Minnesota at Iowa will be a 5:30 PM game on FS1

Have a wedding that day (not football fans). I had hoped the game time would be earlier. I has a sad.
Have a wedding that day (not football fans). I had hoped the game time would be earlier. I has a sad.

Friends don't get married on football Saturdays Storm. These people are NOT your FRIENDS!!

I don't give a damn if it's your kids, DO NOT GO TO THAT WEDDING!!!!!!

And we'll all sign a petition to make their special day suck even more.


Have a wedding that day (not football fans). I had hoped the game time would be earlier. I has a sad.
No kidding I have one too. The sad part is the groom is a huge Hawkeye fan. Guess we know who wears the pants in the family. ;)

p.s. Can't even have the common decency to do it on our bye week.
Good start time.

If it’s a close game it will have a lot of eyes since all the other night games will be at halftime
Was at a wedding for the 09 Iowa Win over Penn State. The ENTIRE reception stopped to watch the 4th quarter of the game. Fortunately bride and family were big Iowa fans as well. If I would have missed that Clayborn block I would have been unhappy. Hopefully the goofer game is a blowout so the only thing you will miss is the sexy alternate unis (please have em for that game!!!).
Weddings suck. Save all the money for dresses, tuxes, receptions, rehearsal dinners, etc. and use that money to start your life.
That and i hate having to blow pretty much an entire day to get dressed up and spend time with people, the majority of whom i could care less about.

I'm too young to be like this.
Weddings suck. Save all the money for dresses, tuxes, receptions, rehearsal dinners, etc. and use that money to start your life.
That and i hate having to blow pretty much an entire day to get dressed up and spend time with people, the majority of whom i could care less about.

I'm too young to be like this.
Weddings are fun but I have a strong distaste for them during FB season.
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Any of you guys who complain about missing Iowa games due to weddings will get NO sympathy from me.

In October 2004 for the Ohio state game, one of the best and rarest of all victories in Iowa history, I had to attend a wedding. I got back to hotel earl 4th quarter, so missed all the good stuff.

I will never forget missing that game, so as I said, you get no sympathy from me on the subject.
My brother got married on a Saturday during football season, fortunately it was a road game weekend, otherwise he would have been the only member of the family there. Everyone else would have been busy if the game was at Kinnick. The bride was still mad that people were listening to the radio at the reception.
Love the start time. All the benefits of a night game and I get home before 2 in the morning.
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Any of you guys who complain about missing Iowa games due to weddings will get NO sympathy from me.

In October 2004 for the Ohio state game, one of the best and rarest of all victories in Iowa history, I had to attend a wedding. I got back to hotel earl 4th quarter, so missed all the good stuff.

I will never forget missing that game, so as I said, you get no sympathy from me on the subject.

Not for nothing, but shouldn’t this experience cause you to have MORE sympathy for guys who will miss this game, not less? It’s my understanding that’s how sympathy usually works.
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Seriously, why is this so hard for people to understand?

Hate it. Had a wedding the weekend of the UNT game already, but not really too upset about that one. However, have a wedding to go to this weekend and the bride and the groom both claim to be "big Hawkeye fans". Sorry, you are not Hawk fans or college football fans if you choose to desecrate the holiest day of the week with your crappy wedding. At least the ceremony is later on in the day so I can watch/listen to most of the game, but still. Pisses me off.

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