Me on politics


HR All-American
Gold Member
Sep 3, 2019
I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

The day democracy died was the day the media got in bed with the democratic party.
I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

Donald Trump Usa GIF by Election 2016
I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

Had this same thought lying in bed at 4am. Strangely liberating, even as much as I hate Trump.

If Joe and Jill and Democrat leaders don’t give a shit and don’t want to do everything possible to beat Trump, why should I care?
Had this same thought lying in bed at 4am. Strangely liberating, even as much as I hate Trump.

If Joe and Jill and Democrat leaders don’t give a shit and don’t want to do everything possible to beat Trump, why should I care?
If Trump wins, and appoints more judges on the SC, that could quite literally tear the country apart. Look around man, the Christian conservatives are sending this country back to the stone ages. I implore my fellow Americans, vote for democracy. There is only one choice.
I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

So according to yourself, Democracy survived January 2017 to January 2021 which featured a Republican led House & Senate.

So you have reason for hope, right?
If Trump wins, and appoints more judges on the SC, that could quite literally tear the country apart. Look around man, the Christian conservatives are sending this country back to the stone ages. I implore my fellow Americans, vote for democracy. There is only one choice.
I’m demoralized after Thursday, I admit. Seems the D establishment cares less than I do.
If Trump wins, and appoints more judges on the SC, that could quite literally tear the country apart. Look around man, the Christian conservatives are sending this country back to the stone ages. I implore my fellow Americans, vote for democracy. There is only one choice.

Yup. And I’d say the same thing if a Dem president appointed 9 Ketanjis. The SCOTUS is damaged goods. Indefensible.
OK, well that’s still no reason to just give up and not vote for the obvious choice. Bidens been out to lunch for a while, and guess what? Things are going pretty fvcking good. JFC, wake up and vote for Biden.
Biden 2020 was an easy vote. I was ok with some decline given he’s aging. Thursday was shocking.

Honestly, the lying, arrogance and gaslighting and taking us for granted has pissed me off more than Biden’s actual condition. I haven’t written off voting D but it’s no longer an easy vote.
Biden 2020 was an easy vote. I was ok with some decline given he’s aging. Thursday was shocking.

Honestly, the lying, arrogance and gaslighting and taking us for granted has pissed me off more than Biden’s actual condition. I haven’t written off voting D but it’s no longer an easy vote.
I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, but anything, including a lamp post is better than Trump lol.
If Trump wins, and appoints more judges on the SC, that could quite literally tear the country apart. Look around man, the Christian conservatives are sending this country back to the stone ages. I implore my fellow Americans, vote for democracy. There is only one choice.
I'm moving back to Canada. Victoria BC to be more precise.
Biden 2020 was an easy vote. I was ok with some decline given he’s aging. Thursday was shocking.

Honestly, the lying, arrogance and gaslighting and taking us for granted has pissed me off more than Biden’s actual condition. I haven’t written off voting D but it’s no longer an easy vote.
Exactly this. The gaslighting is straight out of the Republican playbook. And the narcissism for the Biden camp to think he is the best choice? Seriously? They are going to find out that the average moderate is not so dumb as that.

It’s infuriating.

We were warned.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”​

― Barry Goldwater

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