New Survey: 28% Of Gen Z Adults Identify As LGBTQ

Makes sense I'm an early 80's baby... Basically the last of the Gen Xers. We're the last remaining vestiges of sanity on the gender nonsense. Millennials and Gen Z might be down to clown, but I won't be bullied myself into compromising my beliefs just so people who don't know what shitter to use can feel less confused. That's their problem not mine, and it won't become mine.
I'm gen x and you aren't being bullied. YOU are pushing how you think onto the way other AMERICANS live their lives, freely. You are only for a certain type of freedom - your kind. Live how you want to live. Let others be themselves. They aren't hurting you. That's today's Republican Party.
You didn't answer the question. Why does it bother YOU so much? Why can't people just be free to be who they want without you being an a-hole to them? You literally read like a bully from the 1980's.

If you wanna wear panties and call yourself a lady, okay weird but whatever do you... stay away from the kids with that crap though. Same thing with pastors, priests, scout leaders, teachers, doctors, and anyone else poisoning the minds and bodies of these kids.

The reason the numbers keep growing isn't because more kids are "born this way" it's because they're impressionable and they're under attack from the rainbow jihad letter people. That's why it bothers ME.
Thats an awfully high number... However, as you look at the trend of Gen XYZ, it is clearly going in that direction so it is very possibly, accurate.

"About 28% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, compared with 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X (born 1965-1980), 4% of baby boomers (1946-1964) and 4% of the Silent Generation (1928-1945)".

When you add more letters you'll get more people. If you use the whole alphabet you could get to 100%
I don't care what people do sexually, but I have never understood the in your face, public attitude demonstrated by some of the alphabet crowd,.. I like to have sex with women that I care for, but I've never felt the need to publicly proclaim my sexual habits, wear overtly hetero gear, or march in hetero parades,.. WTF
I don't care what people do sexually, but I have never understood the in your face, public attitude demonstrated by some of the alphabet crowd,.. I like to have sex with women that I care for, but I've never felt the need to publicly proclaim my sexual habits, wear overtly hetero gear, or march in hetero parades,.. WTF
Yeah some how "we just want to have the same rights as everyone else, like marriage" turned into we can walk around the white house and the city naked or with pussy hats on... and dudes can throw on a dress and read to kids in the library and basically dare you to say something just so they can call you a bigot.

Under those circumstances, it's a label I'm proud (no pun intended) to wear.
Makes sense I'm an early 80's baby... Basically the last of the Gen Xers. We're the last remaining vestiges of sanity on the gender nonsense. Millennials and Gen Z might be down to clown, but I won't be bullied myself into compromising my beliefs just so people who don't know what shitter to use can feel less confused. That's their problem not mine, and it won't become mine.

For all your macho bluster, you are off the charts insecure. No one is this loud about something unless, maybe, they have something to hide.
For all your macho bluster, you are off the charts insecure. No one is this loud about something unless, maybe, they have something to hide.
On the contrary, I have absolutely NOTHING to hide. I'm just secure enough to be honest about it. I don't fear being doxed, or public backlash, or whatever.

Why is it bad for me to have pride? Because I don't wear panties and march around like a fairy, I can't be proud? Screw that. Who are you to tell me what's right? I have all of science and biology to back me up. Two dudes can hump until their willies fall off and they're never going to procreate because no amount of Darwinism will take place that men will have other men's babies.
I don't care what people do sexually, but I have never understood the in your face, public attitude demonstrated by some of the alphabet crowd,.. I like to have sex with women that I care for, but I've never felt the need to publicly proclaim my sexual habits, wear overtly hetero gear, or march in hetero parades,.. WTF

You just did.

If you wanna wear panties and call yourself a lady, okay weird but whatever do you... stay away from the kids with that crap though. Same thing with pastors, priests, scout leaders, teachers, doctors, and anyone else poisoning the minds and bodies of these kids.

The reason the numbers keep growing isn't because more kids are "born this way" it's because they're impressionable and they're under attack from the rainbow jihad letter people. That's why it bothers ME.
Wow. I shouldn't be surprised there are people out there who think like you do. Thanks for admitting the bigotry, though.
I don't care what people do sexually, but I have never understood the in your face, public attitude demonstrated by some of the alphabet crowd,.. I like to have sex with women that I care for, but I've never felt the need to publicly proclaim my sexual habits, wear overtly hetero gear, or march in hetero parades,.. WTF
Some guys aren't like you though. There's plenty of men out there that do march in dumb little parades, and think they need to make everyone aware how tough, macho, and alpha they are.

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Makes sense I'm an early 80's baby... Basically the last of the Gen Xers. We're the last remaining vestiges of sanity on the gender nonsense. Millennials and Gen Z might be down to clown, but I won't be bullied myself into compromising my beliefs just so people who don't know what shitter to use can feel less confused. That's their problem not mine, and it won't become mine.
Unless you were born in 1980, you are a millennial.
Is that Antifa?

The ad I got before this video was from my main, coked-up Trudeau, homeboy Gavin Newsom.

Ol' Gavin sez "Before you scroll!" Remember 5 years ago when Stacy "election-denier" Abrams had her fat ass plastered all over youtube ads talkin', "Before you scroll away!"?

How do the handlers of these sociopaths not understand how youtube works? You don't "scroll" away from youtube ads. You wait out the five seconds and then you skip.

Exempli gratia: "Hi, Mark Barden from Sandy Hook Promise, here. When the gunman-" (SKIP)
Fast forward 100 years and we're all LGBTQ and it's just called normal. Hopefully, not everyone falls into the "just gay" category or we'll have to have insemination camps to keep the population going. :cool:
Someone read the Forever War by Joe Haldeman?