Regarding the claim that "liberals" are somehow behind the growing concerns about football and concussions, please show us your scientific investigation proving that political bias is somehow skewing the scientific studies documenting that football-related concussions among young people are a serious problem (hint, hint, you can't because it's pure BS to make such a claim). Now, the issue is entering the political arena as the public and our elected officials grasp the implications of what these studies show and what, if anything, should be done in response. After all, the fate of Western Civilization hangs in the balance so right-wingers everywhere can hoot and hollar in protest at school board meetings and the like if anyone dares suggest that football might be too dangerous for kids at this stage of their lives. Have at it. Meanwhile, of course, you are free to continue sending your own children onto the football playing field because, by god, you're not going to be a parent who cow-tows to the whims of science because, you know, science is "liberal" and liberal thought is a malignant cancer that is behind every act of evil in the whole world.