Now that Fauci has publicly admitted to being a Total Fraud

Will Joes Place apologize or dig in?

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Wow, what a weak argument, especially given in the context he said it in.

But he did make one point, because the right is too dumb to argue science, they attack the scientist.

Did you believe his made up lie about 6 feet distancing?

No cause to criticize him for making up “science” then chatising critics who call BS as “attacking science.”?

He is a charlatan you goddamned fool. His whole 2020 song and dance was about covering up his role in Wuhan lab Covid virus gain of function research.

You also know that he was privately telling his personal friends not to bother masking in March 2020 right? That is public record now.
This horse is so dead it's fossilized.

Live look at Joe.
So the OP is pissed off that an unprecedented event wasn't met with instantaneous, perfect solutions? I get poking a little fun at folks implementing 2020 procedures in 2024, but to judge 2020 by 2024 knowledge is pretty darn stoooopid, IMO.
So the OP is pissed off that an unprecedented event wasn't met with instantaneous, perfect solutions? I get poking a little fun at folks implementing 2020 procedures in 2024, but to judge 2020 by 2024 knowledge is pretty darn stoooopid, IMO.

Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
I’m afraid you may be right.

Not a leftist, but I'll sleep better at night knowing I chose to follow the side of a medically trained professional during a global pandemic of epic proportions than a the side of a guy who admitted he downplayed the severity of it and suggested we put light and bleach in the body as a solution.

But whatever, I don't care, follow who you want, it's your right as an American to be ignorant, just like those who mocked warnings given and then died of COVID (see HermanCainAward subReddit)

I am pretty sure you and your family members don't head down to your nearest congressional office when you need medical advice or have aches and pains, you just have your heads so far up your political a$$ that you will set aside logic and common sense just to support your party.
Fauci is testifying in front of the house right now and the R's are once again totally blowing it. I've only heard 2 so far, and they both spent their entire 5 minutes grandstanding, and didn't let him speak. No questions, just 5 minutes of accusations.

These hearings are always just political theater.
Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
UIHC epidemiologists were advocating for universal masking and/or face shields, were they on the take too?
So the OP is pissed off that an unprecedented event wasn't met with instantaneous, perfect solutions? I get poking a little fun at folks implementing 2020 procedures in 2024, but to judge 2020 by 2024 knowledge is pretty darn stoooopid, IMO.

Yeah. Because we’ve never had a nasty flu in America. :rolleyes:

Yeah. Because we’ve never had a nasty flu in America. :rolleyes:
Yes. This was the flu.

COVID-19 (caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus) and the flu (caused by influenza viruses) are both respiratory illnesses, but they differ significantly in terms of transmission, symptoms, severity, and impact. Here are some key differences:

Transmission and Spread​

  1. Transmission Rate:
    • COVID-19: Generally has a higher transmission rate (R0 value) compared to the flu, meaning each infected person can infect more people on average.
    • Flu: Typically has a lower R0 value, making it spread less rapidly compared to COVID-19.
  2. Asymptomatic Spread:
    • COVID-19: More likely to be spread by asymptomatic individuals or those with mild symptoms.
    • Flu: Less likely to be spread by asymptomatic carriers; people with the flu are usually symptomatic.

Symptoms and Severity​

  1. Symptoms:
    • COVID-19: Can cause a wide range of symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and fatigue. Some people develop severe symptoms or complications such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
    • Flu: Symptoms typically include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, and headaches. Gastrointestinal symptoms can occur but are less common.
  2. Severity:
    • COVID-19: Generally has a higher case fatality rate, especially in older adults and individuals with underlying health conditions. It can cause severe disease in a larger proportion of the population.
    • Flu: While it can be severe and deadly, especially in vulnerable populations (young children, elderly, and those with certain chronic health conditions), it typically has a lower case fatality rate compared to COVID-19.

Long-term Effects​

  1. Long COVID:
    • COVID-19: Some people experience long-term symptoms known as "Long COVID," which can include fatigue, cognitive issues, and respiratory problems lasting weeks or months after the acute infection.
    • Flu: Generally does not cause long-term symptoms after recovery from the acute illness.


While both COVID-19 and the flu are serious respiratory illnesses, COVID-19's higher transmission rate, greater severity, ability to spread asymptomatically, and the novel nature of the virus made it distinct and more challenging to manage compared to the flu.
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Did you believe his made up lie about 6 feet distancing?

No cause to criticize him for making up “science” then chatising critics who call BS as “attacking science.”?

He is a charlatan you goddamned fool. His whole 2020 song and dance was about covering up his role in Wuhan lab Covid virus gain of function research.

You also know that he was privately telling his personal friends not to bother masking in March 2020 right? That is public record now.
Just give it up.
Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
Masks - Bullshit Unnecessary via hindsight, but hurt no one.
Distancing - Bullshit Unnecessary via hindsight, but hurt no one.
Lockdowns - Bullshit Unnecessary via hindsight, but unfortunately there have been serious ramifications; especially in the realm of education.
Not a leftist, but I'll sleep better at night knowing I chose to follow the side of a medically trained professional during a global pandemic of epic proportions than a the side of a guy who admitted he downplayed the severity of it and suggested we put light and bleach in the body as a solution.

Experts like this?

“We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus,” Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist, tweeted on Tuesday. “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance​

For months, health experts told Americans to stay home. Now, many are encouraging the public to join mass protests.

Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
Cool conspiracy theory bro.
Yes. This was the flu.

COVID-19 (caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus) and the flu (caused by influenza viruses) are both respiratory illnesses, but they differ significantly in terms of transmission, symptoms, severity, and impact. Here are some key differences:

Transmission and Spread​

  1. Transmission Rate:
    • COVID-19: Generally has a higher transmission rate (R0 value) compared to the flu, meaning each infected person can infect more people on average.
    • Flu: Typically has a lower R0 value, making it spread less rapidly compared to COVID-19.
  2. Asymptomatic Spread:
    • COVID-19: More likely to be spread by asymptomatic individuals or those with mild symptoms.
    • Flu: Less likely to be spread by asymptomatic carriers; people with the flu are usually symptomatic.

Symptoms and Severity​

  1. Symptoms:
    • COVID-19: Can cause a wide range of symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and fatigue. Some people develop severe symptoms or complications such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
    • Flu: Symptoms typically include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, and headaches. Gastrointestinal symptoms can occur but are less common.
  2. Severity:
    • COVID-19: Generally has a higher case fatality rate, especially in older adults and individuals with underlying health conditions. It can cause severe disease in a larger proportion of the population.
    • Flu: While it can be severe and deadly, especially in vulnerable populations (young children, elderly, and those with certain chronic health conditions), it typically has a lower case fatality rate compared to COVID-19.

Long-term Effects​

  1. Long COVID:
    • COVID-19: Some people experience long-term symptoms known as "Long COVID," which can include fatigue, cognitive issues, and respiratory problems lasting weeks or months after the acute infection.
    • Flu: Generally does not cause long-term symptoms after recovery from the acute illness.


While both COVID-19 and the flu are serious respiratory illnesses, COVID-19's higher transmission rate, greater severity, ability to spread asymptomatically, and the novel nature of the virus made it distinct and more challenging to manage compared to the flu.
Here’s just two statements made by Pfauci on the severity and transmissibility of covid (not to mention his flip-flop on masking). He has demonstrated repeatedly he is either A) a liar or B) incompetent.

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

“In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type,
asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. … Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.”

And this is the absolute horseshit ‘study’ on the asymptomatic spread of covid. Pfauci was correct when he first said infectious disease has NEVER been spread by people who weren’t sick. But he folded like a cheap suit when pressured.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that this decision analytical study, which involved no enrollment of human subjects, did not require institutional review board approval. We used a simple model to assess the proportion of transmission from presymptomatic (ie, infectious before symptom onset), never symptomatic, and symptomatic individuals across a range of scenarios in which we varied the timing of the infectious period to assess different contributions of presymptomatic transmission and the proportion of transmission from individuals who never develop symptoms (ie, remain asymptomatic).

Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
If it was all bullshit then why did the numbers of sick and transmissions drop when they implemented these strategies? I recall these measures being dropped only to see the cases rise again too. Seems like they had some efficacy.
Here’s just two statements made by Pfauci on the severity and transmissibility of covid (not to mention his flip-flop on masking). He has demonstrated repeatedly he is either A) a liar or B) incompetent.

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

“In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. … Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.”

And this is the absolute horseshit ‘study’ on the asymptomatic spread of covid. Pfauci was correct when he first said infectious disease has NEVER been spread by people who weren’t sick. But he folded like a cheap suit when pressured.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that this decision analytical study, which involved no enrollment of human subjects, did not require institutional review board approval. We used a simple model to assess the proportion of transmission from presymptomatic (ie, infectious before symptom onset), never symptomatic, and symptomatic individuals across a range of scenarios in which we varied the timing of the infectious period to assess different contributions of presymptomatic transmission and the proportion of transmission from individuals who never develop symptoms (ie, remain asymptomatic).

So what you're saying is Fauci was the most influential person on planet earth in 2020.


In 2020, nearly every country in the world implemented some form of lockdown or mask mandate in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 190 countries enacted policies that included lockdowns, social distancing measures, and mask-wearing mandates to curb the spread of the virus.

Lockdown measures varied in strictness and duration, ranging from complete lockdowns to partial restrictions, such as curfews and travel bans. Mask mandates also differed, with some countries requiring masks in all public spaces, while others limited the requirement to indoor spaces or specific regions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) The controlling overlord, known as "Evil Fauci" and various other health authorities globally recommended these measures, which were widely adopted despite differences in enforcement and compliance levels.


Hey, ChatGPT, which were the first 10 countries to implement lockdowns?

The first country to institute a lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was China. The lockdown began in the city of Wuhan on January 23, 2020. Here are the next nine countries that followed with lockdown measures:

  1. Italy - Nationwide lockdown starting March 9, 2020.
  2. Iran - Implemented restrictions in March 2020, with a more formal lockdown beginning on March 14, 2020.
  3. Spain - Nationwide lockdown starting March 14, 2020.
  4. France - Nationwide lockdown starting March 17, 2020.
  5. Germany - Began instituting lockdowns on a state-by-state basis starting in mid-March 2020, with a more coordinated approach by March 22, 2020.
  6. India - Nationwide lockdown starting March 25, 2020.
  7. United Kingdom - Nationwide lockdown starting March 23, 2020.
  8. South Africa - Nationwide lockdown starting March 27, 2020.
  9. New Zealand - Nationwide lockdown starting March 25, 2020.
  10. Argentina - Nationwide lockdown starting March 20, 2020.
So what you're saying is Fauci was the most influential person on planet earth in 2020.


In 2020, nearly every country in the world implemented some form of lockdown or mask mandate in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 190 countries enacted policies that included lockdowns, social distancing measures, and mask-wearing mandates to curb the spread of the virus.

Lockdown measures varied in strictness and duration, ranging from complete lockdowns to partial restrictions, such as curfews and travel bans. Mask mandates also differed, with some countries requiring masks in all public spaces, while others limited the requirement to indoor spaces or specific regions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) The controlling overlord, known as "Evil Fauci" and various other health authorities globally recommended these measures, which were widely adopted despite differences in enforcement and compliance levels.


Hey, ChatGPT, which were the first 10 countries to implement lockdowns?

The first country to institute a lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was China. The lockdown began in the city of Wuhan on January 23, 2020. Here are the next nine countries that followed with lockdown measures:

  1. Italy - Nationwide lockdown starting March 9, 2020.
  2. Iran - Implemented restrictions in March 2020, with a more formal lockdown beginning on March 14, 2020.
  3. Spain - Nationwide lockdown starting March 14, 2020.
  4. France - Nationwide lockdown starting March 17, 2020.
  5. Germany - Began instituting lockdowns on a state-by-state basis starting in mid-March 2020, with a more coordinated approach by March 22, 2020.
  6. India - Nationwide lockdown starting March 25, 2020.
  7. United Kingdom - Nationwide lockdown starting March 23, 2020.
  8. South Africa - Nationwide lockdown starting March 27, 2020.
  9. New Zealand - Nationwide lockdown starting March 25, 2020.
  10. Argentina - Nationwide lockdown starting March 20, 2020.
No. What I’m saying is Pfauci was either incompetent or he was lying.

I don’t give two shits about whether or not 190+ countries around the world are being ruled by idiots.

All I know is we were/are being led by idiots.
No. What I’m saying is Pfauci was either incompetent or he was lying.

I don’t give two shits about whether or not 190+ countries around the world are being ruled by idiots.

All I know is we were/are being led by idiots.
Wow! That's a YUGE statement...the entire world was being led by idiots? Now, if you told me America was the only country implementing these protocols, I'd say you're onto something. However, the entire planet shut down. Why are you pissed at just one person?
If it was all bullshit then why did the numbers of sick and transmissions drop when they implemented these strategies? I recall these measures being dropped only to see the cases rise again too. Seems like they had some efficacy.
That's just not true. The implementation of required masking never resulted in a dip in transmission.
You would have thought so according to all those who said they were effective.
But, the numbers just kept going up or down consistently, regardless of the mask requirements.
Wow! That's a YUGE statement...the entire world was being led by idiots? Now, if you told me America was the only country implementing these protocols, I'd say you're onto something. However, the entire planet shut down. Why are you pissed at just one person?
I’m not pissed at anyone. I’ve accepted that America is governed exclusively by idiots.

But the thread was about Tony so that’s who I commented on.
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