Oh, and if we do invest money, let's invest some in helping other countries do a better job in monitoring temps in their country. The US has done an excellent job of this buy placing measuring away from population growth and throughout the US. Then the scientists wouldn't have to "tweak" the actual temp results and we could get less controversial measurements. We have had this the past 10 years in the US so scientists no long have to adjust the actual temp data collected.
You have zero understanding of how the temperature measurements are made, and WHY the 'tweaks' are absolutely necessary to obtain valid results.
Stations move, structures near them change, times of day for acquiring temperatures change and a myriad of other adjustments have been made over the past 100 years for land-based and sea based measurements. Dozens of scientists have evaluated the impacts/biases for these shifts, and used 'best estimate' correction factors, which are updated whenever someone identifies another source of bias and addresses it. The same is true for satellite-based measurements, where drift in sensors can create artificial biases. The BEST study did some of the most sophisticated analysis yet on this type of correction, and that study (fully endorsed by Anthony Watts, before the results didn't match his hypothesis) indicated that the human signature on the warming was virtually certain, and that the warming identified by prior studies was most likely UNDER-estimated.
Roy Spencer, one of the deniers' media darlings, has testified before Congress claiming there is a "17 year hiatus" in warming. But, when you look AT HIS OWN DATA, no such 'hiatus' is evident. You can see for yourself here:
This guy's site allows you to look at MANY data sets over any time period you want, and you can run stacked means to smooth the data properly (Judy Curry, another 'oft media quoted' AGW detractor, has a site which shows this window smoothing method in proper context and why it's the best way to smooth the data properly).
Here is Roy Spencer's own data:
We have AT BEST, a 5-year 'hiatus' in the warming (and you can find 5-year leveling periods just about ANYWHERE in the records), when using a decadal smoothing filter; there is no 'hiatus' since 1997/98 at all.
You can look at several other data sets and see the exact same result - the warming 'hiatus' is only a construction by the media, and doesn't exist when you use appropriate smoothing to look at the data. And with the expected "significant" El Nino event underway, we will blow away the 1997/98 El Nino year in global temperatures.
Again, this is Roy Spencer's UAH own dataset, and he has literally lied about claiming 'there is a hiatus climatologists cannot explain' in light of his own data.
Here is HADCRUT4 global data with decadal smoothing:
...and the same data starting in 1980 to 'zoom in' on the alleged "17 year pause":
Warming in the past 15-17 years is plainly obvious.
You can plot Spencer's UAH data set, HADCRUT 3 or 4, BEST and GISTEMP, all from this same site and see for yourself.