Name something you “just don’t get”.

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
It could be because you really don’t understand it, or that you don’t see how people can like it or that you’re too old and don’t like scary new things or whatever.

Mine kind of has all three of those things mentioned above: NFTs. I don’t really get it because I’m not smart. I also don’t get why anyone would love or pay for something like that and’s one of the new things that’s dumb because I’m old and I don’t get it.
Twitter, there is some funny stuff on it but I don't want to read through pages to find it.
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It could be because you really don’t understand it, or that you don’t see how people can like it or that you’re too old and don’t like scary new things or whatever.

Mine kind of has all three of those things mentioned above: NFTs. I don’t really get it because I’m not smart. I also don’t get why anyone would love or pay for something like that and’s one of the new things that’s dumb because I’m old and I don’t get it.
I'm with you on this one. It feels a lot like something Bernie Madoff would do, but only this time they are up front about the fact you aren't really buying anything. I guess I could see the appeal of short term profits, but I just don't see any way the bottom doesn't fall out of this and millions of people end up losing trillions of dollars when it all crashes.
I don’t understand crypto or NFTs. Or blockchain. I’m generally fairly intelligent but I think my age is against me on this.

The other thing I don’t understand is how people can watch these blood/gore/violent movies and tv shows. It didn’t use to bother me so much but my husband watches this shit and it’s just disturbing. I can’t do it anymore. I absolutely hate it.
I don’t get stock price for Tesla when basically all other car companies are making EV’s now.
I understand what the idea of a non-fungible token (NFT) is, basically think of it as something unique, but purely digital. It could be art, music, video, whatever, but the key being it's one of a kind.

What I don't get is why anyone would want to buy such a thing. It's an exclusivity thing I guess, owning 1 of 1 of something. Doesn't do anything for me in digital form though. If I spent a lot of money on some art, it had better be on display physically.
I understand what the idea of a non-fungible token (NFT) is, basically think of it as something unique, but purely digital. It could be art, music, video, whatever, but the key being it's one of a kind.

What I don't get is why anyone would want to buy such a thing. It's an exclusivity thing I guess, owning 1 of 1 of something. Doesn't do anything for me in digital form though. If I spent a lot of money on some art, it had better be on display physically.
I should mention the unique feature may only apply in certain mediums like art. There are other use cases I don't understand how/why this NFT approach would be beneficial compared to traditional means and non-digital currency.
The republicans blind willingness to surgically attach their lips to donald trumps ass.

people who get worked up over some woke person creating some new term like “birthing people”.
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Stephen Sondheim - yes he was (is?) a great lyricist but he is the Seinfeld of writing the music. His melodies are about nothing :)
I don't get why people are too lazy to simply type-out acronyms for simple phrases.
NFT = Non-fungible token.

There. Cleared up THAT confusion. ;)

"I understand what the idea of a non-fungible token (NFT) is, basically think of it as something unique, but purely digital. It could be art, music, video, whatever, but the key being it's one of a kind."

Take a video clip. Attach a unique digital marker to it. Bingo! NFT!!

It's still the same video clip you can watch on YouTube, of course.

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