No, we're not going to forget

22% of the test subjects in the AZ trials had a Medically Attended Adverse Event. (The control subjects, whose ‘placebo’ was a meningitis vaccine, suffered MAAE’s at a rate of 11.7% which is a WHOLE ‘nother story). Maybe that’s why PfizerFDA, Inc. sued to keep their clinical trial data under lock and key for 75 years).

How is this not a crime? 🤷‍♂️

OMG!!! You're RIGHT!!!

They had 33 deaths!!!

(in the placebo group....Womp womp)
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22% of the test subjects in the AZ trials had a Medically Attended Adverse Event. (The control subjects, whose ‘placebo’ was a meningitis vaccine, suffered MAAE’s at a rate of 11.7% which is a WHOLE ‘nother story). Maybe that’s why PfizerFDA, Inc. sued to keep their clinical trial data under lock and key for 75 years).

How is this not a crime? 🤷‍♂️

What sticks out for me, in their comprehensive data list here, is 0.00% myocarditis events from the AZ vaccine.

Out of >20,000 cases.

Seems like you are taking information completely out of context here - there are almost NO serious complications in the vaccine group that occur at a higher rate than the placebo group.

So, either the AZ vaccine is entirely safe, or injected saline should now be considered a "dangerous substance"...
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microplastics, bro
Aye aye Captain
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The placebo was a saline injection, Cletus.
Says right in the study design.
Funny you should mention that. The industry is so corrupt and tainted that ‘saline placebo’ no longer means anything. As long as there’s saline in it and it goes to the control group it will get a wink and a nod from the FDA (or their British counterpart).

In July, 2020, McGill University called out the study on the Oxford-AZ covid trials for using the meningitis vaccine as their ‘placebo’.

Now one might think that a prestigious University like McGill would have done their homework before offering such criticism, lest they open themselves up to a libel lawsuit from another institution as prestigious as Oxford.

But if you want to believe that nearly 12% of the control group in that trial suffered serious enough side effects to receive medical care from a strictly saline injection? Then you’re even duller than I thought.
You're jumping from I don't know for certain whether I personally know people, to "everything I post". That's not a logical/reasonable connection.

Nobody put out more misinformation than the health authorities and the government (and Joe). Or haven't you been following along? It turns out I and the others here that post similarly were right about most things all along. Come on out of your dream world and into reality my man.

What were you right on? You don't know one person personally that suffers from anything you post here. Why don't you come into reality? Look 6ft in front of your nose. You see any of the BS you spew? You don't. So STFU with your misinformation

But, but, but, a manager of mine got ringing in his ears once!?!?.

You want "saline placebos" for vaccines; you got one, and JUST LIKE THE MASK STUDY you don't like the results.
Trial participants to date are aged 18 years or over, who are healthy or have medically stable chronic diseases and are at increased risk for being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Participants receive one or two intramuscular doses of a half dose (~2.5 x1010 viral particles) or full dose (~5x1010 viral particles) of AZD1222 or comparator, meningococcal vaccine MenACWY.
Cidrap supports it; this is a NEW study with NEW evidence, Cletus.
Trial participants to date are aged 18 years or over, who are healthy or have medically stable chronic diseases and are at increased risk for being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Participants receive one or two intramuscular doses of a half dose (~2.5 x1010 viral particles) or full dose (~5x1010 viral particles) of AZD1222

In your link, they compared to a saline placebo, Chief.

It's right in the protocol.
In your link, they compared to a saline placebo, Chief.

It's right in the protocol.
That’s an after-the-fact manipulation of data, dolt.

According to McGill University and AZ themselves (which I quoted from) they used a meningitis vaccine as their ‘placebo’.

They just borrowed a page from the Slick Willy book The Art of the Lie. It depends on what your definition of ‘is’, is.

Their saline placebo MIGHT have had some saline in it, but it wasn’t a saline placebo.
Uh, no. That's clearly in the link you'd posted for the study design. You can find that right at the top.
Right from the horse’s mouth.

Participants are randomised to receive two intramuscular doses of a full dose (~5x1010 viral particles) of AZD1222 or comparator, meningococcal vaccine MenACWY as first dose and a saline placebo as second dose. (

And let me know when you find something from Mike Osterholm and CIDRAP endorsing cloth masks as the Gold Standard in infection control. I could use a good laugh. 🤣
Right from the horse’s mouth.

Go find it in your summary link then.

It's not in there. Because your other info apparently refers to a different study.

Main objective of the trialTo estimate the efficacy and assess the safety, tolerability and reactogenicity (for substudy only) of 2 intramuscular (IM) doses of AZD1222 compared to saline placebo for the prevention of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19).
Right from the horse’s mouth.

Participants are randomised to receive two intramuscular doses of a full dose (~5x1010 viral particles) of AZD1222 or comparator, meningococcal vaccine MenACWY as first dose and a saline placebo as second dose. (

THIS WAS THE 2020 Study; NOT the later Phase 3 study, idiot

The study you LINKED used saline

Strictly saline placebos don’t cause 12% of the recipients to seek medical care for serious adverse events, m0r0n. They’re lying. They always lie. 🤡
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Strictly saline placebos don’t cause 12% of the recipients to seek medical care for serious adverse events

Go read your own study profile, you linked, idiot.

It was saline placebos.
And 33 people in the placebo group died. Because when you recruit old people, that happens.
Because when you recruit old people, that happens.”

AstraZeneca doesn’t care about old people. “Whoa! These vaccine-induced blood clots are killing young people?!? Oh, well, just use them up on the olds, then. No one will care.” ☠️💉

No; they DO care about old people.
That's WHY they included some of them in their clinical trials.
AZ considers the elderly throwaways.

Literally wanted to thin the herd with their clot shot.

They’re criminals and you support them.

You are not a decent human being.
They identified a safety signal then deliberately passed that clot-inducing jab onto the elderly. Criminal malfeasance.

No saline placebo was used.

Please, dear Baby Jesus.
What were you right on? You don't know one person personally that suffers from anything you post here. Why don't you come into reality? Look 6ft in front of your nose. You see any of the BS you spew? You don't. So STFU with your misinformation

But, but, but, a manager of mine got ringing in his ears once!?!?.
Post # 2005.
Of course he did. He was chair of the committee that approved all grant applications, and as such, signed off on every grant application. That's a well documented fact. It's a published procedure.
In the recently released congressional transcript he admitted to basically being a rubber stamp: ‘…well, you know, I signed off on all these studies but I never really knew exactly what they were doing…’

Criminal behavior or just incompetent; take your pick.
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