No, we're not going to forget

Your an effing liar. You got caught and you know it. :rolleyes: Need more proof? Lets take a look at what YOUR reply was to my original post:
And you appear to be ignorant as to how this was accomplished.
HINT: It was NOT by "skipping steps".

in my original post did I say ANYTHING about anyone skipping steps. THAT WAS YOU who stated those words, not me. Good grief grandpa...I even said later on that I and my family took the vaccine and were HAPPY to have it available.

Everyone is move the goalpost more than anyone on here, to give the appearance that you know what the heck you are talking about. So, I will take it you will be done posting in this thread now? LOL!!
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You are an effing idiot.

You continued to claim they "rushed" things and did not follow the SAME standards. That was my point from the start, which you continue to ignore.
BULLSHIT!!! You lied and got caught moron. Your words prove you wrong
You are an effing idiot.

You continued to claim they "rushed" things and did not follow the SAME standards. That was my point from the start, which you continue to ignore.

You are an effing idiot.

You continued to claim they "rushed" things and did not follow the SAME standards. That was my point from the start, which you continue to ignore.
Hey, look everyone...the moronic, idiotic chode moves the goalpost again!! 😂

First, he insists that I said "Skipped Steps", then it was I said "Skipped Steps AND Implied". Then he went back to insisting I said "Skipped Steps ". And finally, after being shown to be the liar he is....he changes YET AGAIN to NOW saying that I said they "Rushed things". You simply cannot make this stuff up. LOL!!

Just stop, It is clear that that the majority of your 148,896 posts that you have done from your dark basement...while all alone, ALL DAY long....should simply be ignored. You bob, weave and lie on everything Asshat.

And when challenged to provide proof of what you claim, while at the same time be shown proof of your double down. See, I provided proof and context for EVERYTHING I have said to show that you are a liar and a fraud. Stop posting in this thread or put me on ignore. Just go to one of the other 50 post that you are involved in. 😂
You're 100% right on why SOME PEOPLE felt the way they felt. Joe's a major tool.

Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) pressed FDA Director Dr. Peter Marks to admit he ignored warnings from his colleagues about the dangers of accelerating the COVID-19 vaccine approval process. Chairman Comer further noted that the timing of the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate and the FDA’s rushed approval of the vaccine appear to correlate.
Chairman Comer: “Why were you pressuring the doctors and then removing them from the approval process when they disagreed?

Dr. Marks: “The approval process was one that needed to move as rapidly as possible.

Chairman Comer: “Do you recall any conversations regarding the need to approve the vaccines in order for it to then be mandated?

Dr. Marks: “There was an acknowledgment that an approval could allow vaccine mandates to occur.

Chairman Comer: “So, Dr. Gruber wrote that you and Dr. Woodcock expressed your opinion that absent a license, states cannot require mandatory vaccination. Do you recall this conversation?

Dr. Marks: “I don’t know what you’re what you’re referring to, but there’s probably, it’s just a statement of fact that once you have a license, vaccine and mandate could be placed.

Chairman Comer: “Do you recall seeing safety signals regarding myocarditis in young men during this time?

Dr. Marks: “There were yes. There were safety signals known and they were placed on the label.

Chairman Comer: “Did you express your desire to approve the vaccine by August 20th?

Dr. Marks: “I did.

Chairman Comer: “And it was ultimately approved on August 23rd. Correct?

Dr. Marks: “Correct.

Chairman Comer: “And just for the record, the military mandate was issued on the 24th. And that is interesting timing.

Chairman Comer: “Do you recall seeing safety signals regarding myocarditis in young men during this time?

Dr. Marks: “There were yes. There were safety signals known and they were placed on the label.

An established risk factor was "placed on the labels"!!! Just like the process works for ANYTHING approved.
You're 100% right on why SOME PEOPLE felt the way they felt. Joe's a major tool.

Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) pressed FDA Director Dr. Peter Marks to admit he ignored warnings from his colleagues about the dangers of accelerating the COVID-19 vaccine approval process. Chairman Comer further noted that the timing of the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate and the FDA’s rushed approval of the vaccine appear to correlate.
Chairman Comer: “Why were you pressuring the doctors and then removing them from the approval process when they disagreed?

Dr. Marks: “The approval process was one that needed to move as rapidly as possible.

Chairman Comer: “Do you recall any conversations regarding the need to approve the vaccines in order for it to then be mandated?

Dr. Marks: “There was an acknowledgment that an approval could allow vaccine mandates to occur.

Chairman Comer: “So, Dr. Gruber wrote that you and Dr. Woodcock expressed your opinion that absent a license, states cannot require mandatory vaccination. Do you recall this conversation?

Dr. Marks: “I don’t know what you’re what you’re referring to, but there’s probably, it’s just a statement of fact that once you have a license, vaccine and mandate could be placed.

Chairman Comer: “Do you recall seeing safety signals regarding myocarditis in young men during this time?

Dr. Marks: “There were yes. There were safety signals known and they were placed on the label.

Chairman Comer: “Did you express your desire to approve the vaccine by August 20th?

Dr. Marks: “I did.

Chairman Comer: “And it was ultimately approved on August 23rd. Correct?

Dr. Marks: “Correct.

Chairman Comer: “And just for the record, the military mandate was issued on the 24th. And that is interesting timing.
Are we supposed to see something wrong in this?

If so, please point it out.
Are we supposed to see something wrong in this?

If so, please point it out.
No. Absolutely not. Not if you don't have a problem with politicians, bureaucrats and pharma profiteers making an absolute mockery out of 'science'.

The context here was the debate that Joe stirred up by putting words in @TornadoHawk93's mouth and relates to how "SOME PEOPLE MIGHT" be justified in thinking the whole covid vaccine scenario is just a bit 'off'.

I guess you also agree with Joey that only approved persons should be entitled to an opinion?
Some idiot named @TornadoHawk93 posted this.

Maybe should let @TornadoHawk93 know about this.
Say, someone want to tell the Moron @joesplace that he has utterly failed again. I want to feel sympathy for him....but know.

See, he cannot understand that the vaccine developers did indeed cut ONE corner (as I did indeed point out). But idiot Joe doesn't even realise that he already had given the answer.

At the time, there was a GREAT need to expidite the vaccine development because of how serious the virus was. So, rather then stick with the NORMAL TIME FRAME for developing a new vaccine (and running needed steps Sequentially), they knew they had to cut ONE corner (time) and decided to run processes parallel. In no way does admitting this FACT, make any claim that ANY DEVELOPMENT STEPS WERE SKIPPED. :rolleyes:

So again, someone want to tell CLEE-TUS to stop posting in this thread...unless it is to admit he was wrong...again. 😂
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No. Absolutely not. Not if you don't have a problem with politicians, bureaucrats and pharma profiteers making an absolute mockery out of 'science'.

The context here was the debate that Joe stirred up by putting words in @TornadoHawk93's mouth and relates to how "SOME PEOPLE MIGHT" be justified in thinking the whole covid vaccine scenario is just a bit 'off'.

I guess you also agree with Joey that only approved persons should be entitled to an opinion?
Nicely done Michael.

You know what is so sad about his WHOLE diatribe? It's that he cannot even understand what you so easily stated above (IN BOLD). You nailed EXACTLY what this main issue has always been with that one statement, but at this point he not only too stupid, but clearly embrarrased and triggered to figure it out. 😂

Peace brother.
You asserted they DID NOT cut any corners, and that you HAD NOT claimed this.

Now, you're waffling back and forth, bro.

Oh my are completely GONE. You LITERALLY just quoted me above stating "means they cut a corner." Now, you are saying that I had NOT claimed saying this? You HAVE to be off some meds or somthing because you can't keep ANYTHING straight.

Just log off already. 😂
Yes. You claimed they "cut corners".
I stated they did not.

Quite simple really.
Yes. You claimed they "cut corners".
I stated they did not.

Quite simple really.
LOL!!! You keep moving all over the place.

Lets review one last time.
  1. First, you claimed for pages and pages that I LITERALLY said they "Skipped Steps"
  2. Then you said that I IMPLIED that they "Skipped Steps".
  3. Then you went back to saying I stated they Skipped Steps
  4. Then you changed that to sauying that I said they Rushed Things.
  5. Now, you have correctly pointed out that I said they cut the time corner, which they did, by cutting out the time to create and test the vaccine. Very True.

You are the ONLY one who has moved the goalpost constantly and in the end your ego simply cannot let you admit that got caught in multiple lies and changing your argument.

Quite Simple Really :rolleyes:
It's heartening to see we still have some good souls here pretending to be experts in this field. Four years is a long time to keep up the act...almost long enough to actually go to school for this sh!t. Props for sticking with it boys.
No. Absolutely not. Not if you don't have a problem with politicians, bureaucrats and pharma profiteers making an absolute mockery out of 'science'.

The context here was the debate that Joe stirred up by putting words in @TornadoHawk93's mouth and relates to how "SOME PEOPLE MIGHT" be justified in thinking the whole covid vaccine scenario is just a bit 'off'.

I guess you also agree with Joey that only approved persons should be entitled to an opinion?
We can agree to be critical of the profiteering during the pandemic. But I read the exchange you posted not as motivated by profit but as motivated by getting help to people who needed it as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile....~22M American adults have immunosuppressed immune systems, who will all be much more susceptible to Covid (or flu).

And all of us can help protect them by getting vaccinated to minimize the spread of either virus.
This count does not even include the pediatric cases who have had organ transplants or some form of leukemia...

Our Resident Idiots here WANT to put all these people at higher risk, because they're too dumb to review any of the science.
Meanwhile....~22M American adults have immunosuppressed immune systems, who will all be much more susceptible to Covid (or flu).

And all of us can help protect them by getting vaccinated to minimize the spread of either virus.
This count does not even include the pediatric cases who have had organ transplants or some form of leukemia...

Our Resident Idiots here WANT to put all these people at higher risk, because they're too dumb to review any of the science.
Sad to say, but adherents of one party seem to have a much harder time imagining themselves in other folks' shoes.
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We can agree to be critical of the profiteering during the pandemic. But I read the exchange you posted not as motivated by profit but as motivated by getting help to people who needed it as quickly as possible.
First of all, I gotta admit you nailed me in the other thread on my math. 😚
I still stand by my opinion that a 'disease' that is accountable for less than 3% of deaths worldwide the past 4 years (not even considering the 'with' v 'of' angle) was nothing to destroy the world's economies over.

Take a look at this from the congressional hearing again:

Chairman Comer: “Why were you pressuring the doctors and then removing them from the approval process when they disagreed?

Dr. Marks: “The approval process was one that needed to move as rapidly as possible.

That's not how science works. First you do the trials, THEN you get approval. It should literally take 8-10 years.

They saw an opportunity to make hundreds of billions of dollars in a few short years and weren't going to allow ANYTHING, or ANYONE, get in their way.

The only word to describe this is fraud. Agree to disagree.
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Ask your doctor or pharmacist if post-acute COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PACVS) is right for you. Side effects may include wondering why you fell for this crap again.

Uh....YOU moved all over the place. I linked your post
In a single post, you claimed they "cut corners", and that they didn't "cut corners".

You seem to continue to not understand parallel vs serial development processes.
Wrong liar. I NEVER denied that they looked for a way to cut a corner (time) to try and save lives.....but YOU kept putting other words out there about what I said. You simply will not admit that PRIOR to COVID 19 the pharmaceutical industry had different time constraints and did not run in parallel. And, when they needed to CUT TO THE CORNER of time to save lives, they did something they never had done and ran Parallel....and that SCARED MANY OF THE POPULATION. And again, I was NEVER scared. I had faith in the process. It isn't anyone elses fault that you can't understand how some other people might have been scared. That is all on you.

You have changed what you claimed I have said over and over....switching back and forth so much that you have spun yourself into a holes you will never get out. And, I have more then proven what is true about you and it has been quite easy.

Now, why don't you go back to the original reason for your diatribe...where you claim in my original post that I said they "skipped steps". Keep deflecting. 😂
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First you posted they cut corners.
Then you claim you didn't say they cut corners.

U got all the bases covered here, Cletus!!!
Good continue to cement yourself as the King of the Morons. I said they CUT A CORNER (TIME), not Skipped Actual Steps CLEE-TUS. Once again, your lies will get you nothing but laughed at. Keep on spinning chode. 😂

You however, will continue to deny and lie about you completely whiffing on my initial post!!!! :rolleyes:
I said they CUT A CORNER (TIME)

You don't "cut corners" on "Time" unless you have a Time Machine, Cletus.
You claiming Pfizer invented a Time Machine, and instead of just betting Vegas odds to get rich, they invested billions in an at-risk vaccine development process?

Cutting corners is cutting steps. Google it.

Cutting corners: "undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules."

When you claimed they "cut corners", your claim was they OMITTED important steps.
You don't "cut corners" on "Time" unless you have a Time Machine, Cletus.
You claiming Pfizer invented a Time Machine, and instead of just betting Vegas odds to get rich, they invested billions in an at-risk vaccine development process?

Cutting corners is cutting steps. Google it.

Cutting corners: "undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules."

When you claimed they "cut corners", your claim was they OMITTED important steps.
Your an idiot......They absolutly CUT A CORNER ON TIME. You even admit that they needed to change their NORMAL process (to cut the time needed for developmet) from Sequential to Parallel. And, my original post spoke to how some of the population was worried about this move.

Even the freaking medical establishment understood this at the time. From Medical News Today (11/13/21) - Considering that the fastest vaccine — the mumps vaccine, which is now part of the MMR vaccine — took 4 years to develop, it is natural to have some apprehension over the safety and effectiveness of a new vaccine.

But, your main argument is that could not true. LOL!

And for pete sakes....even your own definition shows the term Cutting Corners allows for EXACTLY what I have said, which is to do something THE QUICKEST WAY. It doesn't say Easiest, quickest, AND cheapest says, easiest, quickest, OR cheapest way.

Context matters Moron, and here context once again poves you wrong. Oh, and one more to acknowledge that you missed the ball on my original post as proven above?

Post number 141,236 of yours is another fail. :rolleyes:
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There's no such thing as "cutting corners on time".

Cutting corners, by its very definition, is eliminating critical steps.

You are waffling badly here, Cletus. again stupid. They cut the corner by ignoring/changing their own standard rule of Sequential testing and switching to Parallel testing to obtain the quickest outcome. You can't even folow the definition YOU posted. You are TERRIBLE at this. 😂

And one more time, why won't you use some of your 141,257th post (simply sad) to FINALLY admit that you completely whiffed on my initial post? I mean will continue to ignor it while failing on everything else.
They cut the corner by ignoring/changing their own standard rule of Sequential testing and switching to Parallel testing

That wasn't "cutting corners"; it was what I TOLD you they did.
At risk of losing all the $$ invested in those parallel processes.

"Cutting corners" means skipping critical steps. PERIOD.
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That wasn't "cutting corners"; it was what I TOLD you they did.
At risk of losing all the $$ invested in those parallel processes.

"Cutting corners" means skipping critical steps. PERIOD. long as it was what YOU you told me, that makes all the difference. 😂

Your own posted deffinition doesn't even support you. You are wrong and need to just step out of your basement..for at least a little bit. But hey, you do you.

Tell you what Grandpa, if you do want to keep embarassing yourself...go a new direction and A FINALLY admit that you completely whiffed on my initial post!!! I double dog dare you!!! LOL!!!
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