Do you think there is a right of foreigners to move to this contry? The UN declaration of rights might agree, but I doubt many others would.
Ehh I don't interpret Article 13 that way. The article says "(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country."
I interpret the right to leave as saying that if there is some other place you can go, within the laws of that nation, the nation you are currently in has no right to stop you from going. (As North Korea often does)
Especially when you combine that statement with the first part where is says that everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. If the UN is advocating open borders why even say borders of each state and specify freedom of movement in the entire world?
Also despite the fact that a bunch of states signed onto the Universal Declaration of Human rights, I know of no state that has actually put into effect totally open borders. I'd find it a hard sell to tell me that all these states drafted and signed onto this entire thing including Article 13 but no one has seriously tried to put it into effect.
Within the provisions of Articles 14 (extending asylum to those under persecution), each country has the authority to control who enters it's borders. But you can't control who leaves absent conviction or at least suspicion of a crime.
I would also note that I believe article 15 includes the right to change one's nationality which I would say is contingent upon another nation accepting you as a citizen. But I would say that if article 13 where taken as an open borders policy then article 15 would essentially provide that one may change one's nationality frequently and often without particular reason or permission. That would essentially make elections very difficult to work with. . . If I am very excited about an election in Canada what would prevent me from stepping into Canada, declaring myself Canadian just in time to vote in their election and then coming back to the US again to declare myself an American and vote in the elections here.
Surely of course this is ad absurdum but you see the point. If Article 13 of the Declaration of Human Rights does advocate open borders then Article 15 advocates an open policy on nationality changes which one could interpret as lacking any requirements such as residence in a country for any period of time, delays, background checks, or questions about loyalty or why a person even wishes to change their nationality.