Name something you “just don’t get”.

I like diet coke and I usually have to get diet caffeine free coke if it's afternoon. Coke zero seems to have a ton of caffeine. Idk if it's more than diet coke but it seemed like it to me.
I don't know, I hardly ever drink soda. I mostly drink it on road trips - that or diet mountain dew - they are my road trip sodas of choice.
Worshipping a sports team from a university and city you hate everything about and rag on regularly

Rooting for the Cubs and the Packers
I don't get all you "adults" who drink soda all the time.
I drink it only rarely, but if I do it’s Diet Coke. It’s all about taste for me since my pop consumption is so minimal a regular pop wouldn’t be concerning to me calorie wise. If I worried about caloric intake in my beverages I wouldn’t drink beer and wine, the occasional bourbon or martini...
Eating Liver , gizzards , herring, I shutter to think that’s edible food
I don’t get stock price for Tesla when basically all other car companies are making EV’s now.

Tesla's software, camera technology, battery, and sonar are way better then other cars right now. They were ahead of the game and as a result are the big dog. However, their earnings aren't reflective of the value of the company. The stock is overpriced and their market share will decline. However, they are best at what they do which people throw a lot of faith in Tech. A correction is coming soon.
"Celebrity Chefs", Most professional golfers, Folks who like to tell me how I should like MY steak cooked. Celebrities that think I should actually care about their "cause du jour".
People who drive newer/nicer vehicles but their registration is expired by a year or more
It could be because you really don’t understand it, or that you don’t see how people can like it or that you’re too old and don’t like scary new things or whatever.

Mine kind of has all three of those things mentioned above: NFTs. I don’t really get it because I’m not smart. I also don’t get why anyone would love or pay for something like that and’s one of the new things that’s dumb because I’m old and I don’t get it.
Moist peanuts in cottage cheese.
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Expensive cars. I'm an "A to B" kind of guy and you'd think I'm working a min wage job by the car I drive.
I spend upwards of an hour a day in my car. That's a lot of hours a year. I want to enjoy myself. Money well spent AFAIC.
Squirrels! Ever since I was seven and laid eyes upon those bushy tailed tree rats. The frustration!
Why we can put a man on the moon and split the atom, but can't design a refrigerator that can dispense say 5 ice cubes rather than random outputs of 1 cube or 20 cubes at a time.
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I’d like to add something else:
Internet Influencers and the whole Kardashian/ Paris Hilton thing. I don’t get it. How on earth do so many people “aspire” to be that? I don’t know. Maybe I’m just jealous. Nah. I just don’t get it.

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