Maybe this saves the Republican Party

Maybe half. At most.

The rest have no core values other than anger and resentment, which is why Trump has been able to build a cult.
Mad at progressivism. Blinded by the weird shit they don’t like, What’s going on with immigration, crime, and the economy. Ignoring taxes and environmental issues. We need the party to focus on giving the middle class tax breaks, clamping down harder than **** on the border, decreasing the amount of refugees we bring in, and getting reform on drugs
Mad at progressivism. Blinded by the weird shit they don’t like, What’s going on with immigration, crime, and the economy. Ignoring taxes and environmental issues. We need the party to focus on giving the middle class tax breaks, clamping down harder than **** on the border, decreasing the amount of refugees we bring in, and getting reform on drugs
Just wait a 15 years when the children born into poverty birth rate increases. People are forgetting how much Roe vs Wade decreased crime rates. Especially violent ones.
Mad at progressivism. Blinded by the weird shit they don’t like, What’s going on with immigration, crime, and the economy. Ignoring taxes and environmental issues. We need the party to focus on giving the middle class tax breaks, clamping down harder than **** on the border, decreasing the amount of refugees we bring in, and getting reform on drugs
What they're pissed about is their lot in life and they need someone or something to blame for it. See IAFB2021Champs as an example.
love it...I think Islam would have been out though..especially if that saw the world today
Unfortunately you're taking the current radical GOP spin on a world religion (and its adherents) as a whole and whitewashing them all as being dangerous terrorists when we know that isn't accurate for the vast majority of Muslims.

I'm just as concerned about extreme right radical evangelical Christians as I am radical Islamists, but I'm not advocating that no Christians be allowed to immigrate into the US. That's why I continue to prefer that my government and religion not become intertwined, it's poison.
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Just wait a 15 years when the children born into poverty birth rate increases. People are forgetting how much Roe vs Wade decreased crime rates. Especially violent ones.
I agree, we need to disencentivize reproduction among the poor.
Unfortunately you're taking the current radical GOP spin on a world religion (and its adherents) as a whole and whitewashing them all as being dangerous terrorists when we know that isn't accurate for the vast majority of Muslims.

I'm just as concerned about extreme right radical evangelical Christians as I am radical Islamists, but I'm not advocating that no Christians be allowed to immigrate into the US. That's why I continue to prefer that my government and religion not become intertwined, it's poison.
Look at what’s going on in Europe. Islam when the numbers get high enough, isn’t good. When Christian’s start honor killing and throwing gay people off of buildings, we can ban them too
Here is exactly who the modern GOP is targeting:

So, we need a government that is strong, that has authority, that can protect us from those people. To vote is cute, but it's weak. And this is the only way that we can efficiently compete with the real countries on Earth, the real strong countries, you know, you would say today, China, Russia, Hungary --

And so that message is the same, is to turn us against each other, to make us believe that democracy doesn't work, to align us with strongman countries in other parts of the world. The other piece of it is that there's no knowable truth, right.

This is really important and I can tell right now that this sounds woo-woo, but it's not woo-woo. It's very specific. One of the things they do is they tell you, don't believe journalism, don't believe science, don't believe experts, don't believe history. It's all fake, it's all designed to bamboozle you. None of these so-called sources of expertise are real.

The only knowable truth is something that you feel in your gut and let me tell you what to feel in your gut. Separating us from the idea of knowable truth means we don't recognize real practical problems in the world. We don't recognize real practical solutions to those problems, which we should put our government to.

And it means that you're very susceptible to both conspiracy theories, and you're susceptible to suggestion from the leader who wants you to do things that you probably would not do on your own steam if you had your wits about you. And that dislocation from the truth, don't trust the media, don't trust science, don't trust experts, don't trust any political opposition, don't trust journalism, that is part of the authoritarian project and it always has been.

Edited for clarity.
I agree, we need to disencentivize reproduction among the poor.
I’m not so much on that train. As more thinking I want fewer unwanted children. People such as crackheads, methheads, 13 year olds, rape victims, etc. Are a decent predictor of how that child is going to turnout. It tends to cut across wealth lines as well.
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I’m not so much on that train. As more thinking I want fewer unwanted children. People such as crackheads, methheads, 13 year olds, rape victims, etc. Are a decent predictor of how that child is going to turnout. It tends to cut across wealth lines as well.
Why not both?
Just a suggestion bud. I don’t know why you stay in a job that “doesn’t pay sheet.” You are choosing to trade off a higher wage for good insurance and that is great you can do that. Not everyone has that choice.
And not everyone can trade off a better paying job because they need to work at a place that has excellent insurance. That’s why I suggest we work on getting better insurance (ACA) for people that need it, and better pay for people that already have great insurance. I’m tired of the same lame excuse of get a better paying job then.
I’m just a simple minded Second grader yet once again I know every situation is different. So yeah if the people all on board for the ACA don’t give a crap about returning the favor for people that already have great insurance, of course I’m going to be a bit butt hurt about it.
And not everyone can trade off a better paying job because they need to work at a place that has excellent insurance. That’s why I suggest we work on getting better insurance (ACA) for people that need it, and better pay for people that already have great insurance. I’m tired of the same lame excuse of get a better paying job then.
I’m just a simple minded Second grader yet once again I know every situation is different. So yeah if the people all on board for the ACA don’t give a crap about returning the favor for people that already have great insurance, of course I’m going to be a bit butt hurt about it.
So you want a national minimum living wage.
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And not everyone can trade off a better paying job because they need to work at a place that has excellent insurance. That’s why I suggest we work on getting better insurance (ACA) for people that need it, and better pay for people that already have great insurance. I’m tired of the same lame excuse of get a better paying job then.
I’m just a simple minded Second grader yet once again I know every situation is different. So yeah if the people all on board for the ACA don’t give a crap about returning the favor for people that already have great insurance, of course I’m going to be a bit butt hurt about it.
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but I am curious as to what field you are in that has such great insurance but wages suck? Usually get some sort of equalization between the two..?
Look at what’s going on in Europe. Islam when the numbers get high enough, isn’t good. When Christian’s start honor killing and throwing gay people off of buildings, we can ban them too
Islam the fringe type. Is a cautionary tale. It’s what happens when enough zealots get power in government. People laughed at the Bolshevik’s and Iranian religious fanatics. Until they started killing people. I believe the Bolshevik’s got dismissed as a bunch of stupid college elites.
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Sure, if that’s the way you want to go about it. Hopefully you realize it’s going to have to be much higher than the minimum pay that’s currently in place
The national minimum wage in place at the moment is ridiculous. It hasn't changed in fifteen years. Adjusted for inflation, the current minimum wage is at its lowest point since the very early 1950's. Yes, I understand exactly what raising it means.
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Why not both?
I think the benefits outweigh the abuse. If I was going to be significantly reformed minded. It would be towards disability benefits. Raise the floor for people to work and retain some benefits. Also some education for folks that are more limited by education. Perhaps becoming desk jockey’s if possible.
The incentive for people to remain on disability and not even try to work is extremely high.
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You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but I am curious as to what field you are in that has such great insurance but wages suck? Usually get some sort of equalization between the two..?
l love it when people ask this question knowing full well they just want to try and use this information against them at some point. Why would it change anything that I am saying if you know where I work?

l love it when people ask this question knowing full well they just want to try and use this information against them at some point. Why would it change anything that I am saying if you know where I work?
I'm a teacher. I've never hidden that. Those who "use it against" me have absolutely no idea what they're talking about and can be dismissed easily. Nobody knows where I work though I've shared enough that a stalker could probably figure it out.
Look at what’s going on in Europe. Islam when the numbers get high enough, isn’t good. When Christian’s start honor killing and throwing gay people off of buildings, we can ban them too
Let's admit then that honor killings and killing gay people is an extremely rare event, much like killing abortion providers and bombing their facilities.

The vast majority of problems being seen in European immigrants stem from poverty/unemployment, not ideology.

l love it when people ask this question knowing full well they just want to try and use this information against them at some point. Why would it change anything that I am saying if you know where I work?
Not exactly know where you work just the field. Because I have never had a job ( I have had probably about 10 full time jobs in my life) where the pay sucked so bad but the insurance was so great. Not trying to be a dick…
I'm a teacher. I've never hidden that. Those who "use it against" me have absolutely no idea what they're talking about and can be dismissed easily. Nobody knows where I work though I've shared enough that a stalker could probably figure it out.
Well I’ve shared past jobs and people have mocked them. Like you’ve said, they have no idea what they are talking about. But in my mind it’s annoying af so I prefer not to say. Plus knowing where I work changes nothing about what we are discussing.
Not exactly know where you work just the field. Because I have never had a job ( I have had probably about 10 full time jobs in my life) where the pay sucked so bad but the insurance was so great. Not trying to be a dick…
Ok good for you. I currently have a job where the pay sucks bad and the insurance is great. Try to accept that.
Well I’ve shared past jobs and people have mocked them. Like you’ve said, they have no idea what they are talking about. But in my mind it’s annoying af so I prefer not to say. Plus knowing where I work changes nothing about what we are discussing.
Again, never asked where, just what field. Go back and look. I don’t want to know any more btw…
Ok good for you. I currently have a job where the pay sucks bad and the insurance is great. Try to accept that.
and because of reform on health care?

i'm just not used to that level of shameless selfishness...most people at least pretend to want to right wrongs, even if there is no direct, immediate benefit to them

what do you think we should do with tax rates on income brackets higher than you earn?
and because of reform on health care?

i'm just not used to that level of shameless selfishness...most people at least pretend to want to right wrongs, even if there is no direct, immediate benefit to them

what do you think we should do with tax rates on income brackets higher than you earn?
Ok if you want to bash me go ahead. I would expect to see you go after the people that say I should just find a better paying job then. It’s the same thing.