Me on politics

Biden 2020 was an easy vote. I was ok with some decline given he’s aging. Thursday was shocking.

Honestly, the lying, arrogance and gaslighting and taking us for granted has pissed me off more than Biden’s actual condition. I haven’t written off voting D but it’s no longer an easy vote.
I haven't liked Biden at all and never will or was going to vote for him. However I do feel bad for him. What pisses me off the most though is the corporate media (some posters) telling us we were stupid the past year or so. They acted as if our eyes and brains weren't working and ridiculed anyone who had a question about his mental state.
Anyone who questioned him without being a complete ass is owed an apology.
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We were warned.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”​

― Barry Goldwater

The OG RINO! Guy was right quite often. He would piss all over the modern GOP.
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I haven't liked Biden at all and never will or was going to vote for him. However I do feel bad for him. What pisses me off the most though is the corporate media (some posters) telling us we were stupid the past year or so. They acted as if our eyes and brains weren't working and ridiculed anyone who had a question about his mental state.
Anyone who questioned him with being a complete ass is owed an apology.

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I haven't liked Biden at all and never will or was going to vote for him. However I do feel bad for him. What pisses me off the most though is the corporate media (some posters) telling us we were stupid the past year or so. They acted as if our eyes and brains weren't working and ridiculed anyone who had a question about his mental state.
Anyone who questioned him with being a complete ass is owed an apology.
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Don't pity me. If you've ever visited Vancouver Island you'd realize that it's pretty much the paradise of North America. I was born there so I've often thought of relocating.
That’s where the Chicom oligarchs stash their wealth, right?

I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

Buy some property in Costa Rica and invite friends and family to visit in 2025, so they can remember what a real democracy is like.
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I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:


Had this same thought lying in bed at 4am. Strangely liberating, even as much as I hate Trump.

If Joe and Jill and Democrat leaders don’t give a shit and don’t want to do everything possible to beat Trump, why should I care?
Because it's the end of everything, it's burning down our entire way of life. That's not overstatement. Don't think it won't touch you. We're headed for the instability of 3rd world countries, and 3rd world status is next after that.

And don't try to put this on Joe and Jill Biden and the Democrats. YOU don't care. Don't put it on anyone else. It's not ideal who we have on the anti-fascist side of the political ledger, but it's what we've got, and it's still the only alternative.

If I was in France right now it would be the same deal, no choice but to vote for the non-fascist candidate no matter how unpalatable they might be to me personally.
Because it's the end of everything, it's burning down our entire way of life. That's not overstatement. Don't think it won't touch you. We're headed for the instability of 3rd world countries, and 3rd world status is next after that.

And don't try to put this on Joe and Jill Biden and the Democrats. YOU don't care. Don't put it on anyone else. It's not ideal who we have on the anti-fascist side of the political ledger, but it's what we've got, and it's still the only alternative.

If I was in France right now it would be the same deal, no choice but to vote for the non-fascist candidate no matter how unpalatable they might be to me personally.
Don’t worry, I’m still going to vote against Trump.

I’m just concerned too many will sit out. And that I DO put on Joe and Jill Biden. He shouldn’t be running.
OP, try not to lose hope. It's far from guaranteed that Trump will win. There are still guardrails to keep him from gaining too much power.

He's also old as eff and probably won't live another 5 years.

America is so rich it won't crumble overnight even if he wins.
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I haven't liked Biden at all and never will or was going to vote for him. However I do feel bad for him. What pisses me off the most though is the corporate media (some posters) telling us we were stupid the past year or so. They acted as if our eyes and brains weren't working and ridiculed anyone who had a question about his mental state.
Anyone who questioned him without being a complete ass is owed an apology.
You a trumper bro?
Fair. What would stop it? You believe that there are enough Repubs that will tell Trump no?

Not sure how many. We’ll have to ask them when they come up for air.

OP, try not to lose hope. It's far from guaranteed that Trump will win. There are still guardrails to keep him from gaining too much power.

He's also old as eff and probably won't live another 5 years.

America is so rich it won't crumble overnight even if he wins.
What guardrails? Seriously, what "guardrails" are left to stifle a 2nd term President Trump?
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I am a proud liberal. I really get into politics. However, I have accepted that Trump will win and our country is screwed. SCOTUS is corrupt. The extreme Right will control all 3 branches.

I am no longer going to pay attention. It is too hard on my 48 year old body.

USA as a Democracy:

Baseless overreaction.

Also....Trump is not going to win. I don't think it will even be that close.
If Trump wins, and appoints more judges on the SC, that could quite literally tear the country apart. Look around man, the Christian conservatives are sending this country back to the stone ages. I implore my fellow Americans, vote for democracy. There is only one choice.
Get ready for Christian Nationalist James Ho on the court.
I am not convinced Republicans hold the House, even if Biden loses. And, the flip in 2026 will rival 2018 if Trump wins in November. Hopefully the Deep State can hold out for 2 years.
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Those are nothing?
Yes, they are literally nothing. The Constitution is a worthless piece of paper to Donald John Trump and his minions. Including the minions on the Supreme Court. See today's Presidential Immunity decision. As for the legislature, that was tried twice with Trump and his minions in the legislature got him off.

There are no guard rails left. There is no American Exceptionalism and "it can't happen here" bullshit to save us.
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Yes, they are literally nothing. The Constitution is a worthless piece of paper to Donald John Trump and his minions. Including the minions on the Supreme Court. See today's Presidential Immunity decision. As for the legislature, that was tried twice with Trump and his minions in the legislature got him off.

There are no guard rails left. There is no American Exceptionalism and "it can't happen here" bullshit to save us.

Pray, pray, pray brother.
What would stop it? Congressmen and women like to be re-elected.

The Senate may go red but it will be by the slimmest of majorities so all it would take is a Liz Cheney and maybe a Susan Collins.
Maybe. Liz has already been booted though. Most will do what Trump says to get re elected. Edit: Trump's influence isn't going away in 2028.
Yes, they are literally nothing. The Constitution is a worthless piece of paper to Donald John Trump and his minions. Including the minions on the Supreme Court. See today's Presidential Immunity decision. As for the legislature, that was tried twice with Trump and his minions in the legislature got him off.

There are no guard rails left. There is no American Exceptionalism and "it can't happen here" bullshit to save us.
Maybe you should move, if you are that upset.

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