*****MAGA in disarray, who will be speaker of the House***** McCarthy REMOVED! Jim Jordan 0-3. Election denier Mike Johnson confirmed. Vote them out

I dont follow this too closely. Just kinda see it on this board. So, did the dems vote for any of the options that were put up? If they didn't, is it fair to say they never would have voted for any option no matter who it was that was put up by the Rs? If that's the case, how can they bitch about whoever gets the job?
Do you believe the GOP brainwashed people into thinking inflation and high interest rates suck?

It might be just because people actually feel that way….just a thought.
The GOP is mostly why those occurred and offer no solutions. THAT is how stupid this argument is. It's Democracy vs Authoritarianism and Theocratic trash in 2024. Not one Republican is worthy of a vote.
The economy is alway a driver come election time. If the economy is good or holding steady…no big deal. Hits the crapper?

Administration made a political gamble by coining “Bidenomics”.
Most Americans don’t have the first idea whether the economy is good or bad, nor do they understand why. Right now Republicans are doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to tell us it sucks.
It doesn't matter. The GOP are masters in marketing their points. The Democrats absolutely suck at the same thing. Biden could be handing out $1k bills to every American without creating any debt with full participation in the labor market and 2% inflation and the GOP would still be able to convince their voters that the economy is going to Hell.
I dont follow this too closely. Just kinda see it on this board. So, did the dems vote for any of the options that were put up? If they didn't, is it fair to say they never would have voted for any option no matter who it was that was put up by the Rs? If that's the case, how can they bitch about whoever gets the job?
Yeah, clearly you haven’t followed at all. JFC, you gotta be a troll. That, or you’re very stupid.
Great answers! So smart and informative. Thank you!
Charlie Day Ok GIF
Do you believe the GOP brainwashed people into thinking inflation and high interest rates suck?

It might be just because people actually feel that way….just a thought.
Inflation in the US has been less than most other countries throughout this worldwide economic downturn and is trending down. Interest rates are closer to historical levels now than when they were 2%.

I see the marketing has been fully effective on you.
I dont follow this too closely. Just kinda see it on this board. So, did the dems vote for any of the options that were put up? If they didn't, is it fair to say they never would have voted for any option no matter who it was that was put up by the Rs? If that's the case, how can they bitch about whoever gets the job?'re just curious. You would never vote for a single candidate put up by the Dems for president so I suppose - using your own "logic" - you shouldn't "bitch about whoever gets the job".
Inflation in the US has been less than most other countries throughout this worldwide economic downturn and is trending down. Interest rates are closer to historical levels now than when they were 2%.

I see the marketing has been fully effective on you.

Seems the DNC marketing campaign has indeed been effective with some folks :)
I stated nothing but the truth. Dispute it if you would like. Laughing only strengthens my point.
So you think folks should be grateful for 4% inflation because it could be worse?

I agree it could be worse but it's pretty unrealistic to expect folks to be not less than pleased with it...especially when have have increased interest rates to keep it in check.
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So you think folks should be grateful for 4% inflation because it could be worse?

I agree it could be worse but it's pretty unrealistic to expect folks to be not less than pleased with it...especially when have have increased interest rates to keep it in check.
Again, you leave out context. Inflation is 3.7% currently. Down from 8.2% last year and still under the levels in Europe. America does not exist in a vacuum economically. When compared to most of developed areas, the US has done well in the WORLDWIDE downturn.
Do you believe the GOP brainwashed people into thinking inflation and high interest rates suck?

It might be just because people actually feel that way….just a thought.
“High interest rates”?
Bins.....honestly, how old are you? Current rates are higher than rates of the past 15 years....which were at historical record lows! The stock market/ economy in the US collapsed in 2007-2008 and traditional values ( interest rates on money, prices on commodities) collapsed to almost ZERO as a result. The next 4-6 years low rates were used to get Americans to keep using the economy...Obama probably should have allowed rates to start rising late in his Admin but with an election coming up, did not allow them to rise. Trump cut taxes and actively used his bully pulpit to meet these rates artificially inflation set in, Biden made the decision to allow interest rates to return to pre-housing crash rates...they are moving in that direction but a ways away yet., in a capitalistic system, currency has to have value....and lower rates decrease the currency’s value. In time, as rates stabilize, the American dollar and its value will increase as compared to other world currencies.
In 1992, we bought our home with an interest rate on a 30 year loan at about 8 1/2%. That was a pretty standard rate at the time. In 2009 we re- mortgaged (borrowed some more and refinanced) for a rate a little over 3%. What are rates for mortgages today? 7% or so?
“High interest rates”?
Bins.....honestly, how old are you? Current rates are higher than rates of the past 15 years....which were at historical record lows!
Could have stopped right there's actually 23 yrs. To expect folks to be giddy over that is unrealistic.
Again, you leave out context. Inflation is 3.7% currently. Down from 8.2% last year and still under the levels in Europe. America does not exist in a vacuum economically. When compared to most of developed areas, the US has done well in the WORLDWIDE downturn.
What you say is correct. "It could be worse" doesn't sell very well though.
Could have stopped right there Joel....
And for 15 years bins, most of us understood they could never last! Capitalism cannot sustain itself on “free money”! That is the reality of this. You have to have a “long range” plan....and free money ain’t it! How much inflation can you stand? Raising interest rates is a sure cure to slowing down and ending inflation,
. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, buns...not even in MAGA world!
And for 15 years bins, most of us understood they could never last! Capitalism cannot sustain itself on “free money”! That is the reality of this. You have to have a “long range” plan....and free money ain’t it! How much inflation can you stand? Raising interest rates is a sure cure to slowing down and ending inflation,
. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, buns...not even in MAGA world!
Oh I realize that's just hard to sell that to a 30 yr old buying their first home. Especially since House prices haven't fallen...
Oh I realize that's just hard to sell that to a 30 yr old buying their first home. Especially since House prices haven't fallen...
Some say this 30 year old will understand that a lot of life’s successes are not based so much on who you are but where you are.....Being in the right place at the right time is crucial.....the biggest break in my life (financially) was being financially solvent and stable in 2007-08 when shit hit the fan in the was so bad, the bank called me with a deal that cut my home mortgage interest in half 6 months after I had fees involved, just re-signing mortgage papers. We kept our mortgage payment the same but cut the length of the mortgage almost in half! It saved us a ton of money...