Lee Interview on FLO

lookleft goright

HB All-American
Jan 21, 2012
What is this craziness that he could only do 56 pull ups and Dennis did like 116 and then 4 one arm pull ups with each arm. What is in the water out there? I remember Brands talking about after he got hired at VT and went into the weight room and asked what the pull up record was. He then rattled off about 65 pull ups to be the new leader. I thought that was crazy.

Regardless, he is incredibly focused and only wants to win all the time. Who would have thought a guy with that mentality would end up a Hawk?

Congrats on getting Meija. Things are getting interesting.
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I think living out of his truck and rock climbing for extended periods of time actually gave Dennis a bit of an edge over his opponents upon his return. His grip strength just seems unreal and his gut was a step above especially domestically.