Marco Rubio is a POS

Its hilarious how you can minimize the seriousness of Republican leadership’s continued support of outright lies and treasonous behavior. Sorry, but your generation cannot die off fast enough. Fvcking disgusting.
I’m not minimizing a damn thing.
By the way which old fart are you voting for?
You know they’re older than me don’t you Sunny Boy?
This sums up the average GOP voter folks. It's a ****ing joke. Anybody with any character would call out a politician for this bullshit... but this is the average GOP voter's response to undermining our democracy. It's so gross
Why you acting like the dems haven't denied every election result they've lost since Bush V Gore?
So 1? Also, because Hillary didn’t hold concession presser until the AM?
Literally no one argues John Kerry won in 2004.
It's very likely that the Ohio result was fraudulent. If Ohio is ruled for Kerry, Kerry ends up with 271 EC votes.

The result was challenged in Congress but was allowed to stand.

Since Kerry did not win the popular vote, Dems didn't resort to insurrection.

Something about rule of law, I guess.
How do you feel about all the Democrat politicians speaking about the 2016 election?

You keep saying all, but only showing us one; despite of course that she did in fact concede Trump won the election.

I'd imagine there's a fair amount of sour grapes from her that she lost to Trump, and I wish she'd shut up and never be heard from again. you've yet to show there's this group of Dems rallying about her like you see with Republicans around Trump - who has never conceded the election and proclaims at every opportunity that the election was stolen.