MAJOR props to CNN and the Moderators last night!

They allowed the usual Trump firehose of lies to go unchecked. Pretty much how I figured the debate would go. Joe has a stumble, and the media/talking heads/incels of HORT ignore the rambling lies of the narcissistic sociopath felon.
I can't stand EITHER of them....but THEY both were unhinged liars. And, anyone who says differently is nothing but a partisan hack.
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I thought they totally bailed Joe out a couple times when he was bumbling and stumbling and they just said "time"... Don't know if time was actually up... Saved by the bell
In rewatching the debate...this did appear to happen once or twice. But, I still think CNN and the moderators did a hell of a job. Best debate formate I have EVER seen.
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I thought the restrictive format actually helped Trump as it made him more measured and allowed Biden to talk himself into more mumbo, jumbo. I thought one of the best lines of the debate is when Trump said something to the effect of…I’m not sure what Biden just said and I’m not sure he knows either. 😉
This is so true. I am sure Trump's team was actually THRILLED at the thought of DT NOT being able to go totally off the board like he did in their first debates.

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