Regarding Lee match, of course I wished he'd won. In the end it's on him as he's got to score a takedown...multiple takedowns actually. That being said, he'll learn from it and I still know he'll be a hammer. And I also thought Bress stalled his ass off. I'm all for working from space as I like watching quick guys like that but he would back up and avoid, Spencer stalked and Bress moved backwards. I need to watch it again but in my mind I was thinking Spencer was playing right into Bress's gameplan and kudos for Bress for pulling it off.
Here's a question for all of us wanting a review and being pissed unattached can't have reviews. Didn't it used to be that officials could call for their own review? Did they change that option? I know I saw that in the past so I suppose it changed?
Also, didn't Bress have a side headlock for an extended amount of time and no stall call in that situation? I thought you couldn't hang out in a side headlock (thanks Edinboro guy who's name escapes me) for more than 5 seconds like that when on top?
Anyway, again, I'm not pissed Spencer lost, just the manner that he lost but ultimately it's on him for not beating that guy by 10 pts like I feel he's capable. Learn and move on, the loss is there, now go pull a Cael!