No FSU or Clemson for now. Boo.

This House of Cards is gonna fall soon....Agents smell them some $$$$

Turn Out the Lights...Lol

Warner Bros Lol GIF by Joker Movie
I just explained in non-legalese how it is easily defeated as a weapon against FSU. Other universities may not have sovereign immunity (for example Miami doesn’t) so they would have to go only with the fraudulent inducement route. But even then, any competent contract attorney could point out a myriad of ways in which ESPN and Swofford lied to induce FSU in (like selling the third party rights to ESPN but having a back door deal where it went to Swofford’s son’s tv chain for pennies on the dollar). Once you have sufficient evidence to show a fraudulent Inducement then just file a legal complaint and notify the ACC you are treating it as an invalid contract and leave. Sure it will be hung up in court for a couple of years but in the meantime either the ACC crumbles or you negotiate a much smaller buyout.
Either would work to let FSU walk away from the contract ie contract rescission, but I would definitely raise fraud Considering ESPN and Swofford were in cahoots to give his son ACC content for next to nothing. Frankly I might even raise civil theft as a charge against the ACC and ESPN and go for triple damages in the state. Everything I’ve read and heard said FSU was blatantly lied to at a time when we were one step from joining the Big 12 back when it had Texas and Oklahoma.

See, I would have been even more aggressive than the current council. Don’t spell out fraudulent inducement and then leave out the civil theft that occurred as a result. Bring both and scare the ^*%** out of them.
You know, FSU tried to handle this directly with the ACC. Instead, they were told to shut up, walk away and pay $560 mil, and fall in line. The scumbags at NCST, in addition to being known for just being completely intolerable and trashy, voted to expand the conference just to spite FSU and then their AD went out of his way to justify excluding FSU from the playoffs.

So, this is the way the ACC wants it. Well, they get it.

It’s on. We are going to blow up this conference. If we can nullify the exit fee and GOR, six other teams are leaving and the dead-weight moochers who “got no place else to go” are going to really see just how much value they don’t bring to anyone.
You know, FSU tried to handle this directly with the ACC. Instead, they were told to shut up, walk away and pay $560 mil, and fall in line. The scumbags at NCST, in addition to being known for just being completely intolerable and trashy, voted to expand the conference just to spite FSU and then their AD went out of his way to justify excluding FSU from the playoffs.

So, this is the way the ACC wants it. Well, they get it.

It’s on. We are going to blow up this conference. If we can nullify the exit fee and GOR, six other teams are leaving and the dead-weight moochers who “got no place else to go” are going to really see just how much value they don’t bring to anyone.
You know, FSU tried to handle this directly with the ACC. Instead, they were told to shut up, walk away and pay $560 mil, and fall in line. The scumbags at NCST, in addition to being known for just being completely intolerable and trashy, voted to expand the conference just to spite FSU and then their AD went out of his way to justify excluding FSU from the playoffs.

So, this is the way the ACC wants it. Well, they get it.

It’s on. We are going to blow up this conference. If we can nullify the exit fee and GOR, six other teams are leaving and the dead-weight moochers who “got no place else to go” are going to really see just how much value they don’t bring to anyone.

Who knew that NC State was our secret archenemy?
Who knew that NC State was our secret archenemy?
Pack fan at work seems to hate FSU more than longtime foes UNC or Duke. The Pack hasn’t sniffed a league football title or even a berth in the championship game in our thirty plus year conference run, but he crows about the times when they beat the Noles.
Pack fan at work seems to hate FSU more than longtime foes UNC or Duke. The Pack hasn’t sniffed a league football title or even a berth in the championship game in our thirty plus year conference run, but he crows about the times when they beat the Noles.

You can count their national championships with no hands.

They may be the second-douchiest fanbase in the ACC after Miami. Wake isn’t far behind, either.
My hatred of them is 11 years old.

Chris Weinke says, “Hold my beer.” I failed to mention that the Noles have two ACC basketball titles vs none for the Pack in our conference time. Softball, T&F, Soccer, and Baseball have won multiple titles, while in our first year (92), the Pack won a baseball championship.
Give their CC group mucho credit for a third straight NCAA natty this year.
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I’m an attorney who does a lot of contract work (I’m not solely a contract attorney, I do lots of corporate, employment, labor and administrative law work as well which sounds like a lot of the same things but are all completely different) And if what I read online truly is the original agreement and subsequent addendum then I’m 99% positive we can relatively easily break the GOR through a number of ways. (Any attorney who says 100% is lying because I’ve seen crazy results due to terrible judges and/or juries). If I was in Charge (and I’m not) I would simply break the lease and 1) argue fraudulent inducement over their ACC Network promises which did not occur within a reasonable time nor at anywhere near the payout they promised, 2) fraud in the factum as we believed we were signing a simple extension of the tv deals and not signing a mass suicide pact keeping us unable to leave the ACC when there is already a separately proscribed and calculated compensatory damages clause for leaving, and 3) as a state entity we can claim sovereign immunity under the state constitution and ignore any damages they try to collect.

Having said that, what’s going on now is that BSPiN is trying anything and everything to keep FSU under its branding including offering up a free spot in the SEC versus a potentially paid exit to the Big and even making a huge push to secure Notre Lame to try to keep the ACC intact.

Bringing back what I said originally before any lawsuit was filed…..note it’s exactly what has happened.
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Either would work to let FSU walk away from the contract ie contract rescission, but I would definitely raise fraud Considering ESPN and Swofford were in cahoots to give his son ACC content for next to nothing. Frankly I might even raise civil theft as a charge against the ACC and ESPN and go for triple damages in the state. Everything I’ve read and heard said FSU was blatantly lied to at a time when we were one step from joining the Big 12 back when it had Texas and Oklahoma.

The only difference was if I was in charge of the case I would have been even more aggressive and gone after triple punitive damages And sued the ACC for the difference between our crappy payout and the Big Ten version times three.
The only difference was if I was in charge of the case I would have been even more aggressive and gone after triple punitive damages And sued the ACC for the difference between our crappy payout and the Big Ten version times three.

Always start the negotiations from a ridiculously high (or low) starting point.
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Always start the negotiations from a ridiculously high (or low) starting point.

Honestly there’s enough evidence out there just in the public space that the odds of getting triple damages isn’t entirely out of the realm of reasonable possibility. But they didn’t ask for it. You always miss out on what you don’t ask for. That’s why every fat guy has to shoot his shot at (insert whatever single B-list actress is currently today‘s hottie du jour).