By this standard nothing can ever happen again. Ever. The virus is not going to be eliminated 100%, even with vaccines. Perhaps eventually it will mutate in a way that it mostly disappears like Swine Flu and some other things. In the future, there will likely be other things that are a danger to the elderly. We literally cannot stop society forever, with no weddings, no funerals, no attendance at sporting events, no concerts, no going to a church at capacity, no graduations, no going to a full restaurant or bar. Well, we can, but that would be unwise to do so. The whole point of living is not to just stay at home and not be exposed to anything, ever. If you have elderly family members, as most all of us do, it's on the individuals to take the precautions necessary. We all make risk-based assessments every day, whether it's driving when it's snowing or whether to have a surgery. Public policy should not be set with the goal of "saving one life." By that standard, allowing people to drive cars is criminal.
You said it much more eloquently than I could have. But this. SO MUCH THIS.