New Survey: 28% Of Gen Z Adults Identify As LGBTQ

As organized religion dies, the traditional family dies, and masculinity dies... something must take their places... And here we are...

We know who these kids are too... It's the purple and pink haired, bull ring in the nose, 250 lb fatty chicks and the skinny jean man-bun boys.
And Republicans doing elderly orgies and inviting Congress members.
Thats an awfully high number... However, as you look at the trend of Gen XYZ, it is clearly going in that direction so it is very possibly, accurate.

"About 28% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, compared with 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X (born 1965-1980), 4% of baby boomers (1946-1964) and 4% of the Silent Generation (1928-1945)".

If they took the survey in some liberal crap hole the numbers are probably correct.
Thats an awfully high number... However, as you look at the trend of Gen XYZ, it is clearly going in that direction so it is very possibly, accurate.

"About 28% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, compared with 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X (born 1965-1980), 4% of baby boomers (1946-1964) and 4% of the Silent Generation (1928-1945)".

Completely supports my idea that some of these people choose this lifestyle for attention. What a sad state this world is in. It’s almost hard to fathom how far morals have fallen over the last 20 years.
We live in a moral vacuum .
For one it would take a sick person to do it. Is it immoral to be mentally ill, probably not.

no they don't.

Or it means we are mistakenly teaching kids to find their identity in their sexuality instead of something greater. We created an answer to a question a lot of them weren’t even asking.
Don't hand me that. My entire childhood I was taught that blowing guys was wrong. I was taught that anything gay was gross and sinful. Guess what? I wanted to suck off dudes anyway. I wanted a big one in me anyway. You know as well as I was that there were plenty of guys interested in other guys in high school. Full gay guys. Guys who had gfs but also liked playing grabass with other guys. Or even guys that just vibed on other guys but we're too nerdy to do anything about it. The only difference is that back then they had to hide it.
Don't hand me that. My entire childhood I was taught that blowing guys was wrong. I was taught that anything gay was gross and sinful. Guess what? I wanted to suck off dudes anyway. I wanted a big one in me anyway. You know as well as I was that there were plenty of guys interested in other guys in high school. Full gay guys. Guys who had gfs but also liked playing grabass with other guys. Or even guys that just vibed on other guys but we're too nerdy to do anything about it. The only difference is that back then they had to hide it.
This sounds kinda ghey.

Seriously though, our society over emphasizes sex as a go to source for happiness. Applies to straight people too.

What if we just let kids study math, reading, & writing and told them that is what is important? Instead, we teach straight and LGBT kids that sex is so important and that they will find happiness in it. This is a lie from the pit of hell.
Don't hand me that. My entire childhood I was taught that blowing guys was wrong. I was taught that anything gay was gross and sinful. Guess what? I wanted to suck off dudes anyway. I wanted a big one in me anyway. You know as well as I was that there were plenty of guys interested in other guys in high school. Full gay guys. Guys who had gfs but also liked playing grabass with other guys. Or even guys that just vibed on other guys but we're too nerdy to do anything about it. The only difference is that back then they had to hide it.
Do you also believe in Flying Monkeys?

You see it with the huge rise in fascination with Myers Briggs all over again,
Don't forget enneagrams! Or any other hokum personality test. Hell, we have "doctors" on here who put stock in shit like Myers-Briggs. Unsurprising, considering their other unscientific beliefs.
Don't hand me that. My entire childhood I was taught that blowing guys was wrong. I was taught that anything gay was gross and sinful. Guess what? I wanted to suck off dudes anyway. I wanted a big one in me anyway. You know as well as I was that there were plenty of guys interested in other guys in high school. Full gay guys. Guys who had gfs but also liked playing grabass with other guys. Or even guys that just vibed on other guys but we're too nerdy to do anything about it. The only difference is that back then they had to hide it.
Yeah, even in the 90's when I was in school, you knew that one kid was "different" and in a class of 30 kids there was 1 who was L/G... let's assume there was the 1 we all suspected was... and 1 more that no one really knew... that still means that number has more than doubled in the last 20 years...

As far as you and your sexual preferences... while I'll never quite understand the desire to have a big one or a small one in your.... well anywhere...I support your right to be happy in your relationships.
I think what's happening is the people who are "curious" or whatever you want to call it feel less pressure to not act on those feelings now and feel that they will not be judged nearly as harshly as generations in the past have. So not only are they more likely to experiment, they are more likely to acknowledge that what they are doing is a gay act. How many stories have we seen where some dude from an older generation was getting BJ's in a bathroom or handies in a spa and then say, "Well I'm not gay so that wasn't a gay act". Flat out denial (usually right before they go vote on anti-gay legislation...but I digress). Now, a person is more likely to respond with, "Yeah, what of it and why is that any of your business?"

Also, with the increased acceptance the definition of gay has broadened and become more segregated as the ever expanding list of letters has gotten bigger. It's a spectrum, for sure and some day there may even be a label for all of it catching more people who have a label to identify with.
Over half are probably "non-binary".
Or poly - I have a friend who considers herself this - basically just wants to have her cake and eat it too. When she said she/poly was part of LGBTQ I just sat there quietly thinking, "Sure sounds like the same as them." She told her husband she wants to go on dates with other men and women and just cuddle. That's great and all but please don't pretend you're having the challenges that gay and trans people have had for decades.
It would be more revealing if the poll listed each of the various LGBTQETC buckets separately.

I could see where some of the people who vaguely identify as “non-binary” might be just be following a trend.

I find it harder to believe that people who identify as “gay” are jumping on a bandwagon.
It's just a terrible situation these days with all the plethora of woke gorgeous young women now insisting on bringing their hot girlfriends into the bedroom and making you BOITC, or even worse, forcing their boyfriend/husband to partake. Back in my day, the women got all that stuff out of their system in college. Sad.
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As organized religion dies, the traditional family dies, and masculinity dies... something must take their places... And here we are...

We know who these kids are too... It's the purple and pink haired, bull ring in the nose, 250 lb fatty chicks and the skinny jean man-bun boys.

Wow. Show your true colors.

I can feel the incel emanating from the screen.

You are truly a vile P.O.S.
This sounds kinda ghey.

Seriously though, our society over emphasizes sex as a go to source for happiness. Applies to straight people too.

What if we just let kids study math, reading, & writing and told them that is what is important? Instead, we teach straight and LGBT kids that sex is so important and that they will find happiness in it. This is a lie from the pit of hell.
Dude, every aspect of my childhood was hetero. Every couple on TV. Every magazine ad. Every commercial. Every display of PDA in real life. So you 100% heteros don't get to claim foul when the rest of us do it, too. There are now gay characters in the movies and in the streets now. Big deal. Grow up and let them display their love, too. It's called being an adult.

As far as teaching about the LGBTQ in schools, guess what? They were teaching all about heteros every step of my childhood, too. Romeo and Juliet, sex Ed, the basic family unit, even the president and first lady in history class. It was all hetero bent. So don't pretend that teaching about sexuality is a new thing. It's always been in schools. It was just hetero before.
Yeah, even in the 90's when I was in school, you knew that one kid was "different" and in a class of 30 kids there was 1 who was L/G... let's assume there was the 1 we all suspected was... and 1 more that no one really knew... that still means that number has more than doubled in the last 20 years...

As far as you and your sexual preferences... while I'll never quite understand the desire to have a big one or a small one in your.... well anywhere...I support your right to be happy in your relationships.
There were a lot of different guys in school. Dudes were all over each other in junior high. You couldn't bend over without some guy pretending to hump your ass. And none of these guys were the clearly gay guys. They were simply guys who like wrestling around with other guys in a little too non platonic way.

We all know who these guys were. Not necessarily gay but maybe having some bi tendencies
There were a lot of different guys in school. Dudes were all over each other in junior high. You couldn't bend over without some guy pretending to hump your ass. And none of these guys were the clearly gay guys. They were simply guys who like wrestling around with other guys in a little too non platonic way.

We all know who these guys were. Not necessarily gay but maybe having some bi tendencies

My school experience was different.
Dude, every aspect of my childhood was hetero. Every couple on TV. Every magazine ad. Every commercial. Every display of PDA in real life. So you 100% heteros don't get to claim foul when the rest of us do it, too. There are now gay characters in the movies and in the streets now. Big deal. Grow up and let them display their love, too. It's called being an adult.

As far as teaching about the LGBTQ in schools, guess what? They were teaching all about heteros every step of my childhood, too. Romeo and Juliet, sex Ed, the basic family unit, even the president and first lady in history class. It was all hetero bent. So don't pretend that teaching about sexuality is a new thing. It's always been in schools. It was just hetero before.
I never said anything about teaching Huey.

I said society & culture over emphasize sex as a means to happiness. Sure is…temporarily.
Dude, every aspect of my childhood was hetero. Every couple on TV. Every magazine ad. Every commercial. Every display of PDA in real life. So you 100% heteros don't get to claim foul when the rest of us do it, too. There are now gay characters in the movies and in the streets now. Big deal. Grow up and let them display their love, too. It's called being an adult.

As far as teaching about the LGBTQ in schools, guess what? They were teaching all about heteros every step of my childhood, too. Romeo and Juliet, sex Ed, the basic family unit, even the president and first lady in history class. It was all hetero bent. So don't pretend that teaching about sexuality is a new thing. It's always been in schools. It was just hetero before.
Now it doesn't have anything to do with sex orientation, "DUDE."

"Like, my gendered soul is incongruent with my fake sex, ya know? It's like, sometimes I wear slides and sweatpants and sometimes I wear sweatpants and slides and it's like, like I don't even feeeeeel like a human, tho ...."