Name something you “just don’t get”.

I don’t understand crypto or NFTs. Or blockchain. I’m generally fairly intelligent but I think my age is against me on this.

The other thing I don’t understand is how people can watch these blood/gore/violent movies and tv shows. It didn’t use to bother me so much but my husband watches this shit and it’s just disturbing. I can’t do it anymore. I absolutely hate it.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger of information. If you understand the concept of a general ledger in accounting that is a running log of all transactions, think of blockchain in a similar vein. Something happens, it gets logged. Someone changes it, they don’t change the record, they add an edit entry instead. And so on and so on. It is distributed instead of centralized like a bank. Meaning that the ledger is controlled by a majority of the people participating. I could try to force a transaction to occur through nefarious means, but it won’t actually occur because no other participants in the blockchain will respect my bad transaction. What blockchain is potentially susceptible to is some one or some group somehow obtaining control of greater than 50% of the participants in the blockchain, then they would have total control until they lost majority ownership. But most of these public block chains have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of participants so that would be hard to do.

Think of crypto currencies like commodities traded in a market, company stock or gold/silver. They only have value based upon what someone is willing to pay and then ownership of crypto is maintained by a ledger and an account, or wallet, that the commodities are assigned to. The wallet is a local file that has an electronic identification in the ledger. If you forget the password or if you lose the file you won’t be able to access the assets anymore, just like people in old times and the potential of losing their company stock certificates to a house fire. Just like gold and silver they had to be “mined” before being used. In the case of bitcoin, mining consisted of a computer doing calculations for a task. Bitcoin has a limit to how many coins are available, so it became harder to mine them over time and require much more calculations to mine one coin. There are also some bitcoin wallets that have been “lost” where people don’t know the password or lost the computer the files were on and nobody has access to them anymore, similar to gold that sunk to the bottom of the sea that nobody knows where it is. Crypto currencies utilize blockchain technology to be the ledger for which wallet owns what, so that is how they connect together. You may say, why can’t I just edit the wallet, since it is a local file, to make myself have more bitcoin? You can’t because the blockchain knows how many bitcoin you have access to because of the ledger.

NFT has been talked about by others.
It could be because you really don’t understand it, or that you don’t see how people can like it or that you’re too old and don’t like scary new things or whatever.

Mine kind of has all three of those things mentioned above: NFTs. I don’t really get it because I’m not smart. I also don’t get why anyone would love or pay for something like that and’s one of the new things that’s dumb because I’m old and I don’t get it.
Shout rap. My son likes all kind of rap that gets played while we work out. I probably like 20% of it, tolerate 70% of it, but then 10% hurts my ears and has no redeeming value. It kind has a heavy metal aspect to it, of which, the shouting kind I also hate. He says it gets him pumped up. I do not get it.
I think daylight savings should be year ‘round. I prefer the extra hour of light at night versus during the morning.
I'm the opposite. I'd rather have standard time year round.

The thing that makes standard time still important is making sure our kids aren't going to school in pitch dark. Otherwise most people would rather stay on daylight time imo.
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You don’t understand why people
“Don’t leave the country” or essentially travel. Hmmm I wonder why.......
I don’t know wtf you’re saying. Sorry if I’m missing something obvious. I’m saying I don’t get people that don’t travel. Period.
I understand what the idea of a non-fungible token (NFT) is, basically think of it as something unique, but purely digital. It could be art, music, video, whatever, but the key being it's one of a kind.

What I don't get is why anyone would want to buy such a thing. It's an exclusivity thing I guess, owning 1 of 1 of something. Doesn't do anything for me in digital form though. If I spent a lot of money on some art, it had better be on display physically.
It's a speculative market, just like real estate. You buy it because (you hope) someone else will pay more for it, even though it holds no intrinsic value to you. A few people will make money, the bottom will fall out, and many people will lose money.

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