Maybe this saves the Republican Party

For shits and giggles let’s say it’s a government job. It’s a government job so it’s going to have good insurance. Do all government positions pay well? Not at all.
Now do your thing, I’m curious why this matters.
Jesus dude, I was just curious to know what field to never get into because it might make me a bitter, angry message board member. I really have nothing to add. And I really don’t care any more. Hope you find happiness in your career someday….
Jesus dude, I was just curious to know what field to never get into because it might make me a bitter, angry message board member. I really have nothing to add. And I really don’t care any more. Hope you find happiness in your career someday….
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I agree, we need to disencentivize reproduction among the poor.

LOL. As in, don't give poor mothers money to feed and cloth their babies.

Understand a couple things. First, assistance to mothers is not nearly enough to cover the expenses of raising a child. So there is already no financial incentive to have babies. Second, a lot of poor people (most?) with babies had the babies first, then became poor.

What we need is free access to birth control, and the right to terminate a pregnancy when a woman believes it is in her best interest. But these are proactive and positive measures - and conservatives really prefer punishment, even when is does not solve anything.
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Just wait a 15 years when the children born into poverty birth rate increases. People are forgetting how much Roe vs Wade decreased crime rates. Especially violent ones.
Until the powers that be address poverty in the US, we will have millions of poor Americans committing crimes. Poor people are desperate and the kids just join in the never ending circle.
Zealots are zealots. The flavor matters not.
read some of the Quran.. There isn't a new testament that says love the's convert them or kill them. Honor killings and killing of lgbt isn't rare there.
LOL. As in, don't give poor mothers money to feed and cloth their babies.

Understand a couple things. First, assistance to mothers is not nearly enough to cover the expenses of raising a child. So there is already no financial incentive to have babies. Second, a lot of poor people (most?) with babies had the babies first, then became poor.

What we need is free access to birth control, and the right to terminate a pregnancy when a woman believes it is in her best interest. But these are proactive and positive measures - and conservatives really prefer punishment, even when is does not solve anything.
no, as in free birth control, and money for not getting pregnant. I am on board with you.
That highlighted statement didn't call anyone stupid. I said the GOP must clean up their unimaginably huge mess before they can be taken seriously on any other point. Their party is Trump...Trump is their party. Trump can literally call Ted Cruz's family assassins and Ted just excuses it. There is no Trump-lite so the idea that such a candidate could appeal to the mouth-breathing MAGAts just doesn't track. They are all about "purity" in every way.

For the GOP to survive, they will have to exorcise those idiots - including those office holders - who have kissed Trump's ass at every opportunity, and lose elections until they can craft policies that have broader appeal. As it is right now, they can't even craft policies of any kind beyond doing whatever Trump says and I see no path beyond that.
Good luck. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands.

The take it or leave it style of negotiation will not work, it hasn't worked. Rubbing noses in shit also doesn't work. While I am firmly in the middle politically, I lean left on social issues and right on fiscal policy. That said, the mouth-breathing MAGA folks you refer to include a lot of my family and friends. While I don't agree with a lot of their beliefs, I won't write them off as idiots because I know there are still other things where we share common ground. That is the bridge I am referring to.

The answer lies in understanding why people gravitated bigly and quickly to Trump. Failure to try to understand that and simply write off folks as mouth-breathers or idiots does nothing but continue the fooked system we currently have. Millions of people aren't going to disappear or change ideology overnight. Office holders will not be exorcised quickly either.
I don’t believe that. I think this country is ripe for a moderate third party. Someone like Hogan, Sununu, even Manchin would mop up.
I don’t really disagree, but any new party needs to be able to identify what it stands for. No labels ran into trouble because it tried to be for everyone, which ultimately meant broad but shallow support that didn’t give them a chance to develop roots to build from, not to mention many of their positions contradicted each other and limited the support they could garner.

What’s crazy is that several of the existing third parties imo would be better served by attempting to merge based on their core single issues. Green Party, libertarian, etc., it always feels like there’s potentially common ground to build from…they just need to dump the crazy positions on unrelated issues.
The answer lies in understanding why people gravitated bigly and quickly to Trump. Failure to try to understand that and simply write off folks as mouth-breathers or idiots does nothing but continue the fooked system we currently have. Millions of people aren't going to disappear or change ideology overnight. Office holders will not be exorcised quickly either.
Here’s thing tho, imo, whatever Trump did that caused people to rally around him is not something that appears to be repeatable, which makes understanding that group extremely difficult. Countless GOP politicians have attempted to duplicate his formula, but with limited success at best. Youngkin is the only one that got elected based on that formula in a non-deep red state at the state level that I can think of. DeSantis tried to copy that in his disastrous presidential run and it blew up in his face.
Good luck. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands.

The take it or leave it style of negotiation will not work, it hasn't worked. Rubbing noses in shit also doesn't work. While I am firmly in the middle politically, I lean left on social issues and right on fiscal policy. That said, the mouth-breathing MAGA folks you refer to include a lot of my family and friends. While I don't agree with a lot of their beliefs, I won't write them off as idiots because I know there are still other things where we share common ground. That is the bridge I am referring to.

The answer lies in understanding why people gravitated bigly and quickly to Trump. Failure to try to understand that and simply write off folks as mouth-breathers or idiots does nothing but continue the fooked system we currently have. Millions of people aren't going to disappear or change ideology overnight. Office holders will not be exorcised quickly either.

I would like you to parse through the post to which you responded, and point out fault in any sentence.

You can opine about understanding these people, but that doesn't change the fact that the GOP is broken, it has to purge the trolls from their party, and until that happens we are in big trouble. You seem to suggest it's the fault of Democrats and progressives that MAGAs exist. It's not. Hell, most of them live in small towns all across the country and never personally and knowingly even encounter a liberal.
I would like you to parse through the post to which you responded, and point out fault in any sentence.

You can opine about understanding these people, but that doesn't change the fact that the GOP is broken, it has to purge the trolls from their party, and until that happens we are in big trouble. You seem to suggest it's the fault of Democrats and progressives that MAGAs exist. It's not. Hell, most of them live in small towns all across the country and never personally and knowingly even encounter a liberal.
eventually there will be a repudiation of trump

the de-stalinization will be interesting to watch...everyone remaining pretending they never supported him
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eventually there will be a repudiation of trump

the de-stalinization will be interesting to watch...everyone remaining pretending they never supported him

I hope you're right, but I don't think so. The party leaders all knew he was an idiot, so I thought when he lost in 2020 they would abandon him immediately - but instead they all supported his attempt to thwart the election results. Then I thought they would abandon him after 1/6, but whatever he does they just keep doubling down on him.

I am pretty sure if he wins, and he's still alive for 2028, he will insist he can run again and they will support him. When he dies people will still cast votes for him in the primaries, and will glorify his name: try to make his birthday a national holiday, rename Dulles Airport to Trump Airport, etc.

I have given up expecting the GOP to come to its collective senses.
I hope you're right, but I don't think so. The party leaders all knew he was an idiot, so I thought when he lost in 2020 they would abandon him immediately - but instead they all supported his attempt to thwart the election results. Then I thought they would abandon him after 1/6, but whatever he does they just keep doubling down on him.

I am pretty sure if he wins, and he's still alive for 2028, he will insist he can run again and they will support him. When he dies people will still cast votes for him in the primaries, and will glorify his name: try to make his birthday a national holiday, rename Dulles Airport to Trump Airport, etc.

I have given up expecting the GOP to come to its collective senses.
The trick is he’s put a firm limit on their base. It’s hard to see them winning many national elections in the near future. Senate and house races will remain in play due to polarization/gerrymandering.

I keep hoping for a genuine shellacking that wakes republicans up.
The trick is he’s put a firm limit on their base. It’s hard to see them winning many national elections in the near future. Senate and house races will remain in play due to polarization/gerrymandering.

I keep hoping for a genuine shellacking that wakes republicans up.

President is the only National race, and the EC makes the GOP a favorite in every election. Senate races are not gerrymandered, but its format greatly favors the GOP. I don't know where you think they're going to lose.
I don’t really disagree, but any new party needs to be able to identify what it stands for. No labels ran into trouble because it tried to be for everyone, which ultimately meant broad but shallow support that didn’t give them a chance to develop roots to build from, not to mention many of their positions contradicted each other and limited the support they could garner.

What’s crazy is that several of the existing third parties imo would be better served by attempting to merge based on their core single issues. Green Party, libertarian, etc., it always feels like there’s potentially common ground to build from…they just need to dump the crazy positions on unrelated issues.
I am more so saying a third party that is moderate. I really don’t care what the name is. Normal people are sick of the crazies that are running the parties. Normies vs MAGA and Progressives.
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President is the only National race, and the EC makes the GOP a favorite in every election. Senate races are not gerrymandered, but its format greatly favors the GOP. I don't know where you think they're going to lose.
Because of the direction Trump has taken the Republican Party, I disagree they’re the favorites in future EC elections. They have a firm ceiling on their base now which limits potential paths to victory.
Because of the direction Trump has taken the Republican Party, I disagree they’re the favorites in future EC elections. They have a firm ceiling on their base now which limits potential paths to victory.

So, they’re not going to get thrashed in the Senate, House, or state level races. It’s just President. I have to point out that since 1988 the GOP has received the most votes in the Presidential election (checks notes) once. But they have won several elections and their appointees dominate the SCOTUS.

Things are stacked against Democrats at every level, and I see no sign that the GOP will ever pay a price for their deplorable behavior.
So, they’re not going to get thrashed in the Senate, House, or state level races. It’s just President. I have to point out that since 1988 the GOP has received the most votes in the Presidential election (checks notes) once. But they have won several elections and their appointees dominate the SCOTUS.

Things are stacked against Democrats at every level, and I see no sign that the GOP will ever pay a price for their deplorable behavior.
Flipping AZ and Georgia last time around should ring alarm bells imo. If that’s a trend and not a one-off, that could be a sign of things to come.

I’m not saying it would be a quick or easy change - republicans have largely underperformed in most recent federal election cycles, they lost control of Michigan etc.

It’s not predictive, but say for example, republicans fail to retake the senate? That would entail losing multiple races they should win.
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So we can just give refugees free housing for life, continue with DEI over merit, shackle our industries with the Paris accords while Asia gets to play by other rules?
And the Republicans would win on all of that if they just drop the evangelical Christian BS- Trans, abortion, etc. Until they stop becoming the bedroom police and encroaching on individual freedom, they will not win over the moderate independent or neo-classical liberals.
And the Republicans would win on all of that if they just drop the evangelical Christian BS- Trans, abortion, etc. Until they stop becoming the bedroom police and encroaching on individual freedom, they will not win over the moderate independent or neo-classical liberals.
Of course, none of what he posted are true either. We DON'T give free housing to refugees for life, put DEI over merit, have legal enforcement of the Paris climate accords (which Trump pulled out of anyways, and to my knowledge Biden hasn't rejoined; those are goals/objectives, not requirements).
And the Republicans would win on all of that if they just drop the evangelical Christian BS- Trans, abortion, etc. Until they stop becoming the bedroom police and encroaching on individual freedom, they will not win over the moderate independent or neo-classical liberals.
I’m good with compromise on abortion. Trans out of sports otherwise good with that too
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Of course, none of what he posted are true either. We DON'T give free housing to refugees for life, put DEI over merit, have legal enforcement of the Paris climate accords (which Trump pulled out of anyways, and to my knowledge Biden hasn't rejoined; those are goals/objectives, not requirements).
Not for life, but we need to end it, like 90 percent of it. House our homeless vets, treat our mentally ill. Focus our money on our people, our problems, before we bring more in. I want people immigrating here to work, work immediately, with no criminal background. That’s it. You don’t think DEI is still a thing? Why are minority women getting into need school with a 3.2 gpa while a whites guy can’t get in with a 3.65?
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Not a chance
It's something that COULD happen in the long run, but would require a genuine grassroots movement and a willingness to be patient.

Anyone thinking a third party could rise up for a national election and make a legit run for president without down-ballot supporters is just kidding themselves.
Not for life, but we need to end it, like 90 percent of it. House our homeless vets, treat our mentally ill. Focus our money on our people, our problems, before we bring more in. I want people immigrating here to work, work immediately, with no criminal background. That’s it. You don’t think DEI is still a thing? Why are minority women getting into need school with a 3.2 gpa while a whites guy can’t get in with a 3.65?
How long do you think gov't assistance for housing refugees actually lasts? My understanding is that support coming from the gov't is 6-12 months (not including any aid organization support). Agree on housing vets, treating mentally ill...but those don't have to be mutually exclusive, and frankly, GOP has done much more to hinder those programs than the Dems have.

Never said DEI isn't a thing, but it's also not really the thing you're painting it as either, I suggest you do some reading on what all goes into that - it's not just a college admissions thing. As for why you think minority women get in with a lower GPA than white guys, well, for one - not all GPAs are created equal.
How long do you think gov't assistance for housing refugees actually lasts? My understanding is that support coming from the gov't is 6-12 months (not including any aid organization support). Agree on housing vets, treating mentally ill...but those don't have to be mutually exclusive, and frankly, GOP has done much more to hinder those programs than the Dems have.

Never said DEI isn't a thing, but it's also not really the thing you're painting it as either, I suggest you do some reading on what all goes into that - it's not just a college admissions thing. As for why you think minority women get in with a lower GPA than white guys, well, for one - not all GPAs are created equal.
You know why they get in with lower scores. It’s unfair and definitely not merit based. Fix what we have here before we bring in other people’s problems. I’ll trade you a few gun restrictions to change add tighten immigration and refugee programs
You know why they get in with lower scores. It’s unfair and definitely not merit based. Fix what we have here before we bring in other people’s problems. I’ll trade you a few gun restrictions to change add tighten immigration and refugee programs
There’s zero reason we can’t walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.
Good luck. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands.

The take it or leave it style of negotiation will not work, it hasn't worked. Rubbing noses in shit also doesn't work. While I am firmly in the middle politically, I lean left on social issues and right on fiscal policy. That said, the mouth-breathing MAGA folks you refer to include a lot of my family and friends. While I don't agree with a lot of their beliefs, I won't write them off as idiots because I know there are still other things where we share common ground. That is the bridge I am referring to.

The answer lies in understanding why people gravitated bigly and quickly to Trump. Failure to try to understand that and simply write off folks as mouth-breathers or idiots does nothing but continue the fooked system we currently have. Millions of people aren't going to disappear or change ideology overnight. Office holders will not be exorcised quickly either.
smh...take-it-or-leave-it? That's the core philosophy of the MAGAt GOP. It's their ONLY philosophy and on it, they won't budge. I don't really care HOW you purge them from the GOP - if you think they can be brought back to reality, great. Start with your family and friends. Let us know how it goes. Personally, I think they're just giving voice to views they always had but now feel free of the shame that used to attach to them if shared.