I think the jury is still out on Patrick. Connor doesn't bring nearly enough to the party as far as I'm concerned in a game-in game-out basis in a Power 5 DI setting.
I look at it this way, think of the guys that are on our Team (or any Team for that matter), that have had plenty of playing time to be evaluated in DI Basketball. Now think of how many offers that particular player would receive if they entered the Transfer Portal. If the answer is zero to very few, especially Power 5 where Iowa resides, that should give you said value of a player currently on Iowa's roster (at least in your own opinion).
So Kris Murray, Ogundele, etc. wouldn't fit this narrative because they have very little on tape.
So if other teams could steal our players overnight to play for them, who are they grabbing? Put them in order and if you're being objective, there's your answer.