My Florida friends …

The counties and cities keep upping their property millage rates too on top of always having insurance go up. Been a homeowner since 2002 and last four years is first time I have seen my mortgage payment jumping up 100-200 a year. At this rate my mortgage payment will be double by year 15 on a FIXED rate for my 30 year mortgage. This is bad sign, since locking down a payment amount is one of the benefits of buying a house long term. It is not suppose to be like this.
I hear what you are saying but your mortgage payment (principal and interest) stays the same. It is the TI (taxes and insurance) of PITI going up. If you rented the TI would be passed on to you, so there is no avoiding it. That is why I am somewhat amused by people strictly adhering to dave Ramsey who fight like hell to pay off their mortgage early, even if they are paying 2 to 3 percent interest while the market returns 20+%, as you still have a significant monthly payment of just taxes and insurance.
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