Name a person that you would like to be president over our current choices


What has she said that isn’t true?
She’s gone on Hannity regularly regurgitated the most incredibly stupid schidt. Here are the lowlights…

-Claimed that Rittenhouse was on trial because the state was controlled by “pro-Antifa politicians.”

-Called the infrastructure bill a sign of a “cradle to grave nanny state” bill.

-Turned full neocon endorsing trickle down economics.

-Wants to bring back environmentally destructive fracking, towing a an eerily similar line to that of the oil and gas lobbyists.

-She shits on US foreign policy supporting Ukraine’s defense as war-mongering yet wants US to bend over even more for Israel. She completely exposed herself as an anti-war fraud.

-She seemingly confused Hamas with ISIS for her war-mongering justifications, defending Israel’s slaughtering women and children with language about defeating the “ideology” of Hamas.

She’s a grifter with no consistency other than auditioning to be a part of Trump’s administration when she was rejected by Democrats
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I hope you're right about her improving. But I suspect her polling popularity had more to do with name recognition and push polling than any actual assessment of relative strengths or weaknesses.

I feel like less than 20% of the population knows between the individuals in those kind of polls, and name recognition is primary.
She’s gone on Hannity regularly regurgitated the most incredibly stupid schidt. Here are the lowlights…

-Claimed that Rittenhouse was on trial because the state was controlled by “pro-Antifa politicians.”

-Called the infrastructure bill a sign of a “cradle to grave nanny state” bill.

-Turned full neocon endorsing trickle down economics.

-Wants to bring back environmentally destructive fracking, towing a an eerily similar line to that of the oil and gas lobbyists.

-She shits on US foreign policy supporting Ukraine’s defense as war-mongering yet wants US to bend over even more for Israel. She completely exposed herself as an anti-war fraud.

-She seemingly confused Hamas with ISIS for her war-mongering justifications, defending Israel’s slaughtering women and children with language about defeating the “ideology” of Hamas.

She’s a grifter with no consistency other than auditioning to be a part of Trump’s administration when she was rejected by Democrats
Sad to see her conversion. And yet I saw her recently making sense on some topic of importance.

I wonder what happened? Did her moral compass break, or was she conning us back when she was good on climate change and health care and other critical issues?

I'd still take her over Nikki Haley. At least Tulsi has held some good values.

Maybe not soon but eventually the debate will be how to program our AI President to focus on the policies the people vote for in elections.

In other words, we vote on the policies we want and the AI President is given instructions to prioritize those policies.

Utopia or nightmare?
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Claimed that Rittenhouse was on trial because the state was controlled by “pro-Antifa politicians.”
I can put up with some of Tulsi's flops and nonsense, but pandering about Antifa is one of them that crosses the line.

I'd be interested to see her list of "pro-Antifa politicians."

I can't think of a single pro-Antifa politician. Can you? There may well be some in Europe where they don't think fascism is either a good idea or a joking matter, but in America?

To be clear, I'd be delighted to learn that we have some pro-Antifa politicians in America. The more the better.
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Its Happening Ron Paul GIF
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