Well, if it were only that easy - "I'm healthy so I don't have to worry about getting really ill and I can go where I want and do what I want." You can carry the virus without having symptoms and infect your barber, let's say. Your barber gets COVID but doesn't get really ill. They infect the bartender who then goes home and infects their child or grandparent whose immune system is compromised. And they die, or have life-long lung damage, etc. Why not all of us stop whining, suck it up, and do what we can until more are vaccinated - wear a mask, socially distance, wash hands, get vaccinated, only go places when we really have to - work, get gas, grocery store, pharmacy - and do drive thru at as many of these as possible. It's not so hard. The better we do at this, the earlier the virus will stop spreading and we can get back to normal with as few deaths as possible.