Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

I have said this before, but what do Jared and Ivanka think they are going to do when this gig ends? They cannot go back to NYC and live the high society life for a bunch of reasons. Charitable boards? Nope. Fancy parties? Sure, they can talk about how exciting it was to separate families and put kids in cages. People like good stories like that at parties.
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I have said this before, but what do Jared and Ivanka think they are going to do when this gig ends? They cannot go back to NYC and live the high society life for a bunch of reasons. Charitable boards? Nope. Fancy parties? Sure, they can talk about how exciting it was to separate families and put kids in cages. People live good stories like that at parties.

Why else do you think they are so desperate to steal an election?
And even engage in insidious behavior, like deny pandemics and slow responses because "it'll be a political win when it's only hitting Blue states".....?
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Not going to post the whole thing, but here is some of the Rupar thread on Trump's Q&A.

My God, the idiocy that comes out of his mouth is just mentally draining.

Not going to post the whole thing, but here is some of the Rupar thread on Trump's Q&A.

My God, the idiocy that comes out of his mouth is just mentally draining.

So...uh.....I should get some the real estate business....uh....this is called ....uh....extortion...and's been part of business for years....and uh...a major presidency.

I think coloradonoles and his buds were linking dozens of UnderCoverHuber tweets in the Flynn threads....


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