Liberal logic

We can not blame all Muslims for the acts of a demented few----they can blame millions and millions of law abiding gun owners for the acts of a demented few. If they really gave a crap about lives- how about the 57 million babies killed since 1973.

You have a very poor understanding of liberal logic, but that's pretty predictable, as you seem to have a pretty poor understanding about the world around you as a whole.
I smell a meme thread...

So your point is we can blame all Muslims for the acts of a demented few?

OK, your fault Westboro Baptists picket military funerals.
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Blaming Muslims is wrong, but blaming gun owners is okay.
OK, if you think that's a good point, you must also think the reverse is a good point, right? You blame Islam while wanting to hold gun owners blameless. That seems like a problem for you. A problem that gets compounded when you realise libs don't blame gun owners, but rather the easy availability of guns. It's the product, not the people gun control advocates want to restrict. A point I'm surprised you even missed as pro gun people love to shout "guns don't kill people, people kill people" which should clue you into the gun focus over the gun owner focus of the debate.

So where was that good point again?
OK, if you think that's a good point, you must also think the reverse is a good point, right? You blame Islam while wanting to hold gun owners blameless. That seems like a problem for you. A problem that gets compounded when you realise libs don't blame gun owners, but rather the easy availability of guns. It's the product, not the people gun control advocates want to restrict. A point I'm surprised you even missed as pro gun people love to shout "guns don't kill people, people kill people" which should clue you into the gun focus over the gun owner focus of the debate.

So where was that good point again?

I don't blame Islam. I don't want to impose on Muslims. But extra scrutiny is just a rational thing to do when there's a subset trying to kill you.
And we could say that about the Syrian Refugees too, but you want even more extra scrutiny. Your muslim logic is very close to the gun control logic.

I don't know about that. Is there really extra scrutiny on someone from Syria vs. someone from Norway or New Zealand?
And you know what else? Entire swaths of people are prohibited from owning guns because they committed a crime, or they were Baker Acted, or they were convicted abusers of alcohol or drugs.

Is there something similar with immigrants?
We can not blame all Muslims for the acts of a demented few----they can blame millions and millions of law abiding gun owners for the acts of a demented few. If they really gave a crap about lives- how about the 57 million babies killed since 1973.

Answer: No one is blaming law abiding gun owners for the acts of a demented few. But they are asking how we can prevent the demented few from getting guns in the first place.

As far as liberals giving a crap about lives, with both liberals and conservatives I've noticed one very consistent thing. It's not that one of them doesn't care about lives neither does one of them care about all lives.

The reality is it's more or less a question of which lives they care about and when they care about those lives. Liberals do not care about the lives of unborn children. And it is the primary reason why I won't identify with their group. And they seem to care very little for the lives of Pakistani children and civilians when *their guy* is in charge and ordering the drone bombings. They have said very little on drone bombings since Obama has taken office while under the predecessor they where quick to use terms like "War Criminal"
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And you know what else? Entire swaths of people are prohibited from owning guns because they committed a crime, or they were Baker Acted, or they were convicted abusers of alcohol or drugs.

Is there something similar with immigrants?
There are restrictions on criminals who want to immigrate here too. Just as there are stricter regulations on the refugees than there are on a random Norwegian who wants to move here.
Blaming Muslims is wrong, but blaming gun owners is okay.

Stop right there. I don't know anybody who blames gun owners. We blame the lax oversight that allows guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, as well as the availability of assault rifles that serve no legitimate sporting or defense purpose, but allow people of ill will to kill en mass.

Blame gun owners? No. "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." That not a liberal motto.
I'm trying to understand how this would work. Does the gun somehow break the bullet into pieces so that it can hit multiple targets? And what is that graph showing me?
It's showing us that the people most concerned about gun control don't know anything about guns. But those who don't know anything about guns wouldn't understand that.
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Not really. People who own guns don't want to kill someone simply because they own a gun. But when Muslims want to kill's because of their Muslimismism.
Ah, but people who kill with guns do kill because of their gunismism. It's a related condition.
You have a very poor understanding of liberal logic, but that's pretty predictable, as you seem to have a pretty poor understanding about the world around you as a whole.
How about you detail your statement here. You'd actually get some respect if you didn't just pop off and not explain your reasoning.