Got it.paying the event people is figured into cost of the ticket and my numbers were based on 10,000 not 7,500
10,000 X $15 = 150,000
10,000 X $20 = 200,000
and that did not count the money from concession sales.if it cost more than planned then the have the option of charging more,
the price of admission is determined by the event. the craft shows don't cost as much to get in,
I have no idea about getting into a craft show but I would guess around $5.00 each and less for children, then the vender pays for their booth, same thing with the sport show in the UNI Dome the venders pay to set up in the Dome and the patrons have to pay to get in.
after awhile that started to bite the UNI Dome people in the ass. as the venders stop going and held their own special to get the people to come into their building.
sometimes you can charge yourself out of a good thing with how much you charge and who you charge.
I took some of my sporting goods to display and sell to a couple of the UNI Dome sports shows till it no longer paid as they kept wanting more each year. same thing Cattle Congress toward the end they wanted not only rental on the booth but they also wanted a % of the money the venders made.
the vender slowly stopped showing up and even some of the rides stopped showing up.
I remember going and the livestock barns were full the entire the fair ran, now if there were any lifestock being shown they just stay for their animals to be shown and then they leave because it got to expensive to stay longer talk about killing the golden goose.
this was over 10 years ago. since then Mesqraki bought the grounds and buildings and the CC is a shadow of what it once was.
my idea of a domed baseball field was a simple idea, now it has been hijacked and morphed into a unrealistic produc, that is going to generate millions per event.
this board has dropped to the depths of hell. where a simple idea is twisted to the point of making millions per event.
god help us all.
So we're only going to average, at best, 7,000 empty seats for baseball.