No, we're not going to forget

Instead of polls, let’s look at actual politically motivated attacks. I’d say they are pretty equal among crazy lefties and righties. Remember that dude who shot up Scalise? Lee Zeldin was attacked too. But let’s paint Paul Pelosi’s underwear attacker “friend” as an ultra Maga.

Here, read this and try to become smarter:

I think you are going to see something like " in the event of active war these become mandatory"
Also, this is a break:


And this is a brake:


FFS people, pull it together.
I think you're dead wrong, but that's OK. In the event that the United States Military switches to an optional vaccination system you will get an apology from me the same day it's rolled out.
They are in desperate need of people, I'll think they will go for a happy medium. All good.
Anyone who is still antivax, still whining about muh freedoms, still bitching about mitigation, and is now acting like they are somehow now vindicated because the pandemic and attempts to deal with it have had negative consequences:

You can all get fukt and go to hell.
See ya there buddy
Instead of polls, let’s look at actual politically motivated attacks. I’d say they are pretty equal among crazy lefties and righties. Remember that dude who shot up Scalise? Lee Zeldin was attacked too. But let’s paint Paul Pelosi’s underwear attacker “friend” as an ultra Maga.

You might say that, but recent studies have shown that the actual numbers are 122:1 when it comes to actual violence. That's your team with the 122.
Instead of polls, let’s look at actual politically motivated attacks. I’d say they are pretty equal among crazy lefties and righties. Remember that dude who shot up Scalise? Lee Zeldin was attacked too. But let’s paint Paul Pelosi’s underwear attacker “friend” as an ultra Maga.

Does Jan 6th count as a politically motivated attack?
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Yes. Does waukesha?(Sp)

Let's go with one closer to home, what about the dumbasses that went after Merle Hay Mall?
I'm not sure. Did he say he did it intentionally because there were Republicans at the parade? I'll admit I haven't paid super close attention to that. I thought it was a dude running from the police that accidentally got into a parade route.
I'm not sure. Did he say he did it intentionally because there were Republicans at the parade? I'll admit I haven't paid super close attention to that. I thought it was a dude running from the police that accidentally got into a parade route.
My apologies, I may have the wrong place, I'm talking about where Kyle Rittenhouse shot the dude. I think he was from waukesha now that I think of it.

Ahh. So you bringing up censorship had nothing to do with the article in the OP? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Didn't say that. I'm saying my quote on censorship from Peters had nothing to do with the OP's source of zero hedge. Lot's of sources (left and right) have been talking about censorship and free speech through the COVID days. Get real.
Accountability, not amnesty is what is needed. We had multiple people right here on HROT backing (some probably still do) this ridiculous bs. You know who you are and yes you should be ashamed of yourselves.

"The problem was not people's ignorance of the facts, it was the organized antagonism and censorship against anyone presenting data that was contradictory to the mandate agenda. This is setting aside proclamations like those from the LA Times, which argued that mocking the deaths of "anti-vaxxers" might be necessary and justified. After two years of this type of arrogant nonsense it's hard to imagine people will be willing to pretend as if all is well.

The active effort to shut down any opposing data is the root crime, though, and no, it can never be forgotten or forgiven."

"One cannot help but notice that the timing of the Atlantic's appeal for passive forgetfulness coincides with the swiftly approaching midterm elections, in which polls suggest a much greater chance of a conservative upset than Democrats previously expected. Though the Atlantic doesn't admit it, there is a growing political backlash to the last two years of meaningless lockdowns and mandates, and Democrats were instrumental in the implementation of both. A large swath of the population sees one party as the cause of much of their covid era strife.

Perhaps the mainstream media is suddenly realizing that they may have to face some payback for their covid zealotry? “We didn't know! We were just following orders!” It all sounds rather familiar."

Is it being a critic to simply point out the facts, some of which don't align with the desired narrative of governments or pharma companies?
Accountability, not amnesty is what is needed. We had multiple people right here on HROT backing (some probably still do) this ridiculous bs. You know who you are and yes you should be ashamed of yourselves.

"The problem was not people's ignorance of the facts, it was the organized antagonism and censorship against anyone presenting data that was contradictory to the mandate agenda. This is setting aside proclamations like those from the LA Times, which argued that mocking the deaths of "anti-vaxxers" might be necessary and justified. After two years of this type of arrogant nonsense it's hard to imagine people will be willing to pretend as if all is well.

The active effort to shut down any opposing data is the root crime, though, and no, it can never be forgotten or forgiven."

"One cannot help but notice that the timing of the Atlantic's appeal for passive forgetfulness coincides with the swiftly approaching midterm elections, in which polls suggest a much greater chance of a conservative upset than Democrats previously expected. Though the Atlantic doesn't admit it, there is a growing political backlash to the last two years of meaningless lockdowns and mandates, and Democrats were instrumental in the implementation of both. A large swath of the population sees one party as the cause of much of their covid era strife.

Perhaps the mainstream media is suddenly realizing that they may have to face some payback for their covid zealotry? “We didn't know! We were just following orders!” It all sounds rather familiar."

Real data is one thing... crap made up on the internet by idiots is quite another.
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This why censorship is always bad. If everyone would've had an equal opportunity to Express their opinion, it is likely facts would have been clearer and tensions would have been lower.
WTF are you talking about? All manner of opinions and thoughts on covid and government responses to it were available to peruse and were being stated in various places. Screaming censorship while discussing what you're being censored over is ridiculous.
Anyone who is still antivax, still whining about muh freedoms, still bitching about mitigation, and is now acting like they are somehow now vindicated because the pandemic and attempts to deal with it have had negative consequences:

You can all get fukt and go to hell.

I agree those are stupid positions but that doesn't mean our mitigation efforts were exactly intelligent in all ways.

We could've done what they did in Europe where schools were concerned, for example. People were actively arguing for the potential damage that we incurred to be avoided by taking different mitigation paths. We under-prioritized children.

As per usual... more stupid in the US leads to more stupid decision making. I wonder to what extent over-reaction beget over-reaction in response to the pandemic. That feels like an American politics thing...

(You know, right becomes too dismissive and skeptical, left has a response then that is affected by the right's take and goes too far the opposite direction -- I can't prove it, but it feels that way)