No picture just to piss you off. Wouldja Lara Trump

They all use the same Kristi Noem makeup gun

Don't you wish every closet fag on this board running down the appearance of a {REAL} woman, would have the stones to post a picture of the sloth he's married to???????
It is stunning how easily liberal men on this board reduce women to a sex joke if she doesn't follow their ideology. Underneath all that virtue they present on women being independent and strong is a sneering and seething rage just waiting to come out. Let a woman not line up appropriately with these men's vision of the world and watch put because the hate is real. As is the danger to women. No wonder liberal women choose the bear.
You wouldn’t bring her up if you didn’t want to f*** her. Stay simple.

1st week on the job in juvenile court job back in the day, the judge appointed me to represent a mom in a case. In Chambers, he said....she looks like a prostitute, she smells like one, and she talks like one. Find out
It is stunning how easily liberal men on this board reduce women to a sex joke if she doesn't follow their ideology. Underneath all that virtue they present on women being independent and strong is a sneering and seething rage just waiting to come out. Let a woman not line up appropriately with these men's vision of the world and watch put because the hate is real. As is the danger to women. No wonder liberal women choose the bear.

Give me a break. All of sudden Trumpers are acting like they have the higher moral ground.