The final distribution from a fund established for victims of the infamous Ponzi scheme orchestrated by the late Bernie Madoff commenced on Monday, according to the Department of Justice. This last disbursement, amounting to over $131 million, is being allocated to more than 23,000 victims globally. Upon completion, the fund will have distributed over $4.3 billion to more than 40,000 victims across nearly 130 countries. This sum represents approximately 94% of the estimated total losses incurred from the fraudulent scheme.
The final distribution from a fund established for victims of the infamous Ponzi scheme orchestrated by the late Bernie Madoff commenced on Monday, according to the Department of Justice. This last disbursement, amounting to over $131 million, is being allocated to more than 23,000 victims globally. Upon completion, the fund will have distributed over $4.3 billion to more than 40,000 victims across nearly 130 countries. This sum represents approximately 94% of the estimated total losses incurred from the fraudulent scheme.