MSU AD Mark Hollis is out

Not surprised. Dantonio is garbage.

Someone who has let crap go rampant like this under his watch is going to go down with the ship lying and denying until the bitter end. The thing people like this don't get is, if he were to resign now, and actually own his mistakes, he would get a shot somewhere else in a few years. Being a d bag like this may end his career.
Totally agree with this. Winning and losing is part of life and something that these young people need to prepare themselves for.

Protecting rapists and serial child molesters for the sake of a brand is disgusting. I would rather be Iowa football in the 70’s and Lickliter BBall until the day I die than see our university submit to these standards.

I’m not even kidding. I’d rather lose every game for infinity than know that people in our University protected vile humans to increase chances for W’s.

We’ve lost our way as the institutions responsible for making the people who enter them better humans when they exit. So sad.

I’m with you. I get frustrated as anybody at times with Iowa FB. But have been labeled a “Kirk apologist” at times on here. One of the reasons I always defend Kirk is I believe he runs as clean a program as there is in the country. That’s not to say players aren’t going to get into some trouble but I’m always confident KF will handle it fairly. I was proud of him benching DJK for the bowl game, benching King for a half, kicking “bone crusher” off the team, etc.
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I just watched it on Big Ten Network. The replay of dantonio statement and his mini press conference and that does not look like a confident person. He was advised not to take questions? But then yet took a couple of questions. This whole thing is going to snowball and roll downhill quickly.
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I blame Marvin McNutt.

Events in East Lansing began to spiral out of control after he visited their end zone in 2009

"To be honest, I didn't even know if I was going to catch the ball," McNutt said. "It felt like the slowest play ever. Once I got open, I didn't know if he was going to throw it. Then I saw the ball and I thought, 'OK, just catch it.'"
The pressure will soon become too great within MSU and Dantonio and Izzo will be instructed to step down. Damage control.
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Meanwhile Olympic Committee does the right thing.

Olympic Committee gives USA Gymnastics board 6 days to resign
Nice. NCAA needs change from the top down as well. Sometimes it pays to be the good guys.
No wonder the NCAA was so weak on Baylor, PSU, and MSU (only starting to investigate them freaking yesterday ).

Protecting the brand, no doubt.
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Hating Dantonio hasnt been hard to do over the years and I'm not shocked to hear his name but it really sucks to hear izzo is involved. Always had a lot of respect for their program and thought they represented bten well. This whole thing is just so sad....disgrace to intercollegiate athletics. How do you not learn from penn st? Heart goes out to the victims....

I wonder if Izzo contacted Dantonio and said, "Hey, I have a player being accused of sexual assault. What should I do?"
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So Sparty the disciplinarian Izzo fires GA Walton for participating in a sexual assault with 2 players against a female. But the 2 players involved never even so much as benched a game? Never ANY punishment. If he doesn’t believe the assault ever happened, then why fire Walton?
As far as Iowa transgressions, didn't both the players leave the university withing a semester or so?

No university is not going to have kids get into trouble. It’s how these incidents are dealt with. And can even understand how at times it’s best for all parties involved to keep the media out and handle “in house”. My problem is it seems in many of the instances there was NO punishment given by the coaches. Dantonio screams “I reported these instances’. Sorry Coach it’s also your responsibility to teach these kids a lesson. Your responsibility to dole out SOME sort of punishment.