Tar, you don't even know the context in which I mentioned the predictions.Which is exactly the problem with everything you guys post. You should fix that.
Frankly, it is impossible to have a rational discussion with religious fanatics -- seriously. Talking to an AGW apostle is exactly like talking to a birther or an "LBJ killed JFK" guy or a "911 was an inside job" guy.
This was a classic example. Joe isn't willing to even entertain the possibility that any theory he worships could have been wrong about ANYTHING.....unless it changes, then it's like the original Absolute Truth never existed.
So the scientists who made this prediction were wrong. So what? That doesn't mean they're wrong about everything. It doesn't mean they're wrong about the overall picture. It just means they were wrong in this one respect. But that is something a true believer simply cannot accept. And this closed-minded attitude casts doubt on everything else they believe.