Name something you “just don’t get”.

I mean, I don’t know how people can’t spend 8,000 dollars to travel abroad. ITS SOMETHING I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND.

Triggered much? His point is not understanding people that don't WANT to travel. I completely agree. I want to go all kinds of places I can't afford to go. I don't get people that don't want to see new places, people or things.
Triggered much? His point is not understanding people that don't WANT to travel. I completely agree. I want to go all kinds of places I can't afford to go. I don't get people that don't want to see new places, people or things.

Looks like we had had enough of the obtuseness. Lol.
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Mom jeans. Why on earth are they back?!

I don't get the impulse to have news alerts on one's phone, or to watch "news" TV that we abhor, so on and so forth. I simply don't understand the seeming inability to decouple oneself from stuff that, deep down, most everyone knows nothing positive for one's life is resultant.

I do get it, intellectually, though. We Westerners are just unbelievably conditioned to consume. Anything that is consumption is behavior-adopted with very, very, very little consideration.

But I don't get it.
Triggered much? His point is not understanding people that don't WANT to travel. I completely agree. I want to go all kinds of places I can't afford to go. I don't get people that don't want to see new places, people or things.

Where did he say that?
It's a show best watched on DVR, fast forward through all the stupidity and just watch the performances and the reveal at the end. Same goes for a lot of shows.
I guess the few times I have seen clips it was some D-list actor and I didn’t understand why figuring out who the singer was as being entertaining. But I’m sure I’m missing the hook.
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I guess the few times I have scene clips it was some D-list actor and I didn’t understand why figuring out who the singer was as being entertaining. But I’m sure I’m missing the hook.
Rob Gronkowski was pretty entertaining. A lot of their "stars" though, I just have no idea who they are even after they've been revealed.

LeAnn Rimes, has such a wonderful voice and can do any style, too.
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Blockchain is a distributed ledger of information. If you understand the concept of a general ledger in accounting that is a running log of all transactions, think of blockchain in a similar vein. Something happens, it gets logged. Someone changes it, they don’t change the record, they add an edit entry instead. And so on and so on. It is distributed instead of centralized like a bank. Meaning that the ledger is controlled by a majority of the people participating. I could try to force a transaction to occur through nefarious means, but it won’t actually occur because no other participants in the blockchain will respect my bad transaction. What blockchain is potentially susceptible to is some one or some group somehow obtaining control of greater than 50% of the participants in the blockchain, then they would have total control until they lost majority ownership. But most of these public block chains have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of participants so that would be hard to do.

Think of crypto currencies like commodities traded in a market, company stock or gold/silver. They only have value based upon what someone is willing to pay and then ownership of crypto is maintained by a ledger and an account, or wallet, that the commodities are assigned to. The wallet is a local file that has an electronic identification in the ledger. If you forget the password or if you lose the file you won’t be able to access the assets anymore, just like people in old times and the potential of losing their company stock certificates to a house fire. Just like gold and silver they had to be “mined” before being used. In the case of bitcoin, mining consisted of a computer doing calculations for a task. Bitcoin has a limit to how many coins are available, so it became harder to mine them over time and require much more calculations to mine one coin. There are also some bitcoin wallets that have been “lost” where people don’t know the password or lost the computer the files were on and nobody has access to them anymore, similar to gold that sunk to the bottom of the sea that nobody knows where it is. Crypto currencies utilize blockchain technology to be the ledger for which wallet owns what, so that is how they connect together. You may say, why can’t I just edit the wallet, since it is a local file, to make myself have more bitcoin? You can’t because the blockchain knows how many bitcoin you have access to because of the ledger.

NFT has been talked about by others.
Please re-type this in LuteHawk style.
I guess the few times I have seen clips it was some D-list actor and I didn’t understand why figuring out who the singer was as being entertaining. But I’m sure I’m missing the hook.
Tell me these clips are not outstanding. She is outrageously talented. To you point though, many people do suck. Having her in this competition was like Maximus slaughtering those poor bastards in the gladiator pits in the boonies.

Tell me these clips are not outstanding. She is outrageously talented. To you point though, many people do suck. Having her in this competition was like Maximus slaughtering those poor bastards in the gladiator pits in the boonies.

I don’t mean to imply I am criticizing anyone’s taste in entertainment. Lord knows I can get sucked into a bubble gum pop teenage roncom. This just isn’t my bag
I don't get the impulse to have news alerts on one's phone, or to watch "news" TV that we abhor, so on and so forth. I simply don't understand the seeming inability to decouple oneself from stuff that, deep down, most everyone knows nothing positive for one's life is resultant.

I do get it, intellectually, though. We Westerners are just unbelievably conditioned to consume. Anything that is consumption is behavior-adopted with very, very, very little consideration.

But I don't get it.
I like seeing guys get hit in the nuts on AFV.
The international popularity of soccer.
It's a great game if you're poor (all that's needed is something to act as a ball and as a net), and while we complain about poverty in America, many poor Americans are still better off than the vast majority of poors in Latin America, sub-saharan Africa, south Asia, etc.

Hockey, baseball, and football (American, not international football) can be crazy-expensive just for the equipment alone.
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The Rubix Cube

I love puzzles/brain teasers, etc., and have always felt like I was really good at them. But the Rubix Cube is something I just can’t grasp. My 9-year old can get a side completed in a few minutes, and that impresses the hell out of me. I tried, got 7 or 8 on one side and that was it. Does not compute.
The Rubix Cube

I love puzzles/brain teasers, etc., and have always felt like I was really good at them. But the Rubix Cube is something I just can’t grasp. My 9-year old can get a side completed in a few minutes, and that impresses the hell out of me. I tried, got 7 or 8 on one side and that was it. Does not compute.
That is actually harder than "solving" one, as that just involves memorizing a series of moves.
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This is my opinion. Coke and Pepsi is sooooo sweet. Diet Coke is actually just my preferred flavor.
I totally get that. Pepsi (and RC Cola, for the few that actually drink it) are sweeter than Coke, which is a bit more acidic than either (which is still good, but I have to be in the mood to drink a classic Coke - generally I prefer Pepsi).

As far as lo-cal options go, I tend to go for a Pepsi Max or Coke Zero. Some people complain about the undertaste (and there is a bit of one, but it doesn't bother me) but it's a little sweeter than Diet Cola.
The Rubix Cube

I love puzzles/brain teasers, etc., and have always felt like I was really good at them. But the Rubix Cube is something I just can’t grasp. My 9-year old can get a side completed in a few minutes, and that impresses the hell out of me. I tried, got 7 or 8 on one side and that was it. Does not compute.
Cross, four corners, middle
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The Rubix Cube

I love puzzles/brain teasers, etc., and have always felt like I was really good at them. But the Rubix Cube is something I just can’t grasp. My 9-year old can get a side completed in a few minutes, and that impresses the hell out of me. I tried, got 7 or 8 on one side and that was it. Does not compute.
Someone else posted a video, but for a normal Rubik’s cube it is just a matter of understanding the cube, knowing how to start, and then memorizing a small series of about 6 “algorithms“.

When COVID started I decided to finally learn, then got hooked. I had to upgrade to a 4x4x4 and then 5x5x5 cube and figure out those. The 5 one is actually easier but takes longer. I was given a 12 sided one for Christmas and haven’t dared to start on that.
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This is my opinion. Coke and Pepsi are sooooo sweet. Diet Coke is actually just my preferred flavor.

Took the wife (no pic) and daughter to lunch yesterday for Mother's Day. Wifey wanted to go to this new cafeteria style concept restaurant that opened a couple years ago, she wanted one of their salads. I figured what the hell, I'll roll with it. They had some pretty sick looking wood fired pizzas so I got one of those. I go to grab a Diet Coke and they don't have a single diet beverage in the fvcking house. The look of disgust on my face was evident to wifey so I rallied and got a regular Coke. I only drank about 1/3 of it, but I cannot eat pizza without a soda. It's sacrilege.
It's a great game if you're poor (all that's needed is something to act as a ball and as a net), and while we complain about poverty in America, many poor Americans are still better off than the vast majority of poors in Latin America, sub-saharan Africa, south Asia, etc.

Hockey, baseball, and football (American, not international football) can be crazy-expensive just for the equipment alone.
They can be but hockey is in another league cost wise and I'd say it's the only one you listed where not too many dirt poor kids make it to elite status. Ive seen pics of kids playing baseball in the streets of latin america with a stick, ball and potato chip bags for gloves, football you just need a ball and some open space....both those sports are filled with stars who grew up poor. Not so much the case with golf and tennis it tends to be more for the affluent kids, although I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions.

I think the fact that soccer is a much older game and already a part of so many nations' traditions is a big reason football hasn't caught on in more places....along with the equipment price. Also, a lot of countries just don't have big enough people to play it well. Big and fast people of European and African descent make up most American football rosters....Asians and Latinos not so much
Blockchain is a distributed ledger of information. If you understand the concept of a general ledger in accounting that is a running log of all transactions, think of blockchain in a similar vein. Something happens, it gets logged. Someone changes it, they don’t change the record, they add an edit entry instead. And so on and so on. It is distributed instead of centralized like a bank. Meaning that the ledger is controlled by a majority of the people participating. I could try to force a transaction to occur through nefarious means, but it won’t actually occur because no other participants in the blockchain will respect my bad transaction. What blockchain is potentially susceptible to is some one or some group somehow obtaining control of greater than 50% of the participants in the blockchain, then they would have total control until they lost majority ownership. But most of these public block chains have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of participants so that would be hard to do.

Think of crypto currencies like commodities traded in a market, company stock or gold/silver. They only have value based upon what someone is willing to pay and then ownership of crypto is maintained by a ledger and an account, or wallet, that the commodities are assigned to. The wallet is a local file that has an electronic identification in the ledger. If you forget the password or if you lose the file you won’t be able to access the assets anymore, just like people in old times and the potential of losing their company stock certificates to a house fire. Just like gold and silver they had to be “mined” before being used. In the case of bitcoin, mining consisted of a computer doing calculations for a task. Bitcoin has a limit to how many coins are available, so it became harder to mine them over time and require much more calculations to mine one coin. There are also some bitcoin wallets that have been “lost” where people don’t know the password or lost the computer the files were on and nobody has access to them anymore, similar to gold that sunk to the bottom of the sea that nobody knows where it is. Crypto currencies utilize blockchain technology to be the ledger for which wallet owns what, so that is how they connect together. You may say, why can’t I just edit the wallet, since it is a local file, to make myself have more bitcoin? You can’t because the blockchain knows how many bitcoin you have access to because of the ledger.

NFT has been talked about by others.

I read through this, and I don't have enough breadcrumbs to get home. I guess it's good I haven't invested in it.

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