No, we're not going to forget

My own posted "deffinition" absolutely supports what I've stated.

Corners were NOT cut. Steps were NOT cut. They were run in parallel.

Cutting corners: "undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules

Pharmas OWN standard rule and practice has NEVER been to run processes in Parallel. And you know it. Need more?

Here is just one synonym for "cutting corners" per US dictionary:
  • Take shortcuts
Now, only a moron would refuse to admit that Pharam changed their NORMAL process from Sequential to Parallel to find a short cut to save precious time. You are wrong. Full Stop.

Oh finally ready to admit that you completely whiffed on my initial post!!! I TRIPLE dog dare you!!! 😂

Cutting corners: "undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules

Yes. That is what I'd posted.

Nowhere does it refer to "time", which would require Time Travel.

Take the "L", Cletus. You posted that they skipped steps. THEY DID NOT.
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Yes. That is what I'd posted.

Nowhere does it refer to "time", which would require Time Travel.

Take the "L", Cletus. You posted that they skipped steps. THEY DID NOT.
Yes. That is what I'd posted.

Nowhere does it refer to "time", which would require Time Travel.

Take the "L", Cletus. You posted that they skipped steps. THEY DID NOT.
Just stop CHODE, they cut a corner when they chose toavoid doing their normal accepted rule of doing trials sequentially to doing them Parallel....BECAUSE THEY NEEDED TO CUT THE AMOUNT OF TIME FOR DEVELOPING THE VACCINE. Good Lord, you are beyond stupid.

Oh finally ready to admit that you completely whiffed on my initial post!!! Come on...just get it out of the will feel better!!! 😂
A "synonym" is NOT a "definition".

Good are a complete idiot. :rolleyes:

SYNONYM - A word having the same or nearly the same MEANING as another word or other words in a language.

You with it. can do Grandpa....I know you have it in you.....just admit that you completely whiffed on my initial post!!! Come on now. 😂
Just stop CHODE, they cut a corner when they chose toavoid doing their normal accepted rule of doing trials sequentially to doing them Parallel

Uh...that's not a "rule" it is a "business decision" so that you do not waste tens of millions on a process for a vaccine you won't be able to sell.

You are such a broken record, trying to claim they "skipped steps" and that somehow equals "skipping time".

You're just an idiot here. No steps were skipped.
Uh...that's not a "rule" it is a "business decision" so that you do not waste tens of millions on a process for a vaccine you won't be able to sell.

You are such a broken record, trying to claim they "skipped steps" and that somehow equals "skipping time".

You're just an idiot here. No steps were skipped.
You are such a chode and you literally make ZERO sense.

They did NOT run proceedures parallel because of a cost decision moron. Good Lord. Development was fast tracked, and yes, the time corner was cut down by NOT running with their NORMAL procedure of moving processes through Sequentially. Boy, you really proved a point there, especially when the next fastest vaccine development on record took 4 years to develope. why did they do what they did? Oh, that's right...because people were being killed at an alarming rate and they need to get it out as FAST AS THEY COULD. But, ya...stick to your rediculous claim that they did it because of a business decision.

And yes again, they cut the time corner...but I am not sure why YOU keep typing the phrase "skipped steps"? You sure type that a lot. I know that I have never claimed that or typed those words....even though you would continue to lie and say otherwise.

We need to start a poll long will it take Chodeplace here to finally admit that he completely whiffed on my initial post?? 😂
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So: NOT a "definition".

And 'cutting corners', by DEFINITION, means "skipping critical steps".
You wrote it.
Hey moron,

I know you probably don't know how to use a dictionary...but synonyms are included as part of every definition. You know, how Twister is a synonym of Tornado and they are EXACTLY the same thing? :rolleyes:

Fail number 141,336 by you. I mean, come on grandpa....that HAS to be a record that will NEVER be touched. And, one more time again, why do you keep typing the phrase "Skipping Steps"? As I said before, I know I have never typed it and even your definition doesn't say that? Hmmm?

Oh, and I am still toying with the idea of running that poll to see how long will it take you to finally admit that YOU completely whiffed on my initial post?? Will you cast a vote? 😂
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Oh my goodness, what could be wrong with their blood?? 🤣🤡🤣

Imagine that wasted trip heading down to the blood donor, thinking your blood was just fine .

Uh...they want to know that you had the vaccine recently, as those who have had recent vaccines are often precluded from any blood donations until antibody levels have returned to normal.
Sure. But they are 'synonyms' because they have SIMILAR meanings, and not necessarily the SAME meaning.

You claimed steps were skipped. That is FALSE. have showed you the definition of Synonym before and yet you ignore it and continue to make your own definition. SYNONYM - A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. Try verifying your argument before you post. LOL!

As for your second part...I can only assume that you are trying to refer to my initial post. Lets take another look...shall we?
  1. No, we're not going to forget

    "The main problem a lot people have with the COVID Vaccine is the fact that they were introduced from start to finish withing 11 months. Most Vaccines take years of trials and testing to approve. I took the Vaccine and am glad I did. However, I know a lot of people are scared of the long term.." Now, tell me where in this post I claimed they skipped steps. I simply pointed out a basic fact (even Pharma acknowledge) that for, some reason, you decided to change into something that is not even there. You are a BLATANT LIAR. :rolleyes:
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But they are NOT exactly the same thing. Only under certain contexts are they the same thing.

"Tornado" is not a game. "Twister" is.
Seriously, this is like debating a first grader.

You are so correct that Tornado and Twister "The Game are not the same thing. That is an amazing find by you. Of course, maybe that is why neither one appears under the other one's definitions in a dictionary. Here is a thought, try looking up Twister the game and you will figure it out grandpa. 😂

Now, when will you admit that you completely WHIFFED on my first post? EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU DID and I really don't want to have to put a poll up.
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Seriously, this is like debating a first grader.

You are so correct that Tornado and Twister "The Game are not the same thing. That is an amazing find by you. Of course, maybe that is why neither one appears under the other one's definitions in a dictionary. Here is a thought, try looking up Twister the game and you will figure it out grandpa. 😂

Now, when will you admit that you completely WHIFFED on my first post? EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU DID and I really don't want to have to put a poll up.
Obama Mic Drop GIF by Mashable
Seriously, this is like debating a first grader.

You are so correct that Tornado and Twister "The Game are not the same thing.
Ergo: not all synonyms mean EXACTLY the same thing. They mean SIMILAR things.

You didn't use the synonym in your claim. You used "cutting corners". Which means eliminating critical steps.
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yes; they ran processes in parallel because of a "expedite the process" decision.

Already explained that for you. It is NOT "cutting corners". It is a risky gambit that they realized was necessary to have a vaccine available DURING a pandemic outbreak. you agree they did it because they had to expidite (exactly what I have said all along). But in your post below YOU SAY THEY SKIPPED A STEP (LOL), but then you go on to say that they had money on their minds. YOUR WORDS NOT MINE. LOL!!!

HERE they skipped that wait, and began ramp-up production, in actual production facilities, of that vaccine the SAME DAY they started the trials. All that process control and development work was going on DURING the trial, which is atypical.

IF the trial had failed, they'd be in the hole for millions of "lost effort" building a manufacturing structure for a worthless vaccine.

HERE they skipped that wait, and began ramp-up production
That's not a "critical step".

It was parallel development process, like I'd told you.

No matter how many times you claim they "skipped time", it is meaningless, and has nothing to do with vaccine safety. Every step used in vaccine development, as required for vaccine development and safety, was followed.
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Ergo: not all synonyms mean EXACTLY the same thing. They mean SIMILAR things.

You didn't use the synonym in your claim. You used "cutting corners". Which means eliminating critical steps. just made my point for me. LOL! But, I will remind you of what I have already taught you before.

Here is just one synonym for "cutting corners" per US dictionary:
  • Take shortcuts
Now, again, just admit that you completely WHIFFED on my first post?
That's not a "critical step".

It was parallel development process, like I'd told you.

No matter how many times you claim they "skipped time", it is meaningless, and has nothing to do with vaccine safety. Every step used in vaccine development, as required for vaccine development and safety, was foll

That's not a "critical step".

It was parallel development process, like I'd told you.

No matter how many times you claim they "skipped time", it is meaningless, and has nothing to do with vaccine safety. Every step used in vaccine development, as required for vaccine development and safety, was followed.
They altered the NORMAL time frame of development because they HAD to. Not because of money. LOL! They ran in parellel...going AGAINST their NORMAL standards which had ALWAYS been considered a critical part of the process. And even after YOU pointed out that same Skipping of time as I still claim it was meaningless. :rolleyes:

This had NEVER been done before and they new there was a risk. I am glad as hell it paid off, but nothing you will ever say will change the fact that SOME of the populous was scared...which was the point of my first post that you continue to ignore that YOU whiffed on.
Back to the "synonyms", I see, and avoiding the actual definition.
I see you are actually ignoring BOTH the full definition AND that fact that you continue to evade your whiff with your reply to my first post. BTW, are you EVER going to leave your basement and computer? I am being totally serious here.

Ok, I am going to watch a movie with my wife after we put the kids to bed. Good luck!!
No. They did not "have to"
Nor did they "cut corners", as you claim.
LOL!! You are mixing yourself up again grandpa. And I quote your words: "Hmmmm......"yes; they ran processes in parallel because of a "expedite the process". But now, you are going to flip and try and tell EVERYONE that they did NOT Expedite the Process because of a pandemic that was killing MILLIONS, was devistating economies, ect, but because...well you know....a money desicion. That is insanity by you.

And, I said they cut a corner for time testing.....which they clearly did.
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No; I've cited the "full definition" of "cutting corners", which means skipping 'critical steps'.
No, I have included the full definition. And even if you want to use your shortened still makes my point. LOL - Cutting corners: "undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest.............
Hmmm...quickest, now how would that apply to the development of the vaccine? Oh ya....cutting out the time portion as a standard of practice and running processes in parellel. Check.
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Uh, no. I said they expedited the process and did NOT cut corners.

Expedited shipping: air mail
Cut corners shipping: skip putting any packing material in with your fragile shipment. You have already been caught in multiple contradictions/lies in your posts. And, now you are agreeing with EXACTLY what my first post said. The did indeed cut a corner of time to find the QUICKEST way to get the vaccine out.

So, are you FINALLY READY to admit your fail in your first reply to my initial post?
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You've fished around for the most favorable definition for your argument; the common definition is cutting critical steps, which I'd posted for you pages ago.
My definition come know...the encyclopedia. You are the one skipping parts of the full definition...not me. And again, I already showed you where the shortend definition you use does indeed include QUICKEST as part of the qualifier.

And, you continue to ignor the fact that you lied about what my initial post claimed. Why should anyone here believe anything you type. 😂
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They altered the NORMAL time frame of development because they HAD to. Not because of money. LOL! They ran in parellel...going AGAINST their NORMAL standards which had ALWAYS been considered a critical part of the process. And even after YOU pointed out that same Skipping of time as I still claim it was meaningless. :rolleyes:

This had NEVER been done before and they new there was a risk. I am glad as hell it paid off, but nothing you will ever say will change the fact that SOME of the populous was scared...which was the point of my first post that you continue to ignore that YOU whiffed on.
Pfizer, Moderna, and others altered their process because they were guaranteed development money. They normally wouldn't go into production before approval because of the risk of trials failing. If a trial fails, and they've already geared up for production or begun production, they lose more money.

In this case, the trial data turned out to be significantly faulty on efficacy, and Pfizer admitted they failed to conduct any trials on disease transmission. As for the latter, that only came out when the EU started asking questions, and Pfizer admitted they hadn't done testing for disease transmission. I'd think testing for disease transmission would be an important factor for a vaccine, especially against a disease causing a pandemic.
Pfizer, Moderna, and others altered their process because they were guaranteed development money.

Pfizer took no "development money". They ran their processes at-risk.
And they did not "alter processes", they ran production startup in parallel with clinical trials testing.

Moderna took Warp Speed money, and may have recouped losses for running a parallel manufacturing process setup during development.
My definition come know...the encyclopedia

Sure, Cletus. I posted the definition on what "cutting corners" means.
Here are more

Collins Dictionary:
to do something in the easiest or shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
to save time, money or effort by not following the correct procedure or rules for doing something

Cambridge Dictionary:
to save money or time when doing something by not including some parts, actions, or details, so that the result is not as good as it could be
Do something in the easiest or least expensive way; also, act illegally. For example, Cutting corners in production led to a definite loss in product quality, or If the accountant cuts corners the auditors are sure to find out.
Longman Dictionary:
to do something in a way that saves time, effort, or money, but that also results in it not being done properly

Seems that pretty much ALL dictionary definitions imply it means compromising or reducing quality.
Not merely "expediting" something. You used the term "cutting corners". Not any of the other synonyms, which are incomplete descriptors.