to KF, it's all about being there for the team, putting forth maximal effort, listening to the coaches, and minimizing distractions. If you do that, you play. If you don't, then you don't. I agree that we should've targeted Fant for end zone fades and more, but I would bet there is a justifiable reason why the other option was chosen, too. It's a mess with no easy answer.
Great post
To Kirk it’s all about Monday through Thursday practices dictates who plays Saturday.

We are 10 games in, have the new red shirt rule, time to play younger guys if the starters are dinged and can’t practice during the week. Kirk is reverting to old Kirk because his ass isn’t on the hot seat. It will after next year w/ the schedule he has.
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Embarrassing to say the least.. something is very wrong this year like so many of the past being offensively ineffective, doesn’t matter if Iowa is at home or away.. KF and co DO NOT win close games. I don’t care if KF uses Fant or not (still don’t get or buy the answer he gave as to why he wasn’t) we are not good at winning games and that’s a systemic issue that will never get address or be pressed! we get what we get when it comes to KF & Co.. & who’s gonna change it??
Something has to of went on internally that we aren’t hearing. This is the DJK mantra from Kirk to Fant. No other way to see it... Kirk doesn’t care and never will when in his eyes a player is in the doghouse. It’s unfair to the young kid as he is a force out there. He may drop some balls but Stanley can barely throw it at times as well.
Time for Ferentz to be in the doghouse.
Hey Gunner Hawk - what lake did you retire to? We’re looking to do the same thing.
We built in South Carolina in the upstate. Many lakes to choose from. It was sunny and 54° today. In the high 60's mid week.
This is the main problem. And it's so frustrating.
Players are always just about to get open when Stanley moves on and dumps, and this happens to Fant quite a bit, but it happens to all the receivers. They just need a QB that can stick with a play, buy himself another second, and have the trust and will to MAKE A PLAY.

Conversely, how often have we seen Fant fight for position, or fight for a ball? It's a big criticism of his game. As example, his lack of effort on the pass interference play almost kept the flag from coming out. That is frustrating. Perhaps a reason why Stanley is so skittish about allowing the receivers to make a play. Perhaps why they ran that endzone play to Cooper (nevermind how he botched it).

But really, it all comes back to Stanley. As long as he isn't making plays, or as long as his head is preventing him from trying, he should be sharing time at this point in the season. There needs to be an open competition for the job, and writing needs to be on the wall for these players going into 2019. Iowa needs a mobile QB, anyone that can buy a few seconds and make a play off schedule. That's always been the thing.
It's weird that the best player in the country (according to many ppl - Fant) at a particular position (TE) has so much criticism. I don't think I've ever seen the best player at any position get criticized so much.

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