Night animal screech?


HB Heisman
Nov 30, 2004
We have had some kind of loud animal screeching in our yard the last week or so. I originally thought it was a bat (or a few bats) but it is so loud that i don’t think that I was right. Is it screech owl season?

I think a bat chirp is really short and almost inaudible. These screeches are almost a full second and happen about every 5-10 seconds. And they’re pretty loud. Windows open and we hear them loud enough sometimes to wake us up.

I looked on the Iowa DNR site and they describe a call from a screech owl as a short call ‘going down’ in pitch, but these sounds are going up (we think).

What is this beast? (beasts?)
Had this sound last summer. I never got a good look at it, but I think it was either an owl or hawk.
Sometimes we hear cats or foxes fighting in the middle of the night (kind if a kink of ours), by this is different. Truthfully, I’d like to hear those that know say it’s an owl feasting on our heavy chipmunk population. It’s usually coming from an elevated place (tree or big bush).

We live in a woodsy area. Hoping super sonic loud bats haven’t found a comfy home in our house.
We have had some kind of loud animal screeching in our yard the last week or so. I originally thought it was a bat (or a few bats) but it is so loud that i don’t think that I was right. Is it screech owl season?

I think a bat chirp is really short and almost inaudible. These screeches are almost a full second and happen about every 5-10 seconds. And they’re pretty loud. Windows open and we hear them loud enough sometimes to wake us up.

I looked on the Iowa DNR site and they describe a call from a screech owl as a short call ‘going down’ in pitch, but these sounds are going up (we think).

What is this beast? (beasts?)
dat me
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