Not bad 3 out of 4

Why is this forum so liberal

  • 1) most don't work

  • 2) getting paid to be on here

  • 3) have jobs that they don't work hard enough they can be on here non stop

  • 4) they think what they say is important even though it's mostly BS

  • 5) all of the above

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HB All-American
Gold Member
Sep 14, 2023
Thanks liberals for controlling the forum. 3 out of 4 are liberal threads on page 1.
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None of the above. Liberals are typically very well intentioned and want to help their fellow people. They think the best way to do that is for everyone to pitch in based on their perceived ability to pay, and the purpose of government is to help people, and compel people to support government so government can help people. It's a noble cause.
The best part is they say everyone else is in a cult yet are blind to the cult they are in. If a few of these handles aren’t the same poster, they have a very strong cult as they like every post they share regardless how stupid it is.
None of the above. Liberals are typically very well intentioned and want to help their fellow people. They think the best way to do that is for everyone to pitch in based on their perceived ability to pay, and the purpose of government is to help people, and compel people to support government so government can help people. It's a noble cause.
Where are these liberals hiding out at?
The ones on here just bash and make fun of people. I don’t think any of them would do anything to help someone outside their group.
What does it even mean to be a liberal thread?

Started by a poster you think is liberal? Posting activity within the thread is by liberal posters or advocating liberal points of view? The thread title has a liberal POV?

Understanding the methodology is important within the context of exploring the OP's victimhood.
There is only a couple of posters Chis and Huey that I would say are hardcore die hard liberals in almost all policy views.

A lot of us have some conservative views and some have even mostly conservative views but just can't back Donald Trump because of how he has tried and will try to hurt the country.
I get a Soros check every week with a quota to post or comment in a highly liberal voice.

My fine dining at Arby’s and Red Robin ain’t gonna pay for themselves.

Need to sign up for a Soros abortion check. Helps supplement the GIAOT posting.
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There is only a couple of posters Chis and Huey that I would say are hardcore die hard liberals in almost all policy views.

A lot of us have some conservative views and some have even mostly conservative views but just can't back Donald Trump because of how he has tried and will try to hurt the country.
Same can be said about Biden. But here we are right in the middle, listening to how both both sides are going to hurt the country. The liberals are just bigger cry babies about it.
There is only a couple of posters Chis and Huey that I would say are hardcore die hard liberals in almost all policy views.

A lot of us have some conservative views and some have even mostly conservative views but just can't back Donald Trump because of how he has tried and will try to hurt the country
I disagree. You only notice those two because they are annoying but plenty of other hardcore liberals exist on this site.
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Need to sign up for a Soros abortion check. Helps supplement the GIAOT posting.
I just picked up a few extra shifts with Soros Inc helping to register illegals to vote and i hear that soon there will be opportunities to help these same people get housing by evicting tax paying Americans from their own homes.
Cry baby who creates cry baby thread crying about liberals has audacity to call others cry babies. God I love this board.
No not really, just pointing out people like you can't talk to people to their face and get on here and run your mouth with BS.
Well, this message board network is dedicated to college athletics, which means that we probably have a lot of college graduates on here. You probably would find a lot more cons if you went to a message board with dumber posters.
The funny part about this is the national rivals board is as much of a republican think tank as this is a liberal one.
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None of the above. Liberals are typically very well intentioned and want to help their fellow people. They think the best way to do that is for everyone to pitch in based on their perceived ability to pay, and the purpose of government is to help people, and compel people to support government so government can help people. It's a noble cause.
I would have agreed with you 25 years ago in the Clinton days. Todays liberal only seeks power and uses social issues (most that aren't even issues) to as a way to genuflect to the regime. The dumb people think that liberal politicians actually care about people.
  • Haha
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I would have agreed with you 25 years ago in the Clinton days. Todays liberal only seeks power and uses social issues (most that aren't even issues) to as a way to genuflect to the regime. The dumb people think that liberal politicians actually care about people.
This is irony right? You must be intentionally using Irony as this is as close a definition to the MAGA GOP as I could imagine.

Unless you actually believe that Trump does not seek power for power’s sake. Unless you actually believe Trump does not use social issues (trans groomers, aggrieved white men, etc), to manipulate the populace. Unless you actually believe he cares about people (outside women with big tits that is).
There is only a couple of posters Chis and Huey that I would say are hardcore die hard liberals in almost all policy views.

A lot of us have some conservative views and some have even mostly conservative views but just can't back Donald Trump because of how he has tried and will try to hurt the country.
Before Trump, you used to be a punching bag for liberals on here. You ya conservative, you’re just not a Trumper, rightfully so.